Jill Teed Misija: Marsas Debbie Macomber's A Mrs. Miracle Christmas Amerikietiškas pyragas: Meilės knyga Dangerous Indiscretion Roommates Galaktikos kovos: Kraujas ir chromas Godzila A Gift of Miracles Three Wise Men and a Baby Pants on Fire The Gift of Peace Nebaigtas Gyvenimas Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Truth Be Told Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Impossible Dream Charlie St. Cloud Tipline Mysteries: Dial 1 for Murder This Means War Autumn in the Vineyard Mr. Write Operation Christmas The Final Cut The Christmas Shepherd Possessing Piper Rose Abduction of Innocence Turbulence 2: Fear of Flying Deceived by Trust: A Moment of Truth Movie Dangerous Intuition He Loves Me Independence Daysaster The Christmas Train Ribos Iksmenai 2 A Blue Ridge Mountain Christmas Impolite The Sweetest Heart Voratinklis Black Christmas Two Knots Going the Distance Bad Company Seasons of the Heart The Last Thing She Said Hoax: The Kidnapping of Sherri Papini Ring of Fire Galaktikos kovos Supermenas ir Luisa Smolvilis Žvaigždžių vartai SG-1 Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn The Outer Limits Galaktikos kovos: kraujas ir chromas Kontinuumas X failai Geras daktaras UnREAL Viper The Outer Limits The Outer Limits Falcon Beach Išrinktieji Creature Viskas teisėta Sliders The Twilight Zone Kalnietis Po tiltu Van Helsingas Kaprika Modifikuota anglis Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction Strėlė The Sentinel Sirena First Wave Flash Gordon Ring of Fire The Irrational