Fiona Shaw Haris Poteris ir Išminties akmuo Haris Poteris ir Fenikso brolija The Butcher Boy Lūžis Dorianas Grėjus The Tree of Life Haris Poteris ir Mirties relikvijos: 1 dalis The Avengers Undercover Blues Juodoji Orchidėja Mountains of the Moon Catch and Release Love Song Monstrous Beauty Persuasion Jane Eyre Park Avenue RKO 281 Hot Milk Fireworks for Elspeth Nematomi draugai The English Teacher Maria's Child Great Poets: In Their Own Words Hedda Gabler London Kills Me Richard II Anna Karenina Ebb and Flo Pikseliai My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown The Triumph of Love Andor: A Disney+ Day Special Look Tos Kalėdos Mitchell And Kenyon In Ireland The White King The Rising: 1916 Super Mario Bros. Mind Games Trys vyrai ir mažoji dama Echo Valley Muse of Fire Hipopotamas National Theatre Live: London Assurance The Last September Haris Poteris ir paslapčių kambarys Haris Poteris ir Azkabano kalinys Koletė Noi credevamo Sacred Hearts The Waste Land Titanic Town Lizzie Amonitas Out of Innocence Enola Šerlok Kindred Shakespeare's Sonnets Laiškas Kalėdų seneliui Russia vs. the World Ladies First Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin Gormenghast Empire Trial & Retribution Tikras kraujas Baptiste The Last Machine Performance Performance For the Greater Good Channel Zero Ruby Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero Emerald City Nepritampanti Tony Awards Simon Schama's John Donne Sherlock Holmes Žudant Ievą Ponia Vilson Tikras detektyvas The Hand of Stalin Miss Marple Great Britons Žvaigždžių karai: Andoras Inside No. 9 Megrė Shakespeare: The Animated Tales Theatre Night Ebb and Flo Bad Sisters Creating the World of Harry Potter