Mano kaltė 2023
Noja palieka savo miestą, vaikiną, draugus ir su savo mama persikelia gyventi pas turtingą jos vyrą. Ten ji sutinka savo įbrolį Niką, o laikui bėgant abu beprotiškai įsimyli.
Noja palieka savo miestą, vaikiną, draugus ir su savo mama persikelia gyventi pas turtingą jos vyrą. Ten ji sutinka savo įbrolį Niką, o laikui bėgant abu beprotiškai įsimyli.
Jis protingas, kupinas entuziazmo ir optimizmo, visagalintis vyrukas su polėkiu ir JIS – PELIUKAS. Mažytė persona su didele širdimi (neminint rožinės nosytės ir išties puošnių rūbelių), ieškanti vietelės, kurią galėtų vadinti namais šiame nesuvokiamo dydžio pasaulyje. Mieste-milžine Niujorke jį priglaudžia ponų Stiuartų šeima, kuriems pagailo vienišo, liūdno peliuko. Čia naujai iškeptas šeimos narys Stiuartas Litlis susiduria su įvairiausiais netikėtumais, kurie kartais priverčia rizikuoti teisėtai pelnyta šeimynine laime… Tačiau tokie menki šeimyniniai rūpestėliai galėtų išgąsdinti eilinę pelę, bet tik ne Stiuartą. Jis tikrai ne tas vaikinukas, kuris žiūri į pasaulį pelės akimis. Na, jau ne – jis suvokia, kad šiek tiek skiriasi nuo žmonių, bet argi tai problema? Juk mažasis Litlis didele širdimi gali kalnus nuversti! Ir jo nepabaidys jokia katė! Padaužai įsikūrus Litlių šeimoje, prasideda tikrosios linksmybės ir fantastiški nuotykiai.
Brenanui Hafui 39-eri. Jis retkarčiais susiranda darbą, bet šiaip jau gyvena išlaikomas savo vienišos motinos Nensės. Deilas Dobakas – 40-metis bedarbis, gyvenantis su savo vienišu tėvu Robertu. Kas sieja šiuos du gerokai pagyvenusius jaunuolius? Ogi bendra nelaimė – jų tėvai susituokė. Dabar Brenanas ir Deilas priversti gyventi ne tik po vienu stogu, bet ir – o siaube! – viename kambaryje.
Jaunas, savimi pasitikintis, bebaimis ir savamokslis motociklininkas – kaskadininkas Rodas Kimblas (akt. E. Sembergas) turi problemą. Jos vardas – patėvis Frenkas (akt. I McShane’as), nuolat besikabinėjantis ir besityčiojantis iš Rodo, negerbiantis nei vaikino, nei jo triukų su motociklu. Tačiau kuomet Frenkui sustreikuoja širdis, būtent posūnis imasi jį gelbėti. Tiesa, ne iš humaniškų paskatų. Kadangi širdies operacijos brangios, o pinigų nėra, reikia gero plano. Rodas sugalvoja išeitį ir ima ruoštis didžiajam savo gyvenimo triukui: jis rengiasi motociklu „perskristi“ penkiolika vienas šalia kito sustatytų autobusų. Prasideda sunkios treniruotės, tačiau vaikinas viską iškęs vien svajodamas apie atpildą. O atpildas ir link jo vedantis planas yra labai paprastas: parodęs triuką, Rodas surinks pinigų patėvio širdies operacijai ir pastatys jį ant kojų. Štai tada rimtai su juo susirems ir pamokys pagarbos!
Septyniolikmetė paauglė Erika gyvena Los Andžele kartu su savo vieniša mama Laurie bei naujuoju mamos širdies draugu Bobu. Tačiau kai Bobo psichiškai nestabilus sūnus Lukas atvyksta iš reabilitacijos klinikos gyventi su šeima, Erikos gyvenimas pakrypsta netikėta linkme.
Shen Nan and Shi Wen became family when their parents got married. Soon they fell in love, but tragedies struck, forcing Nan to do all he can to turn back time
Su Yu, a high school student who lives a simple life with his father, faces a major change when his mother remarries a wealthy man, introducing him to his step-brother Wu Bi. Despite their initial differences-Wu Bi being a cold and arrogant top student, while Su Yu is an unreasonable underachiever-their relationship takes an unexpected turn after an accident. As they gradually warm up to each other, their bond grows stronger. However, when a heated fight arises, their true identities are revealed...
Ah, high school. Is there any better place to start fresh after a horrible middle school relationship? Nope! Not unless your ex ends up at the same school as you and is now your stepsibling. What was supposed to be a sanctuary of peace where I could avoid ever seeing her again has become a living nightmare! Everywhere I look, I see her—in my house, in my school, in my class. There's no escape! She even claims that she's the older sibling. Like hell she is! But I won't lose to her. After all, I'm the older brother in this new family situation. That's right, we're family now. No matter how much we may have thought we loved each other before, we saw one another's true colors and realized we weren't meant for each other. That's why even though we may keep up a buddy-buddy sibling act for the sake of our parents, things will never go back to the way they used to be.
When his father remarries, Yuta Asamura winds up sharing a roof with his new stepsister, Saki Ayase, the hottest girl in his grade. Carrying the scars of their parents’ troubled divorces, they vow to maintain a respectful distance. But what starts as cautious camaraderie blossoms into something deeper from shared experiences. Is it admiration, familial love, or something more?
Sheng Wang's life takes a turn when he transfers to a new school and clashes with Jiang Tian, only to discover their parents are getting married. As they adjust to being stepbrothers, unexpected romantic feelings emerge, challenging their family dynamic and their own relationship.
Ever since he was young, Bai Luo Yin has been living with his careless father, Bai Han Qi and his grandmother. When he turned 16 years old, his biological mother Jiang Yuan re-married, and her partner is the party’s high ranking official, Gu Wei Ting. Because of his mother’s death, Gu Wei Ting’s son, Gu Hai, has been harboring a deep grudge towards his father. Due to the random hand of fate, the two brothers with wildly conflicting emotional backgrounds have been placed in the same class. With time, they slowly develop a different kind of feeling.
After accidentally breaking a statue of the guardian god of the Asakusa district, middle school students Kazuki, Toi and Enta are transformed into kappas -creatures from japanese folklore- by Keppi, self-proclaimed prince of the Kappa Kingdom. If they want to regain their human form, they must collect the five Dishes of Hope for him, which fulfill the wishes of whoever possesses them. To do so, they will fight against the kappa-zombies and extract their "shirikodama", the mythical organ containing humans' deepest desires. Two policemen, Reo and Mabu, are the ones behind this evil scheme, turning humans into zombies as agents of the Otter Empire, enemy of the Kappa Kingdom since ancient times. In the guise of "Kappazon, Inc.", they control society by manipulating the desires of the masses for their own goals. To succeed in their mission, the boys must be connected through the "Sarazanmai", revealing their most intimate secrets in the process...
Jerri Blank is a former prostitute and junkie whore who returns to high school as a 46-year-old freshman at Flatpoint High. Jerri ran away from home and became 'a boozer, a user, and a loser' after dropping out as a teenager, supporting her drug habits through prostitution, stripping, and larceny. She has been to prison several times, the last time because she 'stole the TV'. At home, Jerri's father Guy is comatose, although he seems perfectly capable of amazing feats. Her stepmother Sara is vain and bitter, and stepbrother Derrick is a bullying jock. Jerri tries to do things the right way but always ends up learning the wrong lesson. Her hijinks often involve, either directly or indirectly, neurotic history teacher Chuck Noblet and his secret lover, sensitive art teacher Geoffrey Jellineck.
Cha Soo-Hyuk is focused only on his survival, without any grand goals. He reunites with Lee Yoon-dae, who he was very close with. Yoon-Dae was living with his girlfriend but now has nowhere to go. They end up living together.
Child of divorced parents, Louis 12 years old, has two of everything - two homes, two sets of parents, two step siblings, two rooms and soon two personalities, because life feels pretty schizophrenic.