
Komandosai 2017


Misijos metu vyrukai išgirsta pritrenkiančią istoriją apie netoliese Sarajevo esantį ežerą. Antrojo pasaulinio karo metais toje vietoje buvo kaimas. Subombardavus šalia stovėjusią užtvanką, kaimas liko palaidotas naujai susiformavusio ežero dugne. O pikantiškiausia istorijos dalis – kad tragedijos metu kaime buvo apsistoję naciai, gabenę iš Prancūzijos prisiplėštą aukso siuntinį. Gandai byloja, kad ežero dugne palaidoto aukso vertė – maždaug 300 milijonų dolerių. Nutrūktgalviškasis penketukas nusprendžia patikrinti gandų tikrumą ir surengia nesankcionuotą ir itin slaptą operaciją. Deja, dalis „itin slapta“ netrukus nueina šuniui ant uodegos: vaikinus užfiksuoja priešo pajėgos. Užverda tikras pragaras, kuriame JAV jūrų pėstininkai priversti gelbėti ne tik auksą iš jūros dugno, bet ir savo pačių kailius.



Klip 2012



White Ship

White Ship 2006


The story is about funny experiences of a politician named Srećko Šojić, played by Milan Gutović.


The Last Audience

The Last Audience 2008


Miniseries about the life of Serbian statesman Nikola Pašić.


Happy People

Happy People 1993


The intertwined lives of numerous characters set in 1990s Belgrade who all try to live happily during rather unhappy times.


Pesma za Evroviziju

Pesma za Evroviziju 2022


Song contest organized by Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) to select the Serbian entry for the Eurovision Song Contest.



Beovizija 1970


Serbian music festival used as the national selection for Serbia's representative at the Eurovision Song Contest.


Nobel laureate

Nobel laureate 2024


The eight-episode series follows the life of the writer Ivo Andrić during several months in the fall and winter of 1961, from the moment he found out he had won the Nobel Prize until he returned from the award ceremony, via Switzerland, to Belgrade. Each of the episodes has two parallel streams of narration: one, related to the year 1961, in which we follow Andrić's preparations for going to Stockholm, and the second, a subjective jump back to the past. Andrić's view of the key moments of his own life, which were almost always the key moments of the country where he lived and lives, the encounters and decisions he made, is full of questioning, doubts and re-evaluation. Through eight episodes, the most important, well-known and less well-known, paths that Andrić walked, the faces that surrounded him and the places where he lived during the winter of 1961 and throughout his life are revealed and followed.