Geležinis žmogus 3

Geležinis žmogus 3 2013


„Geležinis žmogus 3“ - filmas pasakoja apie griūvantį milijonieriaus Tonio Starko (akt. Robert Downey Jr.) pasaulį. Įtakingas priešas sunaikina Tonio Starko pasaulį... Todėl šiandien Tonis leidžiasi ieškoti šio niekšo. Milijonierius turi dar vieną tikslą – rasti teroristus, pagrobusius karininkų išrastą virusą, pagreitinantį audinių regeneraciją. Siekdamas įveikti vagis Tonis pats išmėgina šį virusą... Ir žmogaus kūnas bei Geležinio žmogaus kostiumas tampa vienu vienetu... Dabar Geležinis žmogus privalo ne tik išspręsti asmenines savo problemas, tačiau ir sustabdyti pasaulinę katastrofą.



Snaiperis 2007


Dar gana jaunas, buvęs JAV jūrų pėstininkų snaiperis, Bobas Ly Svageris (akt. Markas Wahlbergas) po nepavykusios specialiosios operacijos pasitraukia iš kariškių gretų. Jis pasirenka atsiskyrėlio gyvenimą, tačiau jo viltims surasti ramybę nelemta išsipildyti. Bobas - pernelyg geras specialistas, kad būtų taip lengvai pamirštas. Kai JAV specialiosios tarnybos imituoja neva atskleistą planą nužudyti šalies prezidentą, suprasdamas, kad yra reikalingas, B. Ly Svageris sugrįžta. Tarnyboje jo laukia nemalonus netikėtumas: Bobas išduodamas ir netgi pats apkaltinamas bandymu nužudyti JAV lyderį! Tie, kurių galvose gimė planas "pakišti" snaiperį, net nenutuokė, kokiu žmogumi sumanė pasinaudoti... Su dviem kulkomis kūne snaiperis pabėga nuo persekiotojų ir nusprendžia pats išsiaiškinti, kas yra tikrasis išdavikas ir kas iš tikrųjų bandė pasikėsinti į prezidentą.


Šokis su vilkais

Šokis su vilkais 1990


1860-aisiais leitenantą Džoną Danbarą perkėlė tarnauti į tolimą užkaborį laukinėse prerijose. Ten jį nuolat kankina baimė, nes netoliese gyvena Siksų genties indėnai. Jis neramiai laukia kovos. Tačiau atsitinka pats netikėčiausias dalykas – Džonas su jais susidraugauja. Tai sukelia naujų problemų – jis patenka į patį naujųjų Amerikos užkariautojų ir indėnų konflikto židinį.


Juodos gyvatės dejonė

Juodos gyvatės dejonė 2006


Dievobaimingas bliuzmenas, kurį vaidina Samuelis L.Jacksonas, sutinka jauną merginą, kuri, buvusi seksualinio išnaudojimo auka, ieško savo gyvenimo meilės.



Firma 1993


Tai dramos kupinas trileris apie ką tik teisės mokslus baigusį Mičą. Jam pasiūloma dirbti advokatu Firmoje, kuri siūlo nepadoriai didelį atlyginimą. Nors intuicija jam kužda, kad kažkas negerai, neatsispyręs pagundai jis priima pasiūlymą. Neilgai trukus, nužduomi du Firmos darbuotojai ir Mičas turi apsispręsti, kurią pusę palaikyti – Firmą ar FTB. Negana to, jo gyvybei ėmė grėsti pavojus.


The Way Down: God, Greed, and the Cult of Gwen Shamblin

The Way Down: God, Greed, and the Cult of Gwen Shamblin 2021


Explore how the late Gwen Shamblin Lara, who founded the controversial Remnant Fellowship Church and created the Christian weight loss program The Weigh Down Workshop, rose to fame as a diet guru and church leader.



Boone 1983


Boone is a dramatic television series which was broadcast on NBC from 1983 to 1984. It starred Tom Byrd and Barry Corbin. Byrd played teenager Boone Sawyer, who aspires to a career in rock and roll music, despite the advice of his stern father, Merit Sawyer, played by Corbin, who wants Boone to join him in the automobile repair business. The setting of the series is Tennessee in the early 1950s, when great changes began to occur in popular music, with the rise of Elvis Presley. Ten weekly episodes began airing on September 26, 1983, and three remaining segments were broadcast in the summer of 1984, the last on August 11. The series was created by Earl Hamner, Jr. Ronnie Claire Edwards, an Oklahoma City native who played Corabeth Godsey, the bossy wife of storekeeper Ike Godsey in The Waltons, portrayed Aunt Dolly Sawyer in Boone. William Edward Phipps played her husband Link Sawyer, the owner of Link's Orchid Lounge, where Boone and his friend, Rome Hawley, sometimes performed. Other stars included Elizabeth Huddle as Boone's mother, Faye, who wanted Boone to commit to the ministry, as his older brother, Dwight, had done prior to Dwight's death in World War II. Julie Anne Haddock was cast as Amanda; Robyn Lively, Banjo; and Amanda Peterson, Boone's young sister, Squirt Sawyer.



Christy 1994


Christy is an American historical fiction drama series which aired on CBS from April 1994 to August 1995, for twenty episodes. Christy was based on the novel Christy by Catherine Marshall, the widow of Senate chaplain Peter Marshall. The novel had been a bestseller in 1968, and the week following the debut of the TV-movie and program saw the novel jump from #120 up to #15 on the USA Today bestseller list. Series regular Tyne Daly won an Emmy Award for her work on the series.


Memphis Beat

Memphis Beat 2010


Memphis Beat is an American drama series that debuted on TNT on June 22, 2010 and ended on August 16, 2011. Memphis Beat was officially canceled on October 14, 2011.


Filthy Rich

Filthy Rich 1982


Filthy Rich is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from August 1982 to July 1983. Starring Dixie Carter and Delta Burke, the series satirized prime-time soap operas such as Dallas and Dynasty.


Walking Tall

Walking Tall 1981


Walking Tall is an American television drama series that ran on NBC in 1981 for one season of seven episodes. The first 5 episodes aired Saturday nights at 9:00 p.m.. The last 2 episodes aired Tuesday nights at 10:00 p.m. NBC reran all 7 episodes from April-August 1981. This one-hour show was based on the 1973 film Walking Tall, which was based on the life of Buford Pusser. Here, Pusser is the sheriff of McNeal County, Tennessee, fighting criminals each week in 1969.


The Family Holvak

The Family Holvak 1975


The Family Holvak is an American drama series that aired on CBS from September, 1975 to June 28, 1977. The series centers on Rev. Tom Holvak, played by Glenn Ford, and his family living in the South during the Great Depression.


$5 Cover

$5 Cover 1970


$5 Cover is an online series created by filmmaker Craig Brewer and produced by MTV and is a fictional series created to complement the documentary series "$5 Cover Amplified". The 15-part series debuted in May 2009 and feature artists from the city of Memphis, Tennessee, including Alicja Trout, Clare Grant, Jeff Pope, Amy LaVere, Al Kapone, Valerie June, Jack Oblivian, Brad Postlethwaite of Snowglobe, Muck Sticky, and Ben Nichols of Lucero. Each episode explores living and making rent in the historical, and still very active, Memphis music scene. The show is described in MTV's official press release: "$5 Cover is a rough-and-tumble show set in the clubs, all-night cafes and no-tell motels of present-day Memphis. The series follows a cast of young musicians as they fight for love, inspiration, and money to pay the rent." The show aired on MTV as 30-minute episodes and on as short webisodes. The show aired with a series of companion documentaries called "$5 Cover Amplified".