
Svetimas 1979


Komercinis erdvėlaivis Nostromo skrenda namo į žemę. Kompiuteris užfiksuoja SOS signalą iš netoliese esančios planetos ir iš žemės gauna nurodymą ištirti, kas šaukiasi pagalbos. Po komplikuoto nusileidimo dalis komandos susiruošia ištirti vietovę. Netrukus jie aptinka nežinomų padarų lizdavietę su begale kiaušinių, o laivo kompiuteris iššifruoja gautą signalą ne kaip pagalbos šauksmą, o kaip įspėjimą. Pajudinus vieną iš kiaušinių, įgulos laukia mirtinas pavojus.


Virusas „Andromeda“

Virusas „Andromeda“ 1971


Remdamasis rašytojo Michael Crichton romanu „Vestsaido istorija“ („West Side Story“), kino režisierius Robert Wise pasitelkdamas specialiuosius efektus 1971 metais pastato filmą „Virusas Andromeda“. Amerikiečių palydovas nukrenta netoli mažo miestelio Naujajame Meksike ir paleidžia mirtiną virusą, nuo kurio miršta visi miestelėnai išskyrus du - vaiką bei senelį. Kol kareiviai bando izoliuoti katastrofos zoną, geriausių mokslininkų komanda požeminėje laboratorijoje bando atskleisti paslaptį nežinomo tarpplanetinio viruso, kurio koduotas vardas Andromeda. Kad išgelbėtų pasaulį jie turi vos kelias dienas, o skaičiuoklė jau paleista...


Kas yra Moteris?

Kas yra Moteris? 2022


Amerikos konservatyvus politikos apžvalgininkas ir rašytojas Mattas Walshas, auginantis keturis vaikus, kelia klausimą: „Kas yra moteris?“ Sparčiai besikeičiančių lyties koncepcijų epochoje, atsiradus translyčių ir nebinarinių žmonių, jis baiminasi, kad nebesuvokia, kuo užaugs jo sūnūs ir dukterys. Vyras keliauja po Amerikos miestus ir net apsilanko vienoj Afrikos gentyje, bendraudamas su įvairiausiais žmonėmis iš gatvės ir imdamas interviu iš specialistų, jis ieško tikslaus apibrėžimo moterų lyčiai.


Be poilsio

Be poilsio 2017


Režisierė ir pagrindinė herojė Jennifer Brea baigė politikos mokslus Prinstono universitete, dirbo žurnaliste Kinijoje ir Afrikoje, mėgo keliauti, lipti į kalnus, plaukti kanoja ir planavo rašyti disertaciją Harvardo universitete, kol, būdama 28-erių metų, susidūrė su lėtinio nuovargio sindromu (ME, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) – sekinančia liga, stipriai paveikiančią įprastines veiklas.


Cells at Work!

Cells at Work! 2018


This is a story about you. A tale about the inside of your body... According to a new study, the human body consists of approximately 37 trillion cells. These cells are hard at work every day within a world that is your body. From the oxygen-carrying red blood cells to the bacteria-fighting white blood cells, get to know the unsung heroes and the drama that unfolds inside of you! It's the oddly relatable and interesting story that is the life of cells!



Cosmos 2014


Famed astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson provides clarity for the vision of the cosmos as he voyages across the universe with never-before-told stories that delve into the scientific concepts of the laws of gravity and the origins of space and time.


Cells at Work! CODE BLACK

Cells at Work! CODE BLACK 2021


Alcohol, smoking, and stress—in the body subjected to these irritants, the cells responsible for maintaining life seem to fight a war that never ends. Due to a severe shortage of workers, Red Blood Cell AA2153 has to quickly learn to deliver oxygen and collect carbon dioxide, even in dangerous conditions. Meanwhile, White Blood Cell U-1196 has to do her part by dealing with germs and viruses during life-threatening situations. In the midst of these crises, they have to work together to keep the body healthy, despite not knowing if their sacrifices will be worthwhile. Cells at Work! Code Black takes a different approach by showing the grittier side of the jobs our cells perform.



Superquark 1995


Television program of cultural diffusion, born in September 1995, designed and conducted by Piero Angela, development of transmission appreciated Quark.



Brille 2013


Brille is a humor-based quiz show where some of Norways best known comedians get to work on seemingly impossible tasks and questions. The answers are often as unexpected and funny as the panel's train of thought.


Our Planet

Our Planet 2019


Experience our planet's natural beauty and examine how climate change impacts all living creatures in this ambitious documentary of spectacular scope.


Life on Earth

Life on Earth 1979


The story of life, from the first primitive cells to the plants and animals that now live around us.



Life 2009


David Attenborough looks at the extraordinary ends to which animals and plants go in order to survive. Featuring epic spectacles, amazing TV firsts and examples of new wildlife behaviour.


Crash Course Biology

Crash Course Biology 2012


And thus begins the most revolutionary biology course in history. Come and learn about covalent, ionic, and hydrogen bonds. What about electron orbitals, the octet rule, and what does it all have to do with a mad man named Gilbert Lewis? It's all contained within.


Green Porno

Green Porno 2008


A series of very short films inspired by the amazing and often bizarre sexual practices of insects and other creatures.


Unnatural Selection

Unnatural Selection 2019


From eradicating disease to selecting a child's traits, gene editing gives humans the chance to hack biology. Meet the real people behind the science.


The Human Body

The Human Body 1998


The Human Body is a seven-part documentary series that looks at the mechanics and emotions of the human body from birth to death.


The Cell

The Cell 2009


Dr Adam Rutherford tells the extraordinary story of the scientific quest to discover the secrets of the cell and of life itself. Every living thing is made of cells, microscopic building blocks of almost unimaginable power and complexity.


Anatomy for Beginners

Anatomy for Beginners 2005


Anatomy for Beginners is a television show created by Gunther von Hagens. In this 4-part series, Dr Gunther von Hagens and Professor John Lee demonstrated the anatomical structure and workings of the body. The 4 episodes were screened in the United Kingdom on Channel 4 in 2005. The show features public anatomy demonstrations with the use of real human cadavers and live nude models, carried out at Gunther von Hagens' "Institute for Plastination" in Heidelberg, Germany. Dr von Hagens’ public demonstrations are not formal anatomy dissections performed by medical students in some countries as part of their medical training. Formal dissection are performed slowly and take dozens of hours of dissection. Anatomy for Beginners performs quicker autopsy and also combines with demonstration of plastinated body parts and specimens to gives just a glimpse of the human anatomy. The individuals on whom the demonstration was performed had, before their death, enrolled on von Hagens’ body donor programme and consented to the use of their bodies for public education in anatomy, including public demonstration.


Seduce Me

Seduce Me 2010


An entertaining yet informative look into the bizarre seduction rituals that often precede the mating process.


Kingdom of Plants

Kingdom of Plants 2012


Sir David discovers a microscopic world that’s invisible to the naked eye, where insects feed and breed, where flowers fluoresce and where plants communicate with each other and with animals using scent and sound.


How to Grow a Planet

How to Grow a Planet 2012


Geologist Iain Stewart explain in three stages of natural history the crucial interaction of our very planet's physiology and its unique wildlife. Biological evolution is largely driven bu adaptation to conditions such as climate, soil and irrigation, but biotopes were also shaped by wildlife changing earth's surface and climate significantly, even disregarding human activity.


First Life

First Life 2010


Sir David Attenborough goes back in time to the roots of the tree of life, in search of the very first animals, telling their story with stunning photography, state of the art visual effects and the captivating charm of the world’s favorite naturalist.