Pagrobimas 3

Pagrobimas 3 2014


Brajanas su dviem savo mylimom moterim saugiai grįžo namo – į Los Andželą. Po patirtų išgyvenimų buvusi Brajano žmona Leonora (aktorė Famke Janssen) vėl ima jausti romantiškus jausmus. Deja, jų norams vėl suklijuoti šeimą nelemta tęstis: vieną dieną Brajanas suranda žiauriai nužudytos žmonos kūną. Beveik kartu su juo į nusikaltimo vietą atvykę policininkai Brajanui nepalieka abejonių, kad jį bandoma „pakišti“. Supratęs, kad savo nekaltumu nieko neįtikins, Brajanas nusprendžia veikti pats. Kažkada buvusį aukščiausios klasės specialiųjų pajėgų karį Brajaną Milsą ima gaudyti ne tik Los Andželo policija, bet ir FTB bei CŽA. Prasideda kvapą gniaužiančios lenktynės, kuriose Brajanas ne tik turi išvengti savo persekiotojų, bet ir surasti tuos, kurie nužudė jo žmoną bei kėsinasi nužudyti jo vienturtę dukterį.


Šerlokas Holmsas

Šerlokas Holmsas 2009


Naujausiame “Šerloke Holmse” garsiausias istorijoje seklys Holmsas kartu su artimiausiu draugu Vatsonu stoja į kovą, reikalaujančią rimto fizinio ir protinio pasiruošimo. Juk jų priešas kelią grėsmę visam Londonui… Juostoje pagrindiniu seklio priešu taps okultizmu besidomintis lordas Blekvudas, kurį vaidina Markas Strongas.





Devintojo dešimtmečio Holivude suaugusiems skirtų filmų žvaigždė Maxine Minx trokšta tapti profesionale kino aktore. Mergina pagaliau gauna savo išsvajotąjį šansą, tačiau paslaptingam žudikui persekiojant Holivudo žvaigždutes, kraujo pėdsakai grasina atskleisti jos grėsmingą praeitį.


Paslaptinga žmogžudystė 2

Paslaptinga žmogžudystė 2 2023


Detektyvams Nikui ir Odrei nesiseka su neseniai įkurta privačių tyrėjų agentūra. Kai jų draugas Maharadžas per savo prabangias vestuves pagrobiamas, pora atsiduria tarptautinio nusikaltimo centre.



Dvikova 2024


Kai Vudis sužino, kad jo geriausias draugas miega su jo mergina, jis iškviečia jį į dvikovą, todėl jų draugų grupė kerta sieną ir patenka į paslaptingą ir stulbinamą dvarą.


Įtariamasis X

Įtariamasis X 2008


Pakeitusi gyvanamą vietą bei darbą, Jasuko, kartu su savo paaugle dukra, džiaugiasi ramiu gyvenimu. Tačiau džiaugsmą sugriauna netikėtai atsiradęs buvęs vyras, kuris nekviestas ateina į namus ir leidžia suprasti, kad ramybės moteris neturės. Įvyksta kivirčas, kurio metu, visai to nenorėdamos, Jasuko ir jos dukra nužudo nekviestą svečią. Negana to, į duris paskambina kitapus sienos gyvenantis kaimynas. Nors moteris mėgina nuslėpti tai, kas įvyko jos bute, kaimynas pareiškia, jog supranta kas įvyko ir pasisiūlo padėti atsikratyti kūno. Kelių dienų bėgyje, kūnas surandamas ir vienas iš policijos tyrėjų nusprendžia kreiptis pagalbos į savo draugą, padėjusį išspręsti ne vieną bylą – genijų – fiziką Yukuwa. Netrukus paaiškėja, kad sumanusis fizikas ir merginoms kūną paslėpti padedantis kaimynas – universiteto laikų draugai. Maža to – abu žinomi kaip genijai. Prasideda dviejų protų, fiziko ir matematiko, kova...



Dateline 1992


Dateline NBC, or simply Dateline, is a weekly American television newsmagazine series. It was previously the network's flagship newsmagazine, but now focuses mainly on true crime stories with only occasional editions that focus on other topics.


Kindaichi Case Files

Kindaichi Case Files 1997


High schooler Hajime Kindaichi is a brilliant detective beneath his slacker habits. With his old friend Miyuki, he solves cases the police can't.


When the Phone Rings

When the Phone Rings 2024


A rising politician and his mute wife's tense marriage begins to unravel after a call from a kidnapper turns their lives upside down.



Jumanji 1996


Judy and Peter Shepherd are two kids that found a board game called "Jumanji". With each turn, the two of them are given a "game clue" and then sucked into a dangerous jungle until they solve their clue. There they meet Alan Parrish, who was trapped in the Jumanji jungle because he had never seen his clue.


When the Camellia Blooms

When the Camellia Blooms 2019


Dong-baek is a single mother. When a potential new love enters her life, she finds ways to defy the social stigmas surrounding her.


What's New, Scooby-Doo?

What's New, Scooby-Doo? 2002


Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang are launched into the 21st century, with new mysteries to solve.


A Haunting

A Haunting 2005


These are the true stories of the innocent and the unimaginable. Based on true events, A Haunting dramatises some of the scariest stories, revealing a world in which tragedy, suicide and murder have left psychic impressions so powerful that innocent people become forced to deal with them decades later. Through mesmerizing first-person accounts, the mystery and origin of each haunting is powerfully revealed and leaves a lingering sense that life—and death—are much stronger then anyone could have possibly imagined.


Fool Me Once

Fool Me Once 2024


When ex-soldier Maya sees her murdered husband on a secret nanny cam, she uncovers a deadly conspiracy that stretches deep into the past.


The Invisibles

The Invisibles 2023


Kan Yiu-yeung, Ku Ka-keung, Kiu Po-po and Kiu Tai-nam were once CTRU’s Formidable Quartet. An incorrect decision in an operation caused the breakup of their friendship. And the quartet went their separate ways. Fast-forward to the present and an indiscriminate homicide again brings the quartet together. But there are still certain unresolved issues between themselves. POTT is Counter Terrorism Intelligence Cadre’s other elite task force. Team leader Fong Kwok-hei admires Po-po and asks her to become her subordinate. Team member To Siu-jie fancies her partner Yiu-yeung and finds out Po-po is Yiu-yeung’s ex-lover, so she “starts a war”. Successive explosions happen in the city. While investigating, Po-po asks prisoner-cum-hard criminal Dr. Hong’s for help, and the process is surprisingly easy. Actually, Dr. Hong has some trick up his sleeve.


Skeleton Crew

Skeleton Crew 2015


This is the story of Hunter and Anthony, a bear couple, and the tumultuous turns their lives take one Halloween. Alongside their friends and family, they face all the extremes life has to offer with a smile, a sigh, and a sugary sweet.


The Atypical Family

The Atypical Family 2024


Once blessed with unique superpowers, a family loses their abilities due to modern day problems — until a mysterious woman changes everything.


Embrace in the Dark Night

Embrace in the Dark Night 2024


Wen Xi is drawn into an underground fight club and becomes the prize for champion Xu Zheqing, who is secretly a security consultant tasked with saving her. Three years later, after her twin sister’s mysterious death, Wen Xi assumes her sister’s identity at a company, where she reunites with Xu. Now on opposite sides, can they reconcile their feelings and uncover the truth?


The Thaw

The Thaw 2022


Set in Szczecin, Poland, the series begins after the body of a young woman is discovered under the melting ice. It asks ‘Who was she? Why did she die? Who did she leave behind?


The Acolyte

The Acolyte 2024


A hundred years before the rise of the Empire, the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic have prospered for centuries without war. During this time, an investigation into a shocking crime spree pits a Jedi Master against a dangerous warrior from his past.


Hello, My Twenties!

Hello, My Twenties! 2016


With different personalities, life goals and taste in men, five female college students become housemates in a shared residence called Belle Epoque.


Love's Rebellion

Love's Rebellion 2024


Nan Yan, a skilled doctor who is forced to embark on a journey in the world of immortals to save her mother. Through a series of coincidences, she forms a mystical connection called the "Spiritual Connection Seal" with the enigmatic Emperor Ji Yang, who conceals his true identity. Nan Yan is practical and down-to-earth, while Ji Yang is aloof and mysterious, embodying the essence of a true immortal. Initially, the two dislike each other, but as they investigate Nan Yan's mother's illness, they become entangled in a conspiracy within the world of immortals.


Stealer: The Treasure Keeper

Stealer: The Treasure Keeper 2023


A comic action drama in which a veiled cultural asset thief 'Skunk' and an unofficial cultural asset recovery team 'Karma' unite against those who cannot be judged by the law.


Alert: Missing Persons Unit

Alert: Missing Persons Unit 2023


When police officer Nikki Batista’s son goes missing, she joins the Philadelphia Police Department's Missing Person’s Unit (MPU) to help other people find their loved ones, even as she searches for her own. Six years later, her world is turned upside-down when her ex-husband, Jason Grant, a former police officer, shows up with a proof-of-life photo of their missing boy. Or is it?