
Svaigulys 1958


Tragiškai žuvus partneriui, detektyvas Skotis jaučiasi kaltas dėl jo mirties. Jis ima paniškai bijoti aukščio, kankina depresija. Skotis pasitraukia iš detektyvo darbo. Netrukus į jį kreipiasi senas bičiulis Gevinas, kuris nerimauja dėl savo žmonos Madlen, turinčios polinkį į savižudybę. Šiaip ne taip Gevinas prikalbina buvusį detektyvą sekti moterį ir apsaugoti nuo galimos nelaimės. Žiūrėdamas į Madlen, galerijoje sėdinčią priešais moters portretą, detektyvas pastebi, kad ji panaši į moterį iš paveikslo. Paaiškėja, kad tai Madlen promočiutė, kuri nusižudė būdama tokio paties amžiaus. Sekdamas paslaptingąją Madlen, Skotis ją įsimyli, tačiau jam vėl tenka susidurti su savo baime.



Palaima 2021


Galvosūkių pilna meilės istorija apie Gregą, kuris po skyrybų ir darbo netekimo sutinka paslaptingąją Izabelę, moterį, gyvenančią gatvėje ir įsitikinusią, kad suterštas, sulūžęs juos supantis pasaulis yra kompiuterinė simuliacija.


Two Worlds of Love

Two Worlds of Love 2014


Drama about a girl that becomes a spirit after ending up in a car crash, trying to find a way back to become a human again with the help of the detective. Naamrin, a bratty and hi-so girl is about to marry her fiance, Popetorn, whom she grew up with because her mother, Thara raised him since he was a little boy. However, after trying on her wedding dress, she is challenged to a road race that escalates to a road rage, resulting in the death of both drivers. Yeeo is a police officer that happened to be bicycling pass the scene and hears the call on his police radio. He gets to the scene and watches paramedics pull out road rival from the nearby lake. He then meets the Naam's spirit, who doesn't know that she's dead. Yeeo picks up a necklace that parted from her during the wreck and tucks it into his pocket. Since then, Naam's spirit becomes attached to Yeeo and he is the only one that can see her. She believes that Yeeo is the only one that can help her.


One Night To Forever

One Night To Forever 2024


After a one-night stand with Layla Ree, Miles Zeller takes her snowflakes necklace and instructs his men to treat her as his fruture wife. However, his subordinate mistakenly identifies Lana Reed as Layla, sparking a competition between the real Layla and the impostor for the title of Mrs. Zeller.