Prisukamas Apelsinas

Prisukamas Apelsinas 1971


Filmas nukelia mus į ateitį, kur siautėja keturių vaikinų grupuotė, kurios lyderis Alexas nesiskaito su nieko. Jie muša benamius, laužiasi į turtuolių namus, mušasi su kitomis gaujomis. Tačiau ilgainiui Alexo vadovavimas pradeda nepatikti kitiems gaujos nariams ir per vieną iš įprastų įsilaužimų jie sužaloja Alexą ir jis nespėja pabėgti, todėl jį sugauna policija. Už žmogžudystę Alexas gauna 14 metų, tačiau būnant kalėjime jis paimamas į perauklėjimo eksperimentą, kuris įvykdomas sėkmingai ir Alexas išleidžiamas iš kalėjimo, tačiau pasirodo, kad būti visiškai geru nė kiek ne lengviau ir tai turi savų trūkumų.


Ponia Dautfajė

Ponia Dautfajė 1993


Po skyrybų nevykėlis aktorius Danielis Hilardas gali tik kartą per savaitę matyti vaikus, teismo paskirtus auginti buvusiai žmonai. Įsižeidęs tėtušis nusprendžia persirengti senute ir padaryti viską, kad jo buvusi žmona pasamdytų jį aukle.



Šeimynėlė 2018


Šeima trokšta vaikų. Ir įsivaikina jų net tris, ir visus paauglius. Jų laukia daugybė komiškų situacijų. Ar pavyks jiems tapti tikra šeima?


Išlaisvinti Vilį

Išlaisvinti Vilį 1993


Istorija apie dvylikamečio berniuko Džesio ir tris tonas sveriančios orkos draugystę bei nuotykius vandenyno platybėse...



Atmintis 2023


Silvija - socialinė darbuotoja, gyvenanti paprastą ir tvarkingą gyvenimą, kuris staiga pasikeičia, kai iš senų klasiokų susitikimo paskui ją namo atseka Solas. Jų netikėtas susidūrimas stipriai juos abu paveikia ir atveria duris į praeitį.


Auksinis berniukas

Auksinis berniukas 1986


Auksiniu berniuku pramintas vaikas teroristų pagrobiamas iš Tibeto šventyklos. Jo ieškoti susiruošia privatus detektyvas, kurio specializacija – dingę vaikai. Tačiau šis berniukas ne šiaip vaikas, jis pasižymi mistinėmis galiomis, kurios gali išgelbėti pasaulį nuo demonų.


Short Term 12

Short Term 12 2013


Dvidešimtmetė globos įstaigos darbuotojai naviguoja sudėtingais pasaulio keliais kartu su bendradarbiu ir ilgamečiu vaikinu.



Ypatingieji 2019


Bruno ir Malikas jau dvidešimt metų dirba su autizmo sindromą turinčiais vaikais. Savo asociacijoje jie rūpinasi jaunuoliais iš socialiai sudėtingų šeimų, kurie dažnai lieka be reikalingos pagalbos. Du draugai, tapę autizmo sindromą turinčių jaunuolių slaugais ir globėjais, su viską nugalinčiu žmogiškumu įveikia iškilusius iššūkius. Paremtas tikrais išgyvenimais, naujausias didelio populiarumo sulaukusio filmo „Neliečiamieji“ režisierių kūrinys – apie visuomenės normas, taisyklių nepaisymą ir netipiškus gyvenimo kelius.


Pepė Ilgakojinė

Pepė Ilgakojinė 1997


Iš pažiūros, jūreivio duktė Pepė - kaip ir visos devynmetės mergaitės, gal tik kiek gyvesnė ir ryžtingesnė, tačiau, dėmesio, - ši mažylė viena ranka gali pakelti... arklį arba aukso pilną skrynią! Kai Pepės tėvą kapitoną Efraimą pasiglemžia audringoji jūra, mergaitei tenka grįžti į gimtąjį miestelį ir vienai rūpintis namais. Tiesa, ne visiškai vienai, kartu su ja - ištikimasis arklys ir išdaigininkė beždžionėlė. O ir kaimynų vaikai netrukus tampa gerais Pepės draugais. Tačiau toli gražu ne visi miestelio gyventojai nusiteikę draugiškai.


Les Kassos

Les Kassos 2013


The crisis saves nobody. Even not the characters of our childhood. To such a point that some people of them even became socially disadvantaged persons. Fortunately for them, all is not lost and a brave social worker decided to deal with their case. Come in his office and assist its confidential interviews with Aspegix and Grodebilix, Zizimir, Sandy, Proumfs, Mr Patatos, Marius and Gigi, the Tortoises Tramps and all Kassos which suffer in the biggest indifference.


The Dumping Ground

The Dumping Ground 2013


The Dumping Ground is a British children's television series, which premiered on 4 January 2013 on CBBC and BBC HD. The series is a spin-off from The Story of Tracy Beaker and Tracy Beaker Returns. The first series aired until March 2013, with a second series confirmed for January 2014.


Puppets Who Kill

Puppets Who Kill 2002


Puppets Who Kill is a Canadian television comedy programme co-produced by The Comedy Network. It premiered in Canada on the Comedy Network in 2002, and in Australia on The Comedy Channel in 2004. In Puppets Who Kill, Rocko the Dog, Cuddles the Comfort Doll, Buttons the Bear, and Bill the Dummy are four live, anthropomorphic puppets with a history of delinquency and recidivism. Canadian courts sent each of them to a halfway house for puppets, operated by a man named Dan Barlow.


The Norm Show

The Norm Show 1999


Norm Henderson was once a fairly well-known -- but not particularly good -- professional hockey player. Norm's penchant for gambling and not paying taxes resulted in his permanent expulsion from the game. Instead of jail, he was sentenced to community service as a social worker, where his fresh perspective in the field and lack of patience for office red tape don't always jibe well with his co-workers.


East Side/West Side

East Side/West Side 1963


East Side/West Side is an American drama series starring George C. Scott, Elizabeth Wilson, Cicely Tyson, and later on, Linden Chiles. The series aired for only one season and was shown Monday nights on CBS. TV Guide ranked it #6 on their 2013 list of 60 shows that were "Cancelled Too Soon".


Appropriate Adult

Appropriate Adult 2011


The extraordinary story of Gloucester housewife Janet Leach who played a key role in the uncovering of the crimes of Fred and Rosemary West.


Kate Brasher

Kate Brasher 2001


Kate Brasher is an American dramatic television series that was broadcast by CBS. It premiered at 9:00pm ET/PT on Saturday, February 24, 2001 and was cancelled after six episodes. The title character was the single mother of teenaged sons Daniel and Elvis. Facing a financial crisis, she seeks legal advice at Brothers Keepers, an inner city community advocacy center, and is offered a job as a social worker. Her co-workers include attorney Abbie Schaeffer and Joe Almeida, the organization's street-smart director, who founded it after his daughter was killed in gang crossfire. Series creator Stephen Tolkin based the character of Almeida on Rabbi Mark Borovitz, an ex-convict and alcoholic who became the spiritual leader of Gateways Beit T'Shuvah, a residential treatment center for Jews in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. The two men met when Tolkin contacted the rabbi for help with a friend who was dealing with substance abuse. Although set in Santa Monica, the series was shot on location in San Diego, California. Among those actors making guest appearances during the series' short run were K Callan, Dennis Christopher, Paul Dooley, Mariette Hartley, Josh Hopkins, Carl Lumbly, David Naughton, and Mackenzie Phillips.


Never Die

Never Die 2015


200-year-old Min Se Yeon has managed to conceal her immortality, up until she meets Lee Jung Hoon, a social worker she saves from a traffic accident. Despite her wizened age, Se Yeon is fresh, beautiful and forever in her prime, but with immortality comes a price. Can Se Yeon and Jung Hoon defy time in the name of romance?


Hubert & Fanny

Hubert & Fanny 2018


Hubert is a good-looking guy and a well-known, talented tattoo artist. Love isn't one of his top priorities, and neither is family. And then there's Fanny, a hard-working, dedicated social worker who has trouble keeping her working life separate from her private life. Guillaume, her boyfriend of the last seven years, understands her and gives her his unconditional support. They're trying for their first baby. So nothing predestined Hubert and Fanny to meet. But during a hold-up, they experience the most intense emotions they've ever felt. During the time when they're fearing for their lives, they rely on each other to survive. After the event, an irresistible desire to see each other again compels them to wonder whether spending a few hours together is really enough to change the course of their lives.​​​​​​


Social Worker

Social Worker 1976


Guo Ziming is a solid, cold outside and hot inside . Because his younger brother went astray, he regretted his whole life. Therefore, he determined to serve the society and take the rescue of unscrupulous young people as his own duty. After graduation, Guo Ziming joined a social youth center and became a social worker. Although he is full of enthusiasm, but there is always a distance between his ideal and reality. He often has to face the rejection and insults of unscrupulous teenagers and their families, as well as the intimidation of the underworld and the ignorance and misunderstanding of social work by the general public, which make him work at work. I often encounter a lot of setbacks.