Žmogus su geležine kauke

Žmogus su geležine kauke 1998


Trys šaunieji muškietininkai Atas, Aramis ir Portas sugrįžta į mūšio lauką. Jie buvo trumpam išsiskyrę, o dabar vėl susiburia, kad atkeršytų ir pamokytų arogantišką Prancūzijos karalių Luisą XIV-ąjį, kuriam iki šiol yra ištikimas muškietininkas D`Antarjanas. Neapykanta karaliui pasiekia kritinę ribą, kai šis be jokios priežasties išsiunčia Ato sūnų Raulį į karą, kad galėtų globoti jo sužadėtinę. Jaunuolis žūsta ir jo tėvas su amžinais draugais nusprendžia surasti kalėjime paslaptingai saugomą žmogų su geležine kauke. Nedaug kas žino, kad jis yra karaliaus Louiso XIV-ojo brolis-dvynys.


Elžbieta: aukso amžius

Elžbieta: aukso amžius 2007


„Elžbieta: aukso amžius“ prasideda tuo karalienės valdymo laikotarpiu, kuomet visi trokšta užimti sostą, o aplink valdovę verda intrigos bei išdavystės. Netrūksta ir išorinių problemų: Ispanijos karalius Filipas II siekia užkariauti Angliją ir paversti ją katalikiška šalimi. Besiruošdama mūšiui su Ispanija, karalienė susipainioja savo jausmuose. Iš vienos pusės ją kamuoja karališki įsipareigojimai, iš kitos – netikėtai suliepsnoję jausmai serui Valteriui... „Elžbieta: aukso amžius“ – tai pritrenkiantis pasakojimas apie didingą istorijos laikmetį, apie moterį, tuo pat metu sugebėjusią būti ir valdove, ir meiluže. Tai juosta apie istorinę asmenybę, kurios vardas su didžiule pagarba iki šiol tariamas ne tik Jungtinėje Karalystėje, bet ir visoje Europoje bei Vakarų pasaulyje. Nesuprasti savo aplinkoje, abu šie vyrai pamažu ima pažinti vienas kitą. Ir nors tai vyksta neakivaizdžiai, neišvengiamai artėja atomazga, po kurios išlikti galės tik vienas iš jų.


Karalienės sesuo

Karalienės sesuo 2008


Ištaiginga jausmų drama apie rūmų intrigas, meilę, dviejų seserų konkurenciją ir išdavystę nukelia į XVI amžiaus pirmosios pusės Angliją. Aukštuomenėje Polišinelio paslaptimi tampa žinia, kad jaunasis karalius Henrikas VIII vis labiau ima nekęsti žmonos Katerinos Aragonietės, nes ši negali pagimdyti vyriškosios lyties sosto paveldėtojo. Boleinų senoliai sukuria planą, kaip, pasinaudojus šia situacija, karaliaus dvare pasiekti aukštesnį statusą ir sustiprinti savo įtaką. Beprotiškų šeimos ambicijų paakintos gražuolės seserys Ana ir Merė pradeda varžytis dėl aistringo gražuolio – Henriko VIII – meilės. Kurią jis pasirinks meiluže? Ir ką darys atstumtoji?



Favoritė 2018


XVIII a. pradžia. Anglai išdidžiai kovoja su prancūzais. Nepaisant to, ančių lenktynės ir ananasų valgymas klesti. Gležna karalienė Ana (akt. Olivia Colman) užima sostą, o jos artima draugė, ledi Sara (akt. Rachel Weisz), kol karalienė jaučiasi prastai, pastarosios pavedimu valdo šalį. Kai rūmuose pasirodo nauja tarnaitė Abigailė (akt. Emma Stone), jos žavesys akimirksniu pavergia Sarą. Sara priima Abigailę po savo sparnu, o Abigailė pamato galimybę grįžti į aristokratišką gyvenimą. Kadangi karas atima iš Saros daugybę jos laiko, Abigailė nusprendžia tapti karalienės kompanione. Jų auganti draugystė suteikia Abigailei šansą įvykdyti savo ambicijas ir ji neleis moterims, vyrams, politikai ar triušiams maišytis jos kelyje.



Elžbieta 1998


Vaidybinis filmas pasakoja jaunos Anglijos karalienės Elžbietos istoriją. Po katalikės karalienės Marijos mirties jaunoji protestantė Elžbieta paveldi sostą.Ji tuoj pat įsitraukia į valstybės reikalus, o svarbiausia – į rūmų intrigas. Jaunoji karalienė vis labiau verčiama tekėti, tačiau jos mylimasis – lordas Robertas Dadlis – netinkama kandidatūra. Intrigų išvarginta Elžbieta pasipriešina didikams ir priima netikėtą sprendimą.


Payitaht: Abdülhamid

Payitaht: Abdülhamid 2017


The fight of Abdülhamid II to keep the Ottoman Empire and Caliphate alive.


The Crown of the Kings

The Crown of the Kings 2018


Piasts' reign is coming to end on Casimir the Great, who have no sons. Polish throne comes to Anjous. Thanks to the marriage of Saint Jadwiga of Poland with Lithuanian Grand Duke Jogaila, an alliance is made and a new dynasty - Jagiellons, who rule Poland for next two hundred years


The Crown

The Crown 2016


The gripping, decades-spanning inside story of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Prime Ministers who shaped Britain's post-war destiny. The Crown tells the inside story of two of the most famous addresses in the world – Buckingham Palace and 10 Downing Street – and the intrigues, love lives and machinations behind the great events that shaped the second half of the 20th century. Two houses, two courts, one Crown.



Victoria 2016


The story of Queen Victoria, who came to the throne at a time of great economic turbulence and resurgent republicanism – and died 64 years later the head of the largest empire the world had ever seen, having revitalised the throne’s public image and become “grandmother of Europe”.



Versailles 2015


The story of a young Louis XIV on his journey to become the most powerful monarch in Europe, from his battles with the fronde through his development into the Sun King. Historical and fictional characters guide us in a world of betrayal and political maneuvering, revealing Versailles in all its glory and brutality.


Magnificent Century

Magnificent Century 2011


At the age of 26, when his reign began, Sultan Süleyman sought to build an empire more powerful than Alexander the Great and to render the Ottomans invincible. Throughout his 46-year reign, his fame as the greatest warrior and ruler of his age spreads both to the East and West. With his companion Pargalı İbrahim, Süleyman achieves great victories, and makes his name known in the Muslim World. Süleyman called İbrahim his brother, friend and advisor. The television series shows Süleyman's consolidation of his power: Pargalı İbrahim being grand minister of state, reinforcing the rule of law throughout the empire, meeting foreign diplomats, and preparing for military campaigns, all set against the backdrop of the tension between Christian Europe and the Ottoman Empire.


The Musketeers

The Musketeers 2014


Set in 17th century Paris, musketeers Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan are members of an elite band of soldiers who fight for what is just. They are heroes in the truest and most abiding sense – men that can be trusted and believed in to do the right thing, regardless of personal risk.


The Great

The Great 2020


A genre-bending, anti-historical ride through 18th century Russia following the rise of Catherine the Nothing to Catherine the Great and her explosive relationship with husband Peter, the emperor of Russia.


The Tudors

The Tudors 2007


The Tudors is a history-based drama series following the young, vibrant King Henry VIII, a competitive and lustful monarch who navigates the intrigues of the English court and the human heart with equal vigor and justifiable suspicion.



Isabel 2012


Charting the life of Isabella I of Castile, one of the most important women in Spain’s history, Isabel follows her passionate story from childhood to being crowned Queen. From her political struggles within King Henry IV's court to her wedding to Ferdinand of Aragon, the drama encapsulates the passions, emotions and sacrifices of a woman who refused to just be a figurehead and whose outlook was ahead of her time.


Shaka Zulu

Shaka Zulu 1986


South Africa, 1823. The Zulu Empire, headed by King Shaka, a brilliant but ruthless military strategist, begin to encroach on the British colony of Cape Town. A volunteer cadre of explorers, mercenaries and professional soldiers are sent to Zululand to try to make contact with Shaka and assess the real threat of his army.



Monarchy 2004


Monarchy is a Channel 4 British TV series, 2004-2006, by British academic David Starkey, charting the political and ideological history of the English monarchy from the Saxon period to modern times. The show also aired on PBS stations throughout the United States, courtesy of PBS-member station WNET. In Australia, all four seasons were broadcast on ABC1 from May 2005 onwards.



Kingdom 2019


In this zombie thriller set in Korea's medieval Joseon dynasty which has been defeated by corruption and famine, a mysterious rumor of the king’s death spreads, as does a strange plague that renders the infected immune to death and hungry for flesh. The crown prince, fallen victim to a conspiracy, sets out on a journey to unveil the evil scheme and save his people.


The Prince

The Prince 2021


In this biting animated satire, seven-year-old Prince George – youngest heir to the British throne – spills all the royal “tea” on Buckingham Palace’s residents and staff.


Six Flying Dragons

Six Flying Dragons 2015


The ambitious success stories of 6 people surrounding Prince Lee Bang Won, and the ideological and political conflict between Prince Lee Bang Won and Jung Do Jeon, the man instrumental in helping King Taejo establish the fledgling Joseon nation.


The Royals

The Royals 2015


Drama about a fictional British Royal family set in modern day London, who inhabit a world of opulence and regal tradition that caters to any and every desire, but one that also comes with a price tag of duty, destiny and intense public scrutiny.


The Further Adventures of the Musketeers

The Further Adventures of the Musketeers 1967


All 16 episodes of the 1967 series based on the Alexandre Dumas novel 'Twenty Years After'. “The Further Adventures of the Musketeers” was a BBC drama series, based on Alexander Dumas' "Twenty Years After." The sixteen episodes were broadcast on BBC1, at 5:25 pm on Sundays. Michael Gothard is credited for appearances in ten of the sixteen episodes, and very briefly appears in another. He plays Mordaunt, formerly John Francis de Winter, the vengeful son of Milady de Winter. Milady was executed by the Musketeers in the previous series, "The Three Musketeers." This series, which features many stalwarts of British entertainment, had lain in the BBC archives for nearly 50 years, unseen by the public, but in May 2016 it was finally released on DVD by Simply Media.



Ekaterina 2014


1745. The reigning Empress Elizabeth Petrovna is infertile. The only heir is her feeble-minded nephew Peter III. Elizabeth cannot allow Peter to ascend to the throne, so she decides to marry the tsarevich, wait for the birth of her son, and then take the boy and raise him as a real Russian emperor herself. Brides are coming to St. Petersburg. Among them is the lovely Fike - the young Princess Sofia Frederica from the impoverished branch of the Prussian kings.