Pagrobimas 3

Pagrobimas 3 2014


Brajanas su dviem savo mylimom moterim saugiai grįžo namo – į Los Andželą. Po patirtų išgyvenimų buvusi Brajano žmona Leonora (aktorė Famke Janssen) vėl ima jausti romantiškus jausmus. Deja, jų norams vėl suklijuoti šeimą nelemta tęstis: vieną dieną Brajanas suranda žiauriai nužudytos žmonos kūną. Beveik kartu su juo į nusikaltimo vietą atvykę policininkai Brajanui nepalieka abejonių, kad jį bandoma „pakišti“. Supratęs, kad savo nekaltumu nieko neįtikins, Brajanas nusprendžia veikti pats. Kažkada buvusį aukščiausios klasės specialiųjų pajėgų karį Brajaną Milsą ima gaudyti ne tik Los Andželo policija, bet ir FTB bei CŽA. Prasideda kvapą gniaužiančios lenktynės, kuriose Brajanas ne tik turi išvengti savo persekiotojų, bet ir surasti tuos, kurie nužudė jo žmoną bei kėsinasi nužudyti jo vienturtę dukterį.



Smulkmenos 2021


Dykas yra persidirbęs Kerno apygardos pareigūnas, kuris ima bendradarbiauti su Baksteriu, Los Andželo detektyvu, kad sučiuptų serijinį žudiką. Dykas turi uoslę smulkmenoms, bet jo noras nepaisyti taisyklių prieštarauja Baksterio principams. Tuo pačiu metu, Dykas tvarkosi su tamsia savo praeitimi.


For My Man

For My Man 2015


A true crime series featuring the salacious and shocking stories of women who have been arrested for a crime they did in the name of love. From a killing spree across the mid-west to being an inside informant at the DEA and from murdering an unsupportive mother to robbing fifteen banks in under a year, these women have no limits as to how far they’ll go for their men.



Payback 2022


Whether it's a cheating ex, a double-crossing co-worker, or the best friend who stabbed you in the back, it's human instinct to want to get even. Though most people don't act on this impulse, there are those who are consumed with getting even. For them, what starts as a nagging bitterness evolves into obsession and results in murder. This true crime documentary series profiles those stories of revenge, told through gripping interviews with the family members, community members, and law enforcement who experienced the events firsthand.


Murder: Suspect No.1

Murder: Suspect No.1 2025


Crime documentary following homicide detectives at work as a series of horrific and violent murder investigations unfold.



Traveler 2007


Jay, Tyler and Will are friends who have spent the last two years in grad school. A simple prank to rollerblade through one of New York City's most famous museums makes Jay and Tyler prime suspects in a terrorist bombing. They're unable to turn to authorities when they realize they can't prove Will even exists. In every photo from the past two years, he has managed to block his face. Who will believe them?


Home Sweet Homicide

Home Sweet Homicide 2019


When a killer wants you dead, there's one place to search: home sweet home. With the twist of a lock, your home should be your sanctuary. For some, it becomes a hunting ground - and no lock, security system or call to 911 will save them.


Mastermind of Murder

Mastermind of Murder 2021


The best way to get away with murder is to have someone else do it for you, which is why the most cunning killers never lay a finger on their victims. In these cases love, loyalty, faith, and family become dangerous weapons, and the most vicious criminal isn't the one who pulled the trigger--it's the one who pulled their strings.