
Aladinas 1992


Aladinas, gatvių padauža, jau senai gyvena dideliame mieste su savo ištikima beždžionėle Abu. Kai princesė Džasmina slapčia palieka rūmus, kuriuose yra verčiama būti, ji patenka į turgų, kur atsitiktinai susiduria su Aladinu. Įsakius blogajam Džafarui, šis yra įkalinamas ir priverčiamas padėti sultono padėjėjui gauti paslaptingą lempą, kurios dėka jis perimtų sostą. Aladinui tai vienintelis šansas vesti princesę, kuri pagal įstatymą privalo ištekėti tik už princo.



Aladinas 2019


Kaip ir „Džiunglių knygos“, „Gražuolės ir pabaisos“ ar šią vasarą pasirodysiančio „Liūto karaliaus“ atvejais, šis filmas yra vaidybinis 1992 m. Disnėjaus animacinės juostos perdirbinys. Užkerėtoje Stebuklų Oloje Aladinas suranda magišką lempą, kurioje įkalintas džinas savo šeimininkui gali išpildyti tris bet kokius norus. Kartu su džinu, oloje taip pat rastu skraidančiu kilimu ir kleptomaniškų polinkių turinčia beždžionėle Aladinas patiria daugybę nuotykių ir galų gale laimi gražiosios princesės Džasminos ranką bei širdį. Naująją filmo versiją režisavo britas Guy‘us Ritchie‘is. Aladino vaidmuo patikėtas Egipte gimusiam ir Kanadoje augusiam aktoriui Mena Massoud‘ui, princesę Džasminą suvaidino brito ir indės dukra Naomi Scott, o mėlynuoju džinu, perimdamas estafetę iš legendinio komiko Robin‘o Williams‘o, tapo Will‘as Smith‘as. Patiks, jei patiko „Mažoji undinėlė“, „Pelenė” ir jei svajojate apie stebuklingą lempą ar bent jau skraidantį kilimą


Trys tūkstančiai metų troškimų

Trys tūkstančiai metų troškimų 2022


Atvykusi į konferenciją Stambule, mokslininkė Alitėja (akt. Tilda Swinton) neatsispiria turgaus vilionėms. Įsigijusi jai patikusi suvenyrą, moteris jame aptinka džiną (akt. Idris Elba), mainais į laisvę siūlantį išpildyti tris Alitėjos norus. Deja, egzistuoja keletas keblumų: mokslininkė linkusi stipriai abejoti džino tikrumu ir... nė nenumano kokie galėtų būti jos norai.


I Dream of Jeannie

I Dream of Jeannie 1965


While on a mission, American astronaut Captain Tony Nelson is forced to make an emergency landing that will forever change his life. On a deserted South Pacific island, Captain Nelson happens upon a bottle containing a beautiful two-thousand-year-old female genie named Jeannie. Rescuing her from the bottle nets Tony the requisite three wishes, and then some, when Jeannie pledges total devotion to her new "master".


Shimmer and Shine

Shimmer and Shine 2015


Twins genies, Shimmer and Shine, grant their human friend Leah three wishes every day - unintentional chaos follows.


Genie in the House

Genie in the House 2006


Genie in the House is a British sitcom broadcast on Nickelodeon UK about a widowed father with two teenage daughters who find a dusty old golden lamp while exploring the loft of their new home. A quick rub of the lamp releases Adil, a trainee genie from Balamkadaar who has been confined to life in the lamp for 1000 years. Philip has banned any use of magic in the house, yet the girls and Adil the Genie find ways to get themselves into trouble using Adil's wish granting powers. The mother is never mentioned, except on Adil's birthday when Philip mentions being a widower. As of March 2012, Genie in the House is now airing on the Starz Kids & Family cable network.



Shazzan 1967


Shazzan is an American animated television series, created by Alex Toth and produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions in 1967 for CBS. The series follows the adventures of two teenage siblings, Chuck and Nancy, traveling around a mystical Arabian world, mounted on Kaboobie the flying camel. During their journey they face several dangers, but they are always helped by Shazzan, a genie with magical powers out of this world. Shazzan is not to be confused with Shazam!, the 1970s comic book/television revival of Golden Age super hero Captain Marvel, created by C. C. Beck and Bill Parker.


Mi bella genio

Mi bella genio 2009


A beautiful genie named Jeannie is found by an astronaut on the beach after a failed launch mission. From that moment, she falls in love with her "master" and begins to live in his home, giving rise to humorous situations.


Arabian Nights

Arabian Nights 2000


Targeted for assassination by his first wife and his evil brother, a young sultan must marry by the next full moon or he will lose his kingdom. His uncertainty over his newfound bride causes her to stall the sultan with a series of fantastic stories to ease the tension and stall her impending execution.


Ainak Wala Jin

Ainak Wala Jin 1993


A genie is sent by the emperor of genies from the Caucasus Mountains to our earth for the treatment of his eyesight problems. When he lands, he happens to meet a daring young boy who loves fantasies.


All The Love You Wish For

All The Love You Wish For 1970


All the Love You Wish For explores the enchanting story of Jinn, a genie who awakens after a thousand years, and Ka-young, his new impassive master.


You Wish

You Wish 1997


A single mother reluctantly accepts the services of a genie, who's been imprisoned in a magic carpet for two thousand years.


Jin & Jun

Jin & Jun 1996


Jin and Jun tell about the adventures of Junaidi (Jun) with a 3000-year-old genie he discovered in the South Sea. Feeling freed by Jun, the genie who got "Uncle Jin" as his nickname has served Jun as his confidant. Jun and Uncle Jin's exciting adventure begins.