
Pomendalis 2008


Sukrečiantis istorinis/karinis filmas apie Pirmąjį Pasaulini karą, o tiksliau apie Passchendaele kaimelio paėmimą, kai 4 mėnesius lyjo be paliovos ir kovos laukas buvo panašus į purvo ir pelkes tvarinį, kai kariai mirdavo ne nuo kulkų, o nuskesdavo apkasuose. Iš viso per tuos keturius mėnesius žuvo 600 000 žmonių.



Profilis 2018


Žurnalistė, norėdama sužinoti daugiau apie ISIS verbavimo būdus, siekiant privilioti moteris į Siriją, sukuria atsivertusios į islamą merginos profilį „Facebook“. Kai ISIS verbuotojas susisiekia su ja, ji kaip niekada iš arti susipažįsta su verbavimo procesu.


The Shield and the Sword

The Shield and the Sword 1968


The year is 1940 and Nazi Germany is at the height of its military prowess, having captured most of Europe and eyeing the Soviet Union to the East. The Russian military command suspects hostile intent from Germany and so arranges for its spies to infiltrate ranks of the German military and the SS. Alexander Belov is a Russian spy, who travels from Soviet-held Latvia to Nazi Germany under an alias of Johann Weiss. His mastery of the German language, steel nerves and an ability to manipulate others help him to use his connections in the SS to ascend the ladder of the German intelligence. He uses his position to identify sympathetic Germans, who help him to procure vital intelligence, and to help local resistance movements in their collective fight against Nazism.