Pono Byno atostogos

Pono Byno atostogos 2007


Bynas susikrauna lagaminą ir išvyksta atostogauti į Prancūziją. Kelionės metu jis vaizdo dienoraštyje fiksuoja visus savo nuotykius. Į paskirties vietą ponas Bynas atvyksta Kanų kino festivalio metu. O juk jis turi ką parodyti...



Chimera 2023


Iš kalėjimo išėjęs Arturas grįžta į nedidelį Toskanos miestelį, kuriame jo laukia karnavališka kapų plėšikų gauja, be sąžinės graužaties siaubianti tūkstantmečius skaičiuojančius etruskų kapus, o rastus istorinius artefaktus parduodanti juodojoje rinkoje. Arturas, anglas, kadaise respektabilus archeologijos mokslininkas, turi ypatingą talentą rasti senovines kapavietes. Pasiklydęs tarp gyvųjų ir mirusiųjų pasaulių, jis ieško lobių, neskirtų žmogaus akims, o kartu ir savo pražuvusios mylimosios Benjaminos.



Ballykissangel 1996


A young British priest adjusts to life in a rural Irish community where life revolves around the church and the local pub. Everyone knows everyone else's business, and everyone usually has an opinion on it. While characters come and go, the small-town qualities remain.


Brideshead Revisited

Brideshead Revisited 1981


Charles Ryder, an agnostic man, becomes involved with members of the Flytes, a Catholic family of aristocrats, over the course of several years between the two world wars.



Supernova 2005


Supernova is a British comedy series produced by Hartswood Films and jointly commissioned by the BBC in the UK and UKTV in Australia. It follows Dr Paul Hamilton, a Welsh astronomer, who leaves a dull academic post and unloved girlfriend for a new job at the Royal Australian Observatory, deep in the Australian outback. The comedy centres around his difficulties adjusting to life in the outback and his eccentric fellow astronomers. The first series was released in the United Kingdom and Australia in October 2005 and consisted of six 30-minute episodes. The second series began airing on 3 August 2006 in the UK. The exterior scenes were shot at Broken Hill in New South Wales, Australia. The observatory itself is a CGI creation, according to the DVD commentary, and only a partial doorway was constructed on site for filming purposes.