
Tarnaitė 2016


Pasakojimas mus nukelia į XX amžiaus 4 dešimtmečio Japonijos okupuotą Korėją, kurioje jauna mergina vardu Sook-Hee yra pasamdoma dirbti turtingos japonės Lady Hideko tarnaite. Kaip ir bet kurioje istorijoje, čia irgi neapsieinama be piktadario, besistengiančio sugriauti visų aplinkinių gerbūvį. Kouzuki – valdingas bei beširdis Hideko dėdė, trokšdamas pasisavinti jos paveldėtus turtus, ketinąs ją vesti ir paversti jos gyvenimą dar didesniu pragaru. Tai iškrypusi bei žalingų potraukių asmenybė, mėgstanti fiziškai kankinti žmones bei klausytis nepadorių knygų skaitymo. Ar Kouzuki, gyvendamas liguistų iliuzijų pasaulyje, pagaliau susivoks savyje ir atras tikrąsias gyvenimo vertybes, o gal tai – patologinis asmenybės dualumo sutrikimas, naikinantis visus prie jo prisilietusius?


My Lady Jane

My Lady Jane 2024


Gird your loins for the tragic tale of Lady Jane Grey, the young Tudor noblewoman who was Queen of England for nine days and then beheaded, back in good ol’ 1553. Actually... f*ck that. We’re retelling history the way it should have happened: the damsel in distress saves herself. This is an epic tale of true love and high adventure set in an alt-universe of action, history, fantasy, comedy, romance, and rompy-pompy. Buckle up.


Secret Healer

Secret Healer 2016


Seo-Ri's mother Queen Sim was unable to have a child. She went to a shaman to help her have a child. With the help of shaman Hong-Joo's black magic, Queen Sim was able to have a boy and girl twins. The girl, Seo-Ri, was put under a curse and abandoned deep in the mountains. She meets Heo Jun, a young man, there.


La Baronessa di Carini

La Baronessa di Carini 2007


Laura, a young noblewoman who grew up in a convent, is given in marriage to the baron of Carini, an overbearing and lustful man. The life of the young baroness seems destined for unhappiness until she meets Luca Corbara, who arrives in the country to find his origins.


Blue Blood and Green Thumb

Blue Blood and Green Thumb 2016


Uschi Dämmrich von Luttitz is on the way to noblemen with a green thumb. The presenter, who is a baroness herself , visits impressive castles and castle gardens and talks with her blue-blooded owners.