Vidurnaktis Paryžiuje

Vidurnaktis Paryžiuje 2011


Jauna pora – Džilas (akt. Owen Wilson) ir Inesa (akt. Rachel McAdams) – išvyksta atostogų į Paryžių drauge su Inesos tėvais. Džilas rašo scenarijus Holivudui, tačiau tylomis svajoja parašyti romaną. Tad jam šios atostogos - galimybė pasisemti įkvėpimo tiesiai iš versmės: Paryžiuje gyveno ir kūrė daugybė menininkų ir rašytojų. Tuo tarpu Inesa – tipiška turistė amerikietė. Jai Paryžius tarsi didelis muziejus, kurį privalu aplankyti, ir egzotiška parduotuvė. Džilas norėtų gyventi Paryžiuje. Inesa – tipiškame Amerikos pasiturinčiųjų priemiestyje. Jis kiekvienoje romantiškoje kavinukėje bando įsivaizduoti E. Hemingvėjų, geriantį vyną, ji – nori nusiaubti visus boutique. Vieną vakarą Džilas pasivaikščiojimo po naktinį Paryžių metu pasiklysta. Jis prisėda ant laiptelių laikrodžiui mušant dvyliktą. Tą pačią akimirką prie Džilo sustoja senas Peugeot automobilis ir linksma kompanija pakviečia Džilą važiuoti kartu.


Monos Lizos šypsena

Monos Lizos šypsena 2003


Įkvepianti istorija su „Oskaro“ laureate Julia Roberts apie moterų kovą su konservatyviais stereotipais. 1953-aisiais Ketrin Vatson (Roberts) pradeda dėstyti meno istoriją prestižinėje merginų gimnazijoje, kur dominuoja tradicija, kad moters tikslas – vedybos. Nors vadovybė ir studentės priešinasi, Ketrin skatina savo auklėtines siekti savarankiškumo, išsilavinimo ir karjeros. Viena jų, Betė (Kirsten Dunst), bando griauti mokytojos pastangas, tačiau gyvenimas priverčia pervertinti Ketrin idėjas. Jaudinantis pasakojimas apie drąsą keisti nusistovėjusias normas ir įkvėpti kitus.


Bares für Rares

Bares für Rares 2013


In the show, selected applicants each present a curiosity, rarity or antique they have brought with them. Once they have received their expertise, they will have the opportunity on site to offer their exhibit to a changing five-person podium for sale and, ideally, to sell it to the highest bidder for „Bares“ ("cash").


1 minute in a museum

1 minute in a museum 2004


Nabi, Rafaël and Mona are small but boy can they talk up a storm as they comment, in their own particular way, on all of the masterpieces in the wonderful museums of our lovely country. They will span the ages from classical painting to modern art and Islamic art. It’s a great, hassle-free way of brushing up on your Art and sounding really smart at your next milk and cookies cocktail.


Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci 2024


This two-part, four-hour documentary delves into the world of a 15th-century art titan and unravels his journey while shedding light on his lasting impact on future generations.


Art That Made Us

Art That Made Us 2022


An alternative history of the British Isles, told through art. Looking at 1,500 years and eight dramatic turning points, acclaimed artists and thinkers encounter key historic art works from across the UK that have shaped the history of the British Isles and inspired their own work.


Baroque! From St Peter's to St Paul's

Baroque! From St Peter's to St Paul's 2009


In this three-part documentary series Waldemar Januszczak discovers paintings, sculptures and architecture of the Baroque period. Starting from the square of Saint Peter's Basilica in Italy to St Paul's Cathedral in England.



Arthouse 1997


Channel 4 documentary series covering all branches of the arts.


The Art Mysteries with Waldemar Januszczak

The Art Mysteries with Waldemar Januszczak 2020


Art historian Waldemar Januszczak uncovers the secret meanings hidden within some of the greatest paintings by Van Gogh, Gauguin, Cezanne and Seurat .


How Art Made The World

How Art Made The World 2005


Nigel Spivey reveals how the images which surround us today come from the ancient world. It's an epic journey spanning five continents and a hundred thousand years of history.


Rebuilding Ancient Rome

Rebuilding Ancient Rome 2015


Supported by stunning 3D graphics, Dr. Darius Arya explains the purpose and architectural significance of ancient Roman buildings.


Renaissance: The Blood and the Beauty

Renaissance: The Blood and the Beauty 2024


The greatest art works of all time - born of war and bloodshed - as rival artists Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raphael compete to craft beauty from chaos. Starring Charles Dance.


Art of the Western World

Art of the Western World 1970


First broadcast on October 2, 1989, these 18 original 30-minute episodes provide a panorama of 2000 years of architecture, painting and sculpture, and studies the art masterpieces as reflections of the Western culture that produced them.


Art of Germany

Art of Germany 2010


In an absorbing study, Andrew Graham-Dixon tells the story of a national art that conveys passion, precision, hope and renewal. He juxtaposes escapism with control and a deep affinity with nature against love for the machine. The fascinating story takes us from the towering cathedral of Cologne, the woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer and paintings of Grünewald to the gothic fairytale Neuschwanstein Castle, the Baltic landscapes of Caspar David Friedrich and the industrialisation lent expression of Adolph Menzel and Käthe Kollwitz. As the series progresses, it presents a rare focus on the cultural impact of Hitler's obsession with visual art, reveals how art became an arena for the Cold War and examines the redemptive work of the "visionary" Joseph Beuys – the most influential artist of modern times.


Becoming Frida Kahlo

Becoming Frida Kahlo 2023


A look into Frida Kahlo's world, revealing an artist driven by politics, power, sex and identity, with her epic love affair with Diego Rivera at the heart of it all.


How to Look at and Understand Great Art

How to Look at and Understand Great Art 2011


Contemplate the "anti-art" spirit of Dadaism, its nihilistic yet humorous indictment of civilization and bizarre use of unconventional media. In the sensibility of Surrealism, observe its compelling focus on the subconscious and two substyles - dream imagery, with its juxtaposition of objects and settings, and "automatic drawing," eliciting unplanned images from the unconscious.


The High Art of the Low Countries

The High Art of the Low Countries 2013


This 3 part series is presented by the British Art Critic, Andrew Graham-Dixon. He explores the Low Countries of the Netherlands and Belgium and how history has influenced the area's art, architecture and culture. Cloth was used in the area's first expression of art in the making of tapestries going back to the 14 th century. They were the No. 1 luxury item of the day. The Low Countries were well placed geographically for markets for their art.