Amžinai tavo

Amžinai tavo 2012


Jaunasis seržantas Loganas tiki, kad atsitiktinai mūšio lauke rasta nepažįstamosios Betės nuotrauka išgelbėjo jo gyvybę. Grįžęs iš karinės misijos jis susiranda savąjį angelą sargą ir įsidarbina mažame Betės šeimai priklausančiame šunų veislyne. Nepaisant išankstinio Betės nepasitikėjimo bei ankstesnių jos asmeninio gyvenimo nesėkmių, vis labiau šylantys judviejų jausmai įžiebia viltį, kad galiausiai Betė Loganui ištars "amžinai tavo".



Photokano 2013


During Kazuya Maeda's first year of high school he felt like a nobody, just another forgotten face shuffling through the crowded hallways. Even his best friend from childhood, Nimi, seemed somehow more difficult to approach, since she had matured a little quicker in the unsettling way that girls have a habit of doing. However, this year, things will be different for Kazuya, and part of that change may just be because of the big new chick magnet hanging in front of him: The used digital SLR he just received from his dad! But will just having a camera be enough to make talking to girls a snap? Well, if he stays focused and proves to be good enough at making them look good, it might just be! And since it's digital, there are no negatives or having to wait for things to develop! Will Kazyuya's new stock-in-trade click with the most beautiful girls in school, or will his career as a lensman be just a flash in the pan?