Raktažodis Teaching
Pono Holando kūrinys 1995
Glenas Holandas yra muzikantas ir kompozitorius, dirbantis mokytoju, o laisvu laiku besistengiantis sukurti genialų kūrinį, kuris paliktų ryškią žymę pasaulyje. Gyvenimas negailestingai bėga pro šalį, kol jis kuria didingus ateities planus, tačiau nenumaldoma aistra muzikai, kuria jis dalijasi su savo mokiniais, padeda suvokti, kas yra tikroji sėkmė.
Kinsis 2004
Skandalingas filmas apie skandalingą asmenybę, sekso reikalų žinovą Alfredą Kinsį. 1948 – aisiais plačiai pagarsėjusia knyga ‘‘Vyrų seksualinis elgesys‘‘ jis sukėlė tikrą sekso revoliuciją ir susilaukė aršių konservatyvaus požiūrio profesorių protestų. Asmeninis sekso daktaru praminto Kinsio gyvenimas taip pat buvo pilnas lakiausių fantazijų ir netramdomų geismų. Juosta nominuota "Oskarui" už geriausią antraplanį moters vaidmenį.
Goodbye, Mr. Chips 1969
Summer School 1987
Kiaulysčių namai 2. Sekanti diena 1983
Išdykę studentai nori atsilyginti KKK religijos fanatikams ir korumpuotiems politikams, kurie trukdė. Nuotykiai prasideda.
The Rewrite 2014
Blackboard Jungle 1955
A Child Is Waiting 1963
Todo el silencio 2023
Abducted 2007
Two Loves 1961
American Kickboxer 1991
Der ganz große Traum 2011
Nightjohn 1996
Teachers Are People 1952
Ai Tenchi Muyo! 2014
In this story, the world is in chaos, thanks to Washu. Now in order to save it, Tenchi Masaki must go undercover as a student teacher at an all-girls school. Unfortunately for him, trouble always comes his way as he has a hard time dealing with the hijinks of his new students.
Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor 2017
The Alzano Imperial Magic Academy is located in the southern part of the Alzano Empire and is among most prominent magic schools in the world, where students can learn the highest forms of magic. All those who strive to learn magic dream of studying at this academy, and its students as well as its teachers are proud to be a part of its 400-year history. Glenn Radars is a new instructor who has suddenly been appointed to teach part-time at this highly respected academy. The previously unheard-of lessons of this man known as a good-for-nothing bastard are about to begin.
Big School 2013
A comedy about a dysfunctional staff room, unrequited love and interactive whiteboards set in an urban secondary school. Chemistry teacher Mr. Church is hopelessly in love with the school's new French teacher, who in turn is being chased by a lothario gym teacher.
The Chair 2021
At a major university, the first woman of color to become chair tries to meet the dizzying demands and high expectations of a failing English department.
Hjørdis 2015
This miniseries spinoff of "Rita" follows teacher Hjørdis as she plans a school play on bullying featuring a cast of socially awkward students.
Breaking Into the Game: Juniors 2020
Michael Bannon, professional golf instructor and longtime coach to Rory McIlroy, has created this nine-hole series that will give up-and-coming junior golfers everything they need to know about playing the game well. From striking mechanics to swing speed, club selection and more, Bannon offers juniors an easy-going yet informative set of lessons that will help them have more fun each time they play. Plus, champion golfer Rory McIlroy makes a special appearance to offer tips and advice to aspiring golfers.