
Seklys 2007


Senstantis garsus rašytojas Endriu Uaikas gyvena vienas didžiuliame moderniame name. Jį žmona Megi paliko dėl jaunesnio vyro – jauno, žavaus aktoriaus Milo Tindlio. Atvykęs į Uaiko rūmus, Milo bando įtikinti jį pasirašyti skyrybų dokumentus. Tačiau rašytojui įdomiau žaisti proto žaidimus su žmonos meilužiu ir taip jai atkeršyti.


15 Storeys High

15 Storeys High 2002


15 Storeys High is a critically acclaimed British sitcom, set in a tower block. The main characters are Vince Clark, a misanthropic, cynical recluse played by Sean Lock, and Errol Spears, Vince's exact opposite and whipping boy, played by Benedict Wong.


Resident: Story of 5 Interns

Resident: Story of 5 Interns 2012


Patients are brought in one after the other. Being put in an environment where there is a race against time to save lives, all they can do is stand there doing nothing. Though they still have a lot to grow as a doctor and as individuals, will they be able to overcome adversity and one day be able to proudly identify themselves as being a doctor?