Vagių irštva

Vagių irštva 2018


Angelų mieste siaučia, atrodo, nesugaunama bankų plėšikų gauja - vieną iš jų vaidina žymusis reperis 50 Cent. Nepaisydami jokių pavojų, jie žaibiškai ir įžūliai plėšia vieną banką po kito. Tuo tarpu specialaus Los Andželo apygardos šerifo policijos būrio vadas Nikas Flenaganas (jį ir vaidina G. Butler‘is) beviltiškai bando užbėgti už akių naujiems nusikaltimams. Visgi laimingai išsisukę iš visų iki šiol jiems paspęstų spąstų, nusikaltėliai suįžūlėja ir nauju savo taikiniu pasirenka Federalinio Rezervų Banko padalinį.



Mechanikas 2011


Jeigu jums reikia ką nors „patvarkyti“, jūs kviečiate jį… Artūras Bišopas (akt. J.Stathamas) yra „mechanikas“ – profesionalus samdomas žudikas, geriausias savo srities meistras. Kai nužudomas geriausias jo draugas Haris, elitinio žudiko darbotvarkėje svarbiausiu įrašu tampa keršas už jo žūtį. Netrukus kruvino amato paslapčių jis pradeda mokyti Hario sūnų. Jį suvaidinęs jaunasis talentas ir TV serialo „Šešios pėdos po žeme“ veidas Benas Fosteris („Nešantys žinią“, „Traukinys į Jumą“) sustiprina pramoginio filmo vertę galingomis emocijomis. Samdomo žudiko mokinys uoliai stengiasi perimti visas šios profesijos subtilybes, tačiau netrukus praeitis pasiveja Artūrą ir pradeda lipti jam ant kulnų...


Snaiperis 6: Vaiduoklis

Snaiperis 6: Vaiduoklis 2016


Elitiniai snaiperiai Brendonas Beketas ir Ričardas Mileris gavo užduotį nuo teroristų apsaugoti dujotiekį. Prasidėjus mūšiui, snaiperius nužudo vaiduoklis – islamo teroristas, kuris, kaip paaiškėjo, žinojo tikslią jų buvimo vietą. Ar tarp savų yra išdavikas?



Machinatoriai 2016


Jūs, tikriausiai, nieko negirdėjote apie didžiausią ir kvailiausią Amerikos istorijoje banko apiplėšimo operaciją bei jos dalyvius, bet tai ištaisoma – šios istorijos pagrindu jau sukurtas filmas. Komedijų apie nevykėlius meistras, režisierius Jaredas Hessas ėmėsi 1997 metais nutikusio tikro įvykio atkūrimo, su visomis keistai kvailomis jo detalėmis. Styvas Čembersas, operacijos „smegenys“, pasiūlė koledžo laikų draugei Keli Kempbel apiplėšti banko saugyklą. Pagal sumanymą, viskas turi įvykti be jokio vargo – Keli, dirbusi banko apsaugos kompanijoje, įtikina ten pat dirbantį savo draugą, slapčia apie žygdarbius svajojantį Deividą Gantą tiesiog susikrauti pinigus į apsaugos kompanijos furgoną ir išvažiuoti. Paprasta kaip dukart du! Deividas, įsimylėjęs gundančiąją Keli ir nusprendęs palikti nepakenčiamą žmoną, pasiryžta gyvenimo nuotykiui – pavogti… 17 milijonų dolerių! Tik visiškai naivūs machinatoriai gali manyti, kad su 17 milijonų pasiplaus nepastebėti.


Transporter: The Series

Transporter: The Series 2012


The adventures of professional transporter Frank Martin, who can always be counted on to get the job done—discreetly. Operating in a seedy underworld of dangerous criminals and desperate players, his three rules are: Never change the deal, no names, and never open the package. Occasionally, complications arise and rules get broken.



Bodyguard 2018


A troubled war veteran is assigned to protect a controversial politician who may be the target of a terror plot.


White Lines

White Lines 2020


Zoe Walker leaves her quiet life behind to investigate her brother's disappearance in Ibiza, where she quickly heads down a decadent and dangerous path.


The Player

The Player 2015


An action-packed Las Vegas thriller about a former military operative turned security expert who is drawn into a high-stakes game where an organization of wealthy individuals gamble on his ability to stop some of the biggest crimes imaginable from playing out. Can he take them down from the inside and get revenge for the death of his wife, or is it true what they say: the House always wins.


Palace Guard

Palace Guard 1991


Palace Guard is the story of a reformed jewel thief and cat burglar, Tommy Logan, who, after serving three years in prison, is released on parole and accepts an offer to become the head of security for the posh Palace Hotel chain. There were two reasons for this somewhat unusual job offer. One was that Logan had previously enjoyed great success in stealing from the high-class clientele of the Palace chain, and hence it was thought that he'd understand how to prevent others from doing so. And the other was that Tommy was the illegitimate son of the chain's owner, Arturo Taft, though Taft did not reveal this to Logan. The show centered primarily around the working relationship between Logan and his new boss, Christy Cooper, the hotel chain's Vice-President of Public Relations. In each episode, Logan and Cooper travelled to a hotel in a different city where Logan would help avert some disaster using quirky and questionable methods, leaving Cooper to sweep up the fallout.


A Woman of Substance

A Woman of Substance 1985


The life of Emma Harte, from kitchen maid at the beginning of the twentieth century, to respected business woman and grandmother in the 1980s. From humble beginnings, Emma Harte starts her business with a small shop, but over the next twenty years, she expands her stores and invests in the growing textile industry in Leeds.


Breaking In

Breaking In 2011


Contra Security is a high tech security firm that specializes in breaking in as a way to test security measures. The team members comprise various skills, and even more various personalities.


Total Security

Total Security 1997


A high-tech security firm in Los Angeles is the setting for a world of espionage, threats, investigations, and surveillance.


Dangerous Curves

Dangerous Curves 1992


Dangerous Curves is a crime series. It centers on Lise Cutter and Michael Michele, two female security guards working for a private security agency, Personal Touch, in Dallas.



Murderbot 1970


A self-hacking security android is horrified by human emotion yet drawn to its vulnerable "clients." Murderbot must hide its free will and complete a dangerous assignment when all it really wants is to be left alone to watch futuristic soap operas and figure out its place in the universe.



Hacked 2021


You are never alone. Your movements are constantly monitored, as are your choices and opinions. Everything is registered and monitored. How easy is it to take over your digital life? And how easy would it be for an attacker to take over companies and authorities in Sweden? The series Hackad is an experiment where hackers tricks their way into companies and take over their networks. We get to see how easy it is to follow every trace that a private person leaves behind and how easy it can be to make payments in someone else's name.


Secret Society

Secret Society 1987


A politically charged mini-series researched and written by Duncan Campbell which saw dramatic Special Branch raids on BBC Scotland. An entire production office was loaded into transit vans and confiscated by the police. + One: 'The Secret Constitution' about secret Cabinet committees that amount to a secret decision making system at the highest levels of power in the United Kingdom. + Two: 'In Time of Crisis' about secret preparations for war that began in 1982 within every NATO country. This programme revealed what Britain would do. + Three: 'A Gap In Our Defences' about bungling defence manufacturers and incompetent military planners who have botched every new radar system that Britain has installed since World War II. + Four: 'We're All Data Now' about the Data Protection Act. + Five: 'Association of Chief Police Officers' and how Government policy and actions are determined in the fields of law and order. + Six: 'Communications' with particular reference to Zircon spy satellites ...



1Life 2016


The struggles and political back stabbing among four friends vying for control over the app they created, '1Life'.