Nuostabioji moteris

Nuostabioji moteris 2017


XX a. pradžia. Nuošalioje, su išorės pasauliu ryšių neturinčioje Amazonės saloje gyvena žavingų ir nuožmių amazonių gentis. Nuo pat mažų dienų mergaitės imamos mokyti karo paslapčių, kad taptų nenugalimomis kovotojomis. Karalienės duktė Diana – viena iš jų. Princesė turi ypatingų galių, apie kurias kol kas ir pati nenutuokia. Alinančią jau suaugusios Dianos (aktorė Gal Gadot) kasdienybę sutrikdo netikėtai prie salos krantų sudužęs lėktuvas. Išgelbėjusi jo lakūną (akt. Chris‘as Pine‘as), mergina sužino apie pasaulyje siaučiantį Pirmąjį pasaulinį karą, apie kurį jos gimtojoje saloje niekas net nenutuokia. Pajutusi, kad sustabdyti šį karą yra jos tikrasis pašaukimas, Diana išvyksta į Londoną. Stojusi į kovą, princesė pagaliau atras tikrąsias savo galias ir pasitiks savo likimą, lėmusį jai tapti Nuostabiąja Moterimi.


Griausmingieji Čarlio angelai

Griausmingieji Čarlio angelai 2003


Amerikos slaptasis ginklas ir vėl bus panaudotas. Trys geriausios draugės Natalie Cook, Dylan Sanders ir Alex Munday vėl pradeda savo iššaukiančius, neįtikėtinus nuotykius.Vienas po kito pradeda mirti liudininkai. Vieninteliai Angelai, naudodami kovos menus, sugebejimą idealiai maskuotis ir šnipinėti, gali sustabdyti nusikaltėlį. Žudikas yra paslaptingas, puolęs Angelas.



Mulan 2020


630-ieji mūsų eros metai. Kinijos imperijai ima grasinti žiaurūs įsibrovėliai iš šiaurės – gok-tiurkai. Kinijos imperatorius išleidžia įsakymą, pagal kurį eiti ginti tėvynės privalo vienas vyras iš kiekvienos imperijos šeimos. Dvi dukras auginantis Hua Žu – buvęs karys, tad jam šis įsakymas yra garbės reikalas, nors ir jis pats, ir visi aplinkiniai puikiai supranta, kad dėl garbingo amžiaus ir silpnos sveikatos šis žygis jam bus paskutinis. Negalėdama su tuo susitaikyti, jo dukra Mulan apsisprendžia. Naktį, visiems sumigus, mergina pasiima garbingą šeimos relikviją – kardą – ir iškeliauja ginti tėvynės vietoje tėvo. Apsimetusios vaikinu, Mulan laukia daugybė pačių sunkiausių išbandymų. Pasiryžusi nė už ką neišsiduoti ir nepasiduoti, Mulan pamažu atras savyje galingą jėgą ir įrodys, kad yra verta tiek savo tėvo, tiek giminės, tiek visos Kinijos imperijos pasididžiavimo.


Čarlio angelai

Čarlio angelai 2000


os – trys jaunos, gražios, sportiškos, protingos, seksualios merginos. Trys aukščiausios klasės privačios detektyvės, ginkluotos moderniausiomis, naujausių technologijų karinėmis priemonėmis, dirba Čarliui. Jis jas nusamdė. Tačiau pats niekuomet nepasirodė. Nurodymus duodavo telefonu. Merginoms darbas – lyg smagus nuotykis. Jos tiksliai atlieka kiekvieną savo užduotį – likviduoja lėktuvų užgrobėją, suseka pavojingiausius nusikaltėlius - nesvarbu kur tai vyktų: žemėje, jūroje, ar ore. Puikaus fizinio pasiruošimo dėka jos gali nugalėti patį stipriausią rytų kovos menų specialistą. Visada veikia kartu. Niekada nepraleidžia progos pasinaudoti savo žavesiu. Kai vienas nusikaltėlių svaigsta šalia žavingos autolenktynių “pilotės”, kitos dvi “pilotės” patikrina jo automobilį. Prireikus gali tapti barmenėmis, dabininkėmis, net…vyrais.


Žana d'Ark

Žana d'Ark 1999


Nuo mažų dienų Žana d’Ark auklėjama katalikiškoje šeimoje. Ji tvirtai tiki Dievą ir kasdien eina išpažinties. Paaugusi mergaitė ima girdėti balsus iš dangaus ir mato Dievo viziją – ji turinti apginti Orleano miestą nuo priešų. Kai po septynerių metų Žana atvyksta į karaliaus dvarą, Karolis leidžia jaunutei merginai vadovauti Prancūzijos kariuomenei. Nors daugelis abejoja jos koviniais sugebėjimais, jaunoji drąsuolė greitai išsikovoja pasitikėjimą ir anglų kariuomenės vadeivų pyktį. Viena po kitos išlaisvinamos Orleano tvirtovės, o į pagrindinį mūšį Žana d’Ark pakyla būdama sunkiai sužeista. Greitai savo vartus atveria ir Reimsas, kurio katedroje Karoliui VII uždedama karūna.



Princesė 2022


Kai stiprios valios princesė atsisako ištekėti už žiauraus sociopato, ji pagrobiama ir uždaroma atokiame tėvo pilies bokšte. Jos kerštingam sužadėtiniui ketinant užimti tėvo sostą, princesė turi išgelbėti karalystę.



Down 2001



Pretty Cure

Pretty Cure 2004


Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro couldn't be more different. Nagisa is sporty and Honoka bookish, and while they attend the same school, they have very little in common - until one day, a shower of shooting stars brings two very unlikely visitors into their lives: Mepple and Mipple, refugees from the Garden of Light, which has been conquered by Darkness. Endowed with new and startling powers, Nagisa and Honoka become Cure Black and Cure White, the legendary warriors of light - together, they are Pretty Cure.


Dokidoki! PreCure

Dokidoki! PreCure 2013


Thanks to Sharuru, a fairy from the Trump Kingdom, and the power of mysterious accessories called Cure Lovies, Mana transforms into Cure Heart! Mana, her close friend Rikka, her high-class childhood friend Alice, and the enigmatic, cool super idol singer Makoto all become legendary saviors. Together, they purify the Jikochu, who have forgotten about love!


Fresh Precure!

Fresh Precure! 2009


Love Momozono is a 14-year-old student at Yotsuba Junior Highschool that tends to care more for others than for herself. One day she visits a show of the famous dance unit "Trinity" and decides to become a dancer, too. On the same event, subordinates of the Labyrinth Kingdom show up who want to collect the unhappiness of the audience. Love gets the power to change into Cure Peach and fights them. Soon after, she is joined by her good friends Miki, who is Cure Berry, and Inori, who becomes Cure Pine.


Smile PreCure!

Smile PreCure! 2012


Candy, a fairy from Märchenland follows the shining light that leads to the five legendary PreCure warriors in order to fight Bad End Kingdom villains who are trying to vanquish the entire world to the “Worst Ending.


Healin' Good Precure

Healin' Good Precure 2020


The Healing Garden, a secret world that has provided treatment to heal the Earth, is under attack by the Byougenzu, who plan to infect Earth with an illness, putting it in great danger! To solve this crisis, the three medical trainees of Earth, known as the Healing Animals, along with Latte, who holds a special power as the Princess of the Healing Garden, escape in search of their partners! Three ordinary girls come across the group by chance, and together, they transform into Pretty Cure and take on the Byougenzu!


Suite Precure♪

Suite Precure♪ 2011


Hibiki and Kanade are two friends who grew up together in Kanon Town. Very different in their personalities, they share one thing in common: A connection to music. No matter how different they are or how much their differences cause them to quarrel, they both continue to share loving hearts. One day they meet Hummy, who is sent to the Human World from Major Land to collect the scattered notes of the Melody of Happiness. They have to instantly transform into Pretty Cures to resist the threats and evil music from Mephisto. Can they stop the Melody of Sorrow from disrupting their peaceful town, and can their warped friendship measure up to the bonds of Pretty Cure?


Star☆Twinkle PreCure

Star☆Twinkle PreCure 2019


When Hikaru Hoshina transforms into Cure Star, she embarks on an outer space adventure to find the rest of the Star Twinkle Cures and save the universe!


Xena: Warrior Princess

Xena: Warrior Princess 1995


Xena is an infamous warrior on a quest to seek redemption for her past sins against the innocent. Accompanied by her comrade-in-arms Gabrielle, the campy couple use their formidable fighting skills to help those who are unable to defend themselves.


HeartCatch PreCure!

HeartCatch PreCure! 2010


Tsubomi Hanasaki is a girl in the second grade of middle school who likes flowers and plants. One day she experiences a weird dream. In that dream, a large blooming tree appears. Suddenly, it loses all of its flowers and 2 fairies appear. A few days later after Tsubomi has transferred to Myoudou Academy, suddenly the fairies from the dream appear before her and plead to Tsubomi to become the legendary warrior Pretty Cure, and protect the Heart Tree. However, Tsubomi declines as she doesn't think that she would be able to do that. However, a mysterious enemy suddenly strikes and steals the Heart Flower of her classmate, Erika Kurumi. Now she doesn't have a choice. To retrieve Erika's Heart Flower, she has to transform into a Pretty Cure and fight. Working up the courage, Tsubomi turns into Cure Blossom and a new chapter of Pretty Cure begins!


Wonderful Precure!

Wonderful Precure! 2024


In Animal Town where humans and animals live together, Iroha who loves animals is very close to her dog Komugi! One day, a mysterious creature called a GaruGaru goes berserk in her city. In order to protect Iroha, Komugi transforms into a human and even a Pretty Cure…!? We have to protect such berserk animals! Let's join forces and return the animals to the Niko Garden!


Tokyo Mew Mew New

Tokyo Mew Mew New 2022


The scientists of the μ(Mew) Project use DNA of endangered species to create a team of heroines imbued with amazing abilities. Armed with the skills of an Iriomote cat, Ichigo must band together with other Mew Mew girls to repel an alien incursion.


Delicious Party Precure

Delicious Party Precure 2022


The mysterious, delicious world of CooKingdom, which rules over all the cuisine in this world. CooKingdom has closely guarded the Recipe-Bon, in which it's written how to prepare any dish. But, oh no! One day, it gets stolen by the Bundoru Gang! The Bundoru Gang plans to monopolize everything for themselves, and their next target is the Cuisine Fairy Recipeppi... The Energy Fairies have come to Oishi-Na Town in the human world in search of the Recipe-Bon. With their help, an unexpected turn of events leads to three ordinary girls transforming into Pretty Cures!


KiraKira☆PreCure a la Mode

KiraKira☆PreCure a la Mode 2017


Ichika Usami is a second year middle school student whose family runs the Kirakira Patisserie shop. One day, she encounters a fairy named Pekorin and learns that evil monsters known as Henteko have been stealing "Kirakiraru", the energy that resides within sweets and desserts. Thus, Ichika becomes a Pretty Cure and, alongside four other cures, forms the Kirakira PreCure a la Mode to fight off the Henteko and protect the sweets.


Witchy Precure!

Witchy Precure! 2016


Mirai Asahina, a thirteen-year-old girl who is excited by various things, goes with her stuffed bear, Mofurun, to investigate a mysterious object that fell from the sky. There, she meets a young magician named Liko who is searching for something known as the Linkle Stone Emerald. When dark servants of Dokuroxy come seeking the Linkle Stone Emerald, Mirai and Liko join hands with Mofurun and transform into the legendary magicians known as the Pretty Cures to fight against them. Thus, Mirai joins Liko in attending Magic School, where they must learn how to use magic while also fighting off Dokuroxy's minions.


Soaring Sky! Precure

Soaring Sky! Precure 2023


A major incident has occurred in the peaceful Sky Land!? The young Princess Ellee has been kidnapped by the monsters of Underg Empire! A brave young girl, Sora, follows the princess through a mysterious hole. "TV"? "Cars"? Are those some kind of magic tools!?!? But there's no time to be surprised! She has to get the princess back to the castle...! Flying between two worlds! The adventure with the Pretty Cure begins now!


Tropical-Rouge! Precure

Tropical-Rouge! Precure 2021


Manatsu Natsuumi is a first-year junior high school student born and raised on a small island. On the day she moves from the island, She meets Laura, a mermaid girl who has come to the earth alone in search of the legendary warrior, PreCure. Laura's hometown, Grand Ocean, is attacked by a witch who lives in the dark depths of the ocean, and all of their motivational power is taken away. It is said that if the motivational power of humans is also taken away, the world will be in deep trouble. Laura is captured by the witch's servant, and Manatsu transforms into Cure Summer to save her.


Tokyo Mew Mew

Tokyo Mew Mew 2002


On her first date with the cutest boy in school, Ichigo is zapped by a mysterious ray that scrambles her DNA with that of the endangered Iriomote wildcat. The next day, Ichigo discovers that she has developed the agility (and occasionally the ears and tail) of a cat, as well as the power to transform into a pink-haired superheroine, Mew Ichigo. She and four other girls, each endowed with the genes of a different "Red Data" animal, have been selected for the top-secret Mew Project, which aims to protect the Earth from an alien menace known as Deep Blue.


DC Super Hero Girls

DC Super Hero Girls 2019


The world may know them as Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Batgirl, but not-so-typical teenagers Diana, Kara and Barbara, alongside their Super Hero friends have much more to deal with than just protecting Metropolis from some of the most sinister school-aged Super-Villains. After all, being teens is tough enough, what with school, friends, family and the chaos that comes with managing a social life. But add super powers and a secret identity to the mix, and things can get a lot more complicated.


Yes! PreCure 5

Yes! PreCure 5 2007


Nozomi Yumehara, a regular student, finds a magical book called the Dream Collet in the library and meets Coco and Nuts, two creatures from the Palmier Kingdom. They plead with Nozomi to restore their world, which has been destroyed by an organization called the Nightmares, by completing the Dream Collet and finding the 55 Pinkies to make any wish come true. Meanwhile, the Nightmares are moving into the real world. Once Nozomi agrees to help, Coco and Nuts transform her into the legendary warrior Cure Dream and turn four fellow students into her Pretty Cure team.


Go! Princess PreCure

Go! Princess PreCure 2015


Go! Princess PreCure is set in a boarding junior high school, named Noble Academy. The protagonist Haruka Haruno is a 13-year-old first-year student. Her big dream is to be a princess someday because she admired a princess in the picture book she has kept since her childhood. One day, she transforms into Cure Flora with the "Dress Up Key" which Prince Kanata of Hope Kingdom gave her as a good luck charm when she was little. Then she also finds other Pretty Cure girls in her school, 14-year-old Minami Kaidou as Cure Mermaid and 13-year-old Kirara Amanogawa as Cure Twinkle. As the Princess Pretty Cure team, with two fairies Pafu and Aroma, they fight against the dark witch Dyspear, who hates all the dreams in the world and wants to turn them to despair.