Žvaigždžių karai: Epizodas II – klonų ataka

Žvaigždžių karai: Epizodas II – klonų ataka 2002


Praėjo 10 metų po Pirmojo Epizodo (Pavojaus šešėlis) įvykių. Respublikoje tęsiasi nesantaika ir chaosas. Separatistų judėjimas apėmė šimtus planetų ir galingosios jungtinės sąjungos kelia naują grėsmę galaktikai. Jiems negali pasipriešinti net gi Džedajai. Galingų ir nenuspėjamų jėgų veiksmai veda Klonų karo pradžios ir Respublikos žlugimo link. Besipriešindamas kylančiai grėsmei vyriausiasis kancleris Palpatinas pradeda burti Didžiąją Respublikos kariuomenę.






Unkind Women

Unkind Women 2015


This drama features the women of three generations and the people around them. Ma Ri grows up as a good teacher of this generation where there is no true mentor. Hyun Sook, who has been a troublemaker, realizes the love and support of her family. Kang Soon Ok regards herself as unlucky, but later on realizes how happy she has been. How can you hold up when your life gets tough? You will figure it out by holding up day by day, just like these women in the drama.


Bamboo Blade

Bamboo Blade 2007


It didn’t take long for pint-sized Tamaki’s lightning reflexes to catch the eye of starving Kendo instructor Toraji. This second-rate sensei is an embarrassment to the sport, and his Kendo club is running out of members. His only hope for redemption – and a full belly – is to get Tamaki to sign-on as his star pupil. Unfortunately, this sword-wielding prodigy is a serious anime addict, so it’ll be a challenge to get her to step away from the television and into the dojo. But once she feels like a part of the team, Tamaki will put down the remote and pick up her sword as Toraji turns his girls into a fearsome sisterhood of the bamboo blade!