Baikeriai 2024
Palikimas nerieda lengvai.. Įkvėpta XX a. septintojo dešimtmečio motociklininkų subkultūros išvaizdos, pojūčių ir garsų, režisieriaus Jeff Nichols drama pasakoja apie JAV vidurio vakarų motociklų klubo „Vandalai“ iškilimą.
Palikimas nerieda lengvai.. Įkvėpta XX a. septintojo dešimtmečio motociklininkų subkultūros išvaizdos, pojūčių ir garsų, režisieriaus Jeff Nichols drama pasakoja apie JAV vidurio vakarų motociklų klubo „Vandalai“ iškilimą.
Pažiūrėjęs į mažo miestelio gyventoją Filą Broukerį niekaip nepasakytum, kad kažkada jis buvo federalinis agentas, kovojęs su narkotikų platintojais. Viena užduotis su baikerių grupuote baigėsi siaubingai nesėkmingai ir nusinešė jo boso sūnaus gyvybę. Filas paliko tarnybą, dabar – jis vienišas devynmetės Medės tėvas. Kai jo dukra mokykloje vožia ją išjuokusiam berniukui, gyvenimas Filą vėl suveda su praeitimi. Vyras susiduria su miestelio narkotikų lordu, tenka prisiminti ir baikerių bylą. Ar pavyks nugalėti praeities demonus ir apginti dukterį, kuri, be Filo, šiam pasaulyje nieko neturi?
Buvęs policininkas Maksas keliauja po branduolinio karo nuniokotą Australiją. Netikėtai jis tampa naujo karo dalyviu. Šalyje, kur benzinas tapo neįkainuojama preke, susikirto naftos įmonės darbuotojų ir grupės nusikaltėlių interesai.
Keturi vidutinio amžiaus praktiškai nieko gyvenime nepasiekę vyrukai sumąsto motociklais pervažiuoti visą Ameriką. Viename Naujosios Meksikos bare sustoję atsigaivinti draugai net neįtaria, kad jis priklauso gana agresyviai vietinių baikerių gaujai...
Kerštingas Melo Gibsono herojus Maksas kovoja su banditėlių gauja, kuri motociklais klajoja po Australiją ir šiurpina liaudį. Scenarijus kaip ir standartinis, tik veiksmas vyksta ateityje, prie pasaulio pabaigos slenksčio atsidūrusioje visuomenėje. Ir ką? O tai, kad tai buvo pirmasis vadinamojo apokaliptinio, post-apokaliptinio arba distopinio (angl. apocalyptical, post-apocalyptical, dystopian) žanro filmas. Tokiuose filmuose paprastai rodoma, kaip prie apokalipsės priartėjusi arba pasaulio pabaigą jau patyrusi, tačiau per stebuklą gyva likusi žmonija (arba jos dalis) visais įmanomais būdais bando išgyventi. Kartais net pamindama savo žmogiškumą ir atjautą šalia esančiam.
Šios juodosios komedijos epicentre - Keisis, kuris vieną kartą yra užpuolamas nepažįstamųjų gatvėje ir po šio incidento nusprendžia pradėti mokytis savigynos meno. Karatė mokykloje Keisis atranda savo pašaukimą ir žavia moterį-kovotoją. Jo gyvenimas ima keistis iš pagrindų.
The Sons of Anarchy (SOA) is an outlaw motorcycle club with many charters in the United States as well as overseas. The show focused on the original and founding (mother) charter, Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Redwood Original, often referred to by the acronym SAMCRO, Sam Crow, or simply Redwood charter. the charter operates both illegal and legal businesses in the small town of Charming. They combine gun-running and a garage, plus involvement in porn film. Clay, the president, likes it old school and violent; while Jax, his stepson and the club's VP, has thoughts about changing the way things are. Their conflict has effects on both the club and their personal relationship. especially When Jackson "Jax" Teller discovers that his father had a different view in mind for SAMCRO (Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Original) he goes on a personal quest to cleanse the name and make the club a better place, but at what cost?
Angsty and awkward fifteen year old Ginny Miller often feels more mature than her thirty year old mother, the irresistible and dynamic Georgia Miller. After years on the run, Georgia desperately wants to put down roots in picturesque New England and give her family something they've never had... a normal life. But it's not all carpool and Kombucha as Georgia's past threatens her and her family's new way of life... and Georgia will do anything to protect her family.
Set in the aftermath of Jax Teller’s death, Ezekiel "EZ" Reyes is fresh out of prison and a prospect in the Mayans M.C. charter on the Cali/Mexi border. Now, EZ must carve out his new identity in a town where he was once the golden boy with the American Dream in his grasp.
Kintarō Yajima used to be the leader of a feared and respected biker gang, but out of respect for his late wife he chooses to straighten himself out and work as a salaryman so that he can support his son.
This drama series is a fictionalized retelling of the story of meth dealer-turned-ATF informant Charles Falco, who spent three years inside one of America's most dangerous motorcycle gangs, the Vagos. Although Falco originally took on the assignment to avoid spending 20 years in prison on drug charges, it eventually evolved into a quest for justice for him. “Gangland Undercover” documents the lives of outlaw bikers, who live in a world in which respect is earned through fear. The series is based on Falco's memoir, “Vagos, Mongols, and Outlaws,” and documented historical research of gang rivalries.
A war veteran plagued by guilt over his final mission teams up with his best friend's widow to infiltrate a dangerous Copenhagen biker gang.
The police woman Hanna Svensson has a strained relationship to her son after having arrested him for drug dealing. Her married police man lover disappears, possibly kidnapped by MC gangs, although ties to Bosnia also appear.
When a lonely hacker gets entangled with a group of underground couriers, they uncover the dark truth lurking beneath Tokyo's seemingly perfect facade.
The untold story behind cult leader Charles Manson and his followers' heinous crimes as told through interviews with former members, archival footage, and newly-unearthed images.
The Triple Sixers are the largest biker gang in Canada, but they don't have one important territory—Ontario, to give them a monopoly on the illegal drug market. Bob Durelle has been chosen to expand The Triple Sixers into Ontario, but his life-long friend Ross balks at the move. Watched by police and the Mafia, a bloody turf war starts.
Tsukasa, Yoji, and Eiji are friends and members of the motorcycle gang called the Paradise Butterflies. Riding the streets of Hiroshima, their goal in life is to top all other gangs in their city.
A dedicated biker who leads weekend bikers on a road road trips starts a biker boot camp of 17 men from three states to see if they have what it takes.
Having consolidated his Ontario power base, Bob is using his profits from the drug business to expand into a whole range of more legitimate enterprises while looking for ways to gain a foothold in the corridors of political power. And it seems he will stop at nothing to be reunited with his estranged wife Karen. Little does he know that his old nemesis Ross – long presumed dead – is about to launch an all-out campaign to bring him to his knees.
The Hells Angels are the single most notorious motorcycle club in history. They’re also one of the most secretive organizations on the planet. Members are known to take revenge on each other for talking. Now, for the first time ever, a Hells Angels member will bare all the club’s secrets. A former angel will come clean. He’ll tell the world about everything from initiation rites to murder for hire.