Raudonoji panda

Raudonoji panda 2022


Pasitikinti savimi moksliukė 13-metė paauglė Mei Lee blaškosi tarp noro likti pareiginga dukra, ir prasidėjusios paauglystės chaoso. Paauglystė – keistas metas: nebesupranti, ką mėgsti, ir ko nori; draugai, atrodo, nebedraugiški; o kūnas pradeda skleisti keistus kvapus ir garsus... Visiška katastrofa! Tarsi šių pokyčių nepakaktų, netikėtai Mei Lee įgauna dar vieną „paauglišką gebėjimą“: per daug susijaudinusi, ji – „puf“ – ir pavirsta didžiule raudona panda! Būtų juokinga, jei nebūtų… super juokinga! Pamokanti ir svarbią žinutę nešantis pasakojimas sklidinas patarimų bei linksmų juokelių, kurie padeda drąsiau pažvelgti į paauglystės tikrovę, o tėvams – labiau suprasti paauglystę išgyvenančius savo vaikus.



Skenduolė 2024


Waverly manė, kad išsiaiškino savo ateitį, ji pradės medicinos rezidentūrą Toronte po vasaros vizito pas tėvus Taipėjuje. Kai jos planai staiga pasikeičia, ji impulsyviai nukeliauja į nedidelį Kanados miestelį, kur susipažįsta su vietiniu gelbėtoju Bleiku. Po to, kai jis išgelbėjo ją nuo vos nenuskendusio paplūdimio vakarėlyje, Blake'as pasiūlo išmokyti Waverly plaukti, o pamokoms besitęsiant, jiedu netikėtai įsimyli.


Senoji aš

Senoji aš 2024


18-ojo gimtadienio įvykiai atsigėrus arbatos su grybukais leidžia laisvos dvasios merginai Eljot akis į akį susitikti su savo išmintinga 39 metų „aš“. Tačiau kai senoji „aš“ perspėja, ką jaunesnioji ji turėtų daryti ir ko ne, Eljot supranta, kad turi permąstyti viską, kas vyksta jos gyvenime.


Troškulys smurtui

Troškulys smurtui 2002


Filmo kūrėjas Maiklas Moore'as tyrinėja Amerikos polinkį į smurtą ginklais.



Įsibrovimas 2016


Įtemptas psichologinis trileris „Įsilaužimas į namus“ pasakoja apie tai, kas nutinka, kada teroras pasiekia vietą, kurioje mes jaučiamės saugiausiai – namus. Į turtingą moterį kartu su jos posūniu nusitaikius patyrusių vagių trijulei, Klojai (vaid. Nataša Hendstridž) vienintelę pagalbą gali suteikti apsaugos sistemų specialistas. Tačiau kai įsibrovėliai tampa agresyvūs ir prasideda dvejonės, ar ji patikės jam savo saugumą?..



Pomendalis 2008


Sukrečiantis istorinis/karinis filmas apie Pirmąjį Pasaulini karą, o tiksliau apie Passchendaele kaimelio paėmimą, kai 4 mėnesius lyjo be paliovos ir kovos laukas buvo panašus į purvo ir pelkes tvarinį, kai kariai mirdavo ne nuo kulkų, o nuskesdavo apkasuose. Iš viso per tuos keturius mėnesius žuvo 600 000 žmonių.



Lokys 1988


1885 – ieji metai. Tarp gražiausių ir didingiausių Britanijos Kolumbijos (Kanada) peizažų nutiko jaudinanti istorija apie dar visai jaunutį lokiuką, visiškai netikėtai praradusį mamą ir taip, savo tik prasidėjusį pavojų kupiną gyvenimą, atidavusiam į likimo rankas. O tuo pačiu metu, du patyrę lokių medžiotojai ir kailių kolekcionieriai, klajodami miškais, ieško eilinės didingos gauruotos aukos... Bet likimas taip pat netikėtai kaip ir išskyrė, tai pat ir suveda kartu našlaitėlį lokiuką ir gigantišką, tų pačių medžiotojų prieš pusvalandį į petį sužeistą lokį. Ne taip jau ir idealiai klostosi lokiuko ir milžiniško lokio pirmosios pažinties santykiai, bet ginkluoti galingais šautuvais medžiotojai su savo piktais šunimis yra kur kas baisiau ir blogiau... Susidūrimas tarp žmonių ir lokių darosi neišvengiamas. Sukurtas pagal amerikiečių rašytojo Dž. O. Kervudo romaną „Grizlis“.



Banditas 2022


Pabėgęs iš Mičigano kalėjimo, žavus nusikaltėlis Kanadoje gauna naują tapatybę ir toliau apiplėšinėja daugiau nei 50 bankų ir juvelyrinių dirbinių parduotuves, o tuo tarpu jį medžioja policininkai.



Medžiotojas 2020


Džozefas ir jo šeima gyvena atokiame miške kaip medžiotojai, bet jų ramybė sudrumsčiama, kai sugrįžta atsiskyręs vilkas. Džozefas palikęs šeimą išeina jo ieškoti.


Gold Rush

Gold Rush 2010


Follow the lives of ambitious miners as they head north in pursuit of gold. With new miners, new claims, new machines and new ways to pull gold out of the ground, the stakes are higher than ever. But will big risks lead to an even bigger pay out?


Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries 2008


A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.


Rookie Blue

Rookie Blue 2010


Ambitious young cops try to prove themselves in their high-stakes careers, in which the smallest mistake can have deadly consequences. At the core of the close-knit group is perfectionist Andy McNally, whose father was a homicide detective before he burned out on the job. The series follows Andy and her four colleagues -- Dov Epstein, Gail Peck, Traci Nash and Chris Diaz -- as they experience the trials, triumphs and tribulations of police work, as well as its effect on their personal lives.


Private Eyes

Private Eyes 2016


Ex-pro hockey player Matt Shade irrevocably changes his life when he teams up with fierce P.I. Angie Everett to form an unlikely investigative powerhouse.


Trailer Park Boys

Trailer Park Boys 2001


Follow the booze-fueled misadventures of three longtime pals and petty serial criminals who run scams from their Nova Scotia trailer park.



Letterkenny 2016


Letterkenny follows Wayne, a good-ol’ country boy in Letterkenny, Ontario trying to protect his homegrown way of life on the farm, against a world that is constantly evolving around him. The residents of Letterkenny belong to one of three groups: Hicks, Skids, and Hockey Players. The three groups are constantly feuding with each other over seemingly trivial matters; often ending with someone getting their ass kicked.


Burden of Truth

Burden of Truth 2018


A big city lawyer returns to her hometown to take the case of a group of girls suffering from a mysterious illness.


Anne with an E

Anne with an E 2017


A coming-of-age story about an outsider who, against all odds and numerous challenges, fights for love and acceptance and for her place in the world. The series centers on a young orphaned girl in the late 1890’s, who, after an abusive childhood spent in orphanages and the homes of strangers, is mistakenly sent to live with an elderly woman and her aging brother. Over time, 13-year-old Anne will transform their lives and eventually the small town in which they live with her unique spirit, fierce intellect and brilliant imagination.



Cardinal 2017


Detective John Cardinal attempts to uncover the mystery of what happened to the missing 13-year-old girl whose body is discovered in the shaft-head of an abandoned mine. At the same time, he comes under investigation by his new partner, Lise Delorme, a tough investigator in her own right.


Saving Hope

Saving Hope 2012


When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.


The Listener

The Listener 2009


Toby Logan is a highly skilled paramedic with a secret – he can read minds. Toby never really knew his parents and grew up in foster care, this coupled with his secret, which he shares with no one, has made him a bit of a loner. Until now, Toby has kept his ability hidden, exploring its possibilities only with his long time mentor and confidante Dr. Ray Mercer.



Flashpoint 2008


The Strategic Response Unit (SRU) is an elite team of cops who specialize in high-risk critical incidents. Trained in tactics and psychology, they deal with extreme situations, where split-second decisions could save a life...or cost one.



Degrassi 2001


The life of a group of adolescents going through the trials and tribulations of teendom at Degrassi Community School.



Motive 2013


A team of Vancouver investigators, led by homicide detective Angie Flynn, sets out to uncover the motive of each puzzling murder by discovering the killer's connection to the victim. Viewers get a glimpse of the killer before and after the crime is committed.


Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers 2007


Take a trip to Yellowknife, Canada to experience one of the most dangerous careers around. In unfathomably cold conditions, truck drivers haul equipment and supplies to miners in the Canadian tundra in the dead of winter on a 350-mile highway of ice.


Degrassi: Next Class

Degrassi: Next Class 2016


Follow a group of high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors from Degrassi Community School, a fictional school in Toronto, Ontario, as they encounter some of the typical issues and challenges common to a teenager's life.


Island of the Sea Wolves

Island of the Sea Wolves 2022


Explore wild, wondrous Vancouver Island, where the ocean nurtures all life, from bald eagles who go fishing to sea wolves who swim in frigid waters.


No Tomorrow

No Tomorrow 2016


When a risk-averse, straight-arrowed, female procurement manager at an Amazon-like distribution center falls in love with a free-spirited man who lives life to the fullest because he believes the apocalypse is imminent, they embark on a quest together to fulfill their individual bucket lists, with comedic and poignant results.



ReGenesis 2004


ReGenesis is a Canadian television program produced by The Movie Network and Movie Central in conjunction with Shaftesbury Films. The series, which ran for four seasons, revolves around the scientists of NorBAC, a fictional organization with a lab based in Toronto. The organization investigates problems of a scientific nature, such as bio-terrorism, mysterious diseases or radical changes in environment throughout Canada, the United States, and Mexico. NorBAC is headed by David Sandström, the chief scientist and molecular biologist. Through this character the show often addresses topical social, political and ethical issues related to the science at hand. The series was originally seen on The Movie Network and Movie Central with rebroadcasts on Global and Showcase in Canada. Internationally it can be seen on FX in the United Kingdom, The Science Channel, Halogen TV and in syndication and CW Plus in the United States, and FX Latin America in Mexico; as well as numerous broadcasters in Europe and Asia. International distribution is handled by Oasis International. As of April 2012 the show can also be seen on Hulu.com.


Corner Gas

Corner Gas 2004


Following the adventures of a bunch of nobodies who get up to a whole lot of nothing in the fictional prairie town of Dog River, Saskatchewan, Corner Gas focuses on the life (or lack thereof) of Brent LeRoy, proprietor of a gas station that is the only stop for miles around and a hub of action on the Prairies.