Baltosios Pupytės 2004
Du sugėdinti FTB agentai slapstosi, siekdami apsaugoti viešbučio paveldėtojas Wilson seseris nuo pagrobimo sąmokslo.
Du sugėdinti FTB agentai slapstosi, siekdami apsaugoti viešbučio paveldėtojas Wilson seseris nuo pagrobimo sąmokslo.
Viola žaidžia mokyklos mergaičių futbolo komandoje ir jai puikiai sekasi. Negana to, mergina mano, jog ji taip gerai spardo kamuolį, kad galėtų žaisti vaikinų komandoje. Tik kur rasti tokią komandą, kuriai reikalinga mergiotė?..
Vienos geriausių visų laikų kino komedijos veiksmas nukelia į 1929m. Šv. Valentino dieną, kai Čikagoje įvyko gangsterių žudynės, jų liudininkais tapo du muzikantai. Kad pasislėptų nuo liudininkus persekiojančios mafijos, muzikantai apsimeta moterimis ir pradeda dirbti moterų džiazo orkestre. Čia jie sutinką žavingą dainininkę, kuri svajoja ištekėti už milijonieriaus...
Sugedus susižadėjusių jaunuolių Brado ir Dženet mašinai, šie randa prieglobstį nuo audros dr. Frenko N. Furtero namuose. Jis yra išprotėjęs ateivis, savo namų rūsyje kuriantis gražuolį monstrą vardu Rokis. „Rokio Hororo siaubo šou“ – kultinis miuziklas, parodijuojantis B kategorijos siaubo filmus ir kasmet renkantis ištikimų gerbėjų būrius viso pasaulio kino salėse.
Vienuolikmečio Bilio Elioto tėvas ir brolis – kalnakasiai, o mama senokai mirusi. Atsitiktinai berniukas užklysta į baleto klasę, kurią ką tik atidarė toje pačioje miestelio salėje, kur jis lanko taip nekenčiamą boksą. Magiškas šokio judesio grožis pakeri vaiko vaizduotę. Tuo metu jo tėvas ir vyresnysis brolis dalyvauja streike ir vos pajėgia išmaitinti šeimą. Tad labai įsiunta paaiškėjus, kad Bilis bokso treniruotėms skirtus pinigus išleidžia tokiam nevyriškam užsiėmimui. Baleto mokytoja ponia Vilkinson, norėdama Bilį paruošti stojamiesiems į Londono karališkąją baleto mokyklą, įkalba jį lankyti individualias nemokamas pamokas. Tačiau konkurso dieną Bilis negali išvažiuoti, mat jo brolis susimuša su policininkais. Savo sielvartą Bilis išreiškia šokiu, kurį turėjo matyti tik jo bičiulis Maiklas. Netikėtai šokantį sūnų užklumpa tėvas. Sūnaus talentas taip sujaudina tėvą, kad šis pažada, jog Bilis važiuos į Londoną laikyti stojamojo egzamino.
Maiklas Dorsis – Niujorko aktorius, protingas, agresyvus ir talentingas. Tačiau dėl savo karštakošiško charakterio ir dar dėl milijono priežasčių jis neranda darbo. Visiškoje nevilty jis dalyvauja moteriško vaidmens atrankoje populiarioje muilo operoje. Ir… tampa žvaigžde. Niekas nė neįtaria, kad naujoji žavi 40-metė televizijos žvaigždė – vyras. Be to – įsimylėjęs vyras, o jo širdies išrinktoji tebemano, kad bendrauja su moterimi.
Valas Goldmanas sumano tuoktis, ir tai bus rimtas išbandymas, nes dviejų skirtingesnių šeimų neįmanoma surasti! Valo tėvas Armandas (aktorius Robinas Williamsas) – spalvingo Majamio baro savininkas, kitas Valo tėvas – Albertas – tame bare rengia pasirodymus kaip scenos žvaigždė Starina. Na, o Valo išrinktosios Barbaros (serialo „Eli Makbyl“ žvaigždė, aktorė Calista Flockhard) tėvas – rimtas, konservatoriškų pažiūrių senatorius Kevinas Keeley, kurį vaidina du Oskarus pelnęs Gene´as Hackmanas. Susipažinti su dukrelės išrinktuoju senatorius Kevinas su žmona Luiza keliauja į Floridą ir nė neįsivaizduoja, kiek melo jo ten laukia! Ar perrinkimo siekiantis politikas patikės, kad Armandas yra Graikijos kultūros atašė, jo partneris Albertas – namų tvarkytojas, o iš kažkur atkasta biologinė Valo motina – seniai šiuose namuose gyvenanti Armando žmona?
XVI-ojo amžiaus Londonas. Rašant pjesę “Romeo ir Etelė, pirato duktė”, jaunąjį dramaturgą Viljamą Šekspyrą (akt. Joseph Fiennes) ištinka kūrybinė krizė. Negana to, jam nesiseka rasti aktoriaus, kuris atliktų pagrindinį vaidmenį jo naujajame spektaklyje. Vos jis susipažista su vienu idealiai vaidmeniui tinkančiu jaunuoliu, pastarasis dingsta lyg į vandenį. Tačiau jaunojo dramaturgo gyvenimas ima taisytis, kai jis sutinka nepaprasto grožio merginą vardu Viola. Pamilęs ją, Šekspyras sužino, kad jam patikęs aktorius ir yra persirengusi Viola, metusi iššūkį tuometiniam draudimui moterims vaidinti teatre.
Lenktynės, kur nesivadovaujama jokiomis taisyklėmis tęsiasi. Turtingas šeichas turi pinigų, turi noro organizuoti tokias lenktynės, tačiau dega nemažesniu pergalės troškimu. Visi lenktynių dalyviai yra pasiruošę daug ką paaukoti dėl triumfo, tačiau ne visi yra tokie savanaudžiai...
When the crown prince is killed, his twin sister assumes the throne while trying to keep her identity and affection for her first love a royal secret.
During the reign of the Long Qing Emperor in the Ming Dynasty (the mid-1500s), Lin Shao Chun is the daughter of a once-powerful government official. After being accused of embezzlement and corruption, her father — and the rest of the family — fall from grace. In an attempt to make ends meet, she joins a troupe of travelling performers where she meets Sun Yu Lou, the heir of a rich family. He falls in love with Lin Shao Chun at first sight. But she has no intention of remaining in the performing troupe; she intends to avenge those who wronged her family. She plans to join the civil service and disguises herself as a man in order to take the necessary examinations. Although at first his family vehemently opposes it, Sun Yu Lou resolves to help her. The duo begins to form a close bond and eventually marry. However, when she discovers that a member of her husband’s family may have played a role in her own family’s fall, Lin Shao Chun finds herself at a crossroads.
Utena is a tomboyish school girl who attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. Her strong sense of chivalry pulls her into a series of duels with other members of the Student Council for the possession of the Rose Bride.
Join RuPaul, the world's most famous drag queen, as the host, mentor and judge for the ultimate in drag queen competitions. The top drag queens in the U.S. will vie for drag stardom as RuPaul, in full glamazon drag, will reign supreme in all judging and eliminations while helping guide the contestants as they prepare for each challenge.
On the Spanish version of RuPaul's Drag Race, Supremme de Luxe presides as Spain's most talented queens compete to be crowned Spain's Next Drag Superstar.
In Victorian London, 12-year-old business magnate Ciel Phantomhive thwarts dangers to the queen as he's watched over by his demon butler, Sebastian.
Fourteen-year-old Iruma Suzuki has just been abandoned and sold to a demon by his irresponsible parents! Surprisingly, the next thing he knows he's living with the demon who has adopted him as his new grandson and has been transferred into a school in the Netherworld where his new demon grandfather works as the principal. Thus begins the cowardly Iruma-kun's extraordinary school life among the otherworldly as he faces his true self, takes on challenges, and rises to become someone great.
A woman born in Korea navigates her way through love, war, politics and national loyalties to become a powerful empress in China's Yuan dynasty.
A young Joseon woman who's lived her whole life as a man ends up as a eunuch in the royal palace, where she begins to bond with the crown prince.
Three guys meet three cute boys who are actually women in drag! They soon find themselves getting closer in unexpected ways.
Li Chang Ge's family was murdered by Li Shi Min, the Emperor of Tang, during the Xuanwu Gate Incident. She heads to Shuo Province under the guise of a man with hopes of raising an army to kill Li Shi Min to avenge her family's death. However, as a captain of the army of Shuo Province in Zhangzhou, she loses a siege by the Eastern Turkic Khaganate General Ashina Sun, who takes her to serve him as a personal military strategist.
While on the run for his life, a young man discovers that the best place to lie low is in a village of widows — disguised as a woman.
The life story of Queen Seondeok, the first queen of the Korean people during the Silla Dynasty.
Xue Wenxi comes from an impoverished family, and disguises as a guy to make ends meet by helping to transcript and copywrite books. She meets Feng Chengjun, the son of the Prime Minister, during a business transaction. Coming to admire her talent, Feng Chengjun secretly sets a plan in motion that leaves her with no choice but to enroll in the the Yun Shang Academy. As the school only accepts male students, Xue Wenxi disguises herself as a boy (renaming herself as Xue Wenbin), and lives everyday on thin ice to guard her secret. Fortunately, she has Feng Chengjun to come to her aid, allowing her to focus on her studies.
Some guys have no luck; he’s got no pulse. That’s life for poor unfortunate, undead Ayumu. First, he was murdered by a serial killer. Total bummer. Then he was resurrected as a zombie by a cute little Necromancer. That seemed pretty cool until she moved into his house, refused to speak, and forced his rotting carcass to do all the cooking. After that, a magical girl in a pretty pink dress used her matching chainsaw to chop his corpse in half. Luckily, the Necromancer’s powers of resurrection trumped those of the chainsaw chick, so instead of dying (again), Ayumu became the world’s first magical girl zombie. There’s also a voluptuous vampire ninja who thinks zombie boy’s a pervert – and a hideous crayfish demon who wants to devour him. Confused? All you gotta know is this: zombies, frilly dresses, demons, and moe chainsaws. Pink. It’s the new dead.
Mayumi Dojima, a second-year student at the exclusive Yubiwa Academy middle school, has lost something—a star she glimpsed just once, ten long years ago. But help is on the way, in the form of the unofficial, secretive, and thoroughly mysterious Pretty Boy Detective Club! Rumored to solve problems within the school (most of which they themselves might as well created) for reasons aesthetic rather than financial, these five gorgeous boys sweep Mayumi into their world of excitement, danger, and overwhelming beauty.
The most celebrated competitors from RuPaul's Drag Race vie for a second chance to enter Drag Race herstory. This drag queen showdown is filled with plenty of heated competition, lip-syncing for the legacy, and, of course, the All-Stars Snatch Game.
When Yadomi Jinta was a child, he was a central piece in a group of close friends. In time, however, these childhood friends drifted apart, and when they became high school students, they had long ceased to think of each other as friends. One of the friends from that group, Honma Meiko, now has a wish she asks Jinta to fulfil. The problem is, she can't remember what her wish is anymore.
A story that follows Han Yuanniang, the eldest daughter of a minister who disguises herself as a man in order to pretend to be her twin brother. She encounters the prince thus igniting an unexpected romance.
In 1910s China, nineteen year old Xie Xiang follows in her deceased brother's footsteps and enrolls in military school disguised as a man. She befriends her fellow cadets and and earns the respect of her instructors during the intense training. However, when the unfortunate arrival of the Imperial Japanese troops creates a web of distressing conspiracies, the batch and their allies are forced to prove their courage and resilience.