Raktažodis Conflict
Riba 1997
Du visiškai skirtingi vyrai: intelektualas turtuolis (Anthony Hopkins) ir žymus madų fotografas (Alecas Baldwin) - turi susidraugauti, kad išgyventų, kai jų lėktuvas netikėtai sudūžta ir jiedu atsiduria vidury neįžengiamų miškų šaltojoj laukinėj Aliaskoj...
Naktis Žemėje 1991
Penki miestai, penki taksi ir viena naktis. Los Andžele subtili aktorių agentė ir rūkorė taksistė atranda, kas joms gyvenime svarbiausia. Niujorke buvęs klounas paveža jauną juodaodį vaikiną, kurio niekas nenori vežti. Paryžiuje taksistas susiduria su rasizmu, o veždamas neregę suvokia, kad aklumas kartais padeda matyti daugiau, nei galima įsivaizduoti. Romoje plepus taksistas išpažįsta savo nuodėmes arkivyskupui. O Helsinkyje trys draugai važiuodami taksi supranta, kad yra rimtesnių bėdų nei girtuoklio draugo problemos.
Kopa 1984
10991 metai, planeta Arakis, taip pat žinoma kaip Kopa . Arena kovos tarp blogio ir gėrio, klastingų ir labiausiai pavojingų intrigų pasaulis. Milžiniški dykumos kirmiai saugo neįkainojamą lobį - Melanžo prieskonius, leidžiančius keliauti per erdvę ir laiką. Tas, kuris valdo prieskonius, kontroliuoja visatą. Kopos žmonės laukia Mesijo atėjimo, kuris ves juos į šventą kovą prieš žiaurumu garsėjančią Harkonenų šeimą. Mesijas pasirodo. Tai jaunasis Polas Atreidas, kunigaikščio Leto sūnus, kurio tėvą klastingai nužudė Harkonai su imperatoriaus pritarimu. Polo laukia Didžioji misija, kuri amžinai pakeis visos galaktikos imperijos likimą...
Pats baisiausias filmas 4 2006
Į filmą prikaišiota populiarių pop-kultūros elementų. Leslie Nielsenas vaidina JAV prezidentą, kuris klausosi vaikų pasakos tuo metu, kai naciją naikina ateiviai (tfu... Ipodai). Kaip žinote, filme „Farenheitas 9/11“ buvo atskleista, kad tikrasis JAV prezidentas George‘as W.Bushas ramiai sėdėjo klasėje ir klausėsi eilėraščių, kai Niujorke du lėktuvai įsirėžė į Pasaulio prekybos centrą. Tomas Cruise‘as, kuriam šiemet kliūva nuo žurnalistų labiau, nei kam nors kitam, taip pat pateko į filmo parodijų objektą ne tik kaip filmo „Pasaulių karai“ herojus, bet ir kaip pamišęs įsimylėjėlis Oprah Winfrey laidoje (kur spygavo ir šokinėjo ant sofos kaip mažas vaikas).
Jokio supratimo 1995
Penkiolikmetė Cher Horovitz panaši į savo bendraamžes. Ji domisi mada, mėgsta spalvingus drabužius ir žvalgosi į vaikinus. Sužinojusi, kad mokyklos baigimo atestato pažymiai bus prasti, mergina imasi gudrybės ir moteriškų kerų. Iš pradžių superša du vienišus mokytojus ir supranta, kad visai malonu daryti gerus darbus. Tada bando bendraklasę, pilką pelytę Tają paversti patrauklia mergina... Galų gale Cher supranta, ko iš tikrųjų nori ir ką iš tikrųjų myli.
Euphoria 2018
Seklys 2007
Senstantis garsus rašytojas Endriu Uaikas gyvena vienas didžiuliame moderniame name. Jį žmona Megi paliko dėl jaunesnio vyro – jauno, žavaus aktoriaus Milo Tindlio. Atvykęs į Uaiko rūmus, Milo bando įtikinti jį pasirašyti skyrybų dokumentus. Tačiau rašytojui įdomiau žaisti proto žaidimus su žmonos meilužiu ir taip jai atkeršyti.
Madea Goes to Jail 2009
Hallam Foe 2007
La comunidad 2000
Nacionalinis saugumas 2003
Erlas ir Henkas yra Policijos akademijos atstumtieji. Erlas Montgomeris yra įžūlus Policijos akademijos auklėtinis, kuris šiaip taip įsidarbina "Nacionalinio saugumo" apsaugos darbuotoju. Henkas, Erlo neteisingai apkaltintas moraliniu spaudimu, – išmetamas iš akademijos ir taip pat įsidarbina "Nacionalinio saugumo" darbuotoju. Likimo valia jiedu abu turi atskleisti sudėtingą kontrabandininkų operaciją.
Sami swoi 1967
Klan 1997
Family is the most important thing, and the children of Władysław and Maria Lubicz from Warsaw can always count on each other, no matter what surprises life offers.
Narcos 2015
A gritty chronicle of the war against Colombia's infamously violent and powerful drug cartels.
Akudama Drive 2020
Many years ago, a Great Civil War ravaged Japan, leaving the country fragmented between two regions: Kansai and Kanto. In Kansai, a group of six Akudama carry out missions given to them by a mysterious black cat, while evading the police. But a dangerous journey is about to unfold when a civilian girl becomes twisted into the Akudama's way of life and witnesses their criminal drives.
Patria 2020
A look at the impact of Spain’s Basque conflict on ordinary people on both sides, such as the widow of a man killed by the ETA who returns to her home village after the 2011 ceasefire between the separatist group and the Spanish government, and her former intimate friend, the mother of a jailed terrorist.
Riot Police 2020
A fictionalised look into the human tragedy of riot police and police brutality in Spain.
Saikano 2002
Saikano: The Last Love Song on This Little Planet. is a manga, anime, and OVA series by Shin Takahashi, creator of Iihito and Kimi no Kakera. Saikano was originally serialized in Shogakukan's Big Comic Spirits magazine. A live-action movie adaptation was released in Japan on January 28, 2006 with Aki Maeda starring as Chise. The Saikano manga and anime series has been licensed and is being distributed by Viz Media in English in North America. The anime series is distributed in the UK by Manga Entertainment. Although the city is not mentioned by name in the series, many of the locations used in Saikano can by all probability be found in Otaru-shi, west of Sapporo. The train station, "Hell Hill", the Asahi Observation Hill, the view over the harbor, and the school all have similar looking counterparts in the city of Otaru.
Pokémon: Twilight Wings 2020
This series focuses on the residents of the Galar Region. It is set to focus on their dreams, realities, challenges they must face and conflicts they must overcome. This is all linked through the Galar Taxi Driver.
Say Nothing 2024
Through the eyes of various Irish Republican Army (IRA) members, explore the extremes some people will go to in the name of their beliefs, the way a deeply divided society can suddenly tip over into armed conflict, the long shadow of radical violence for both victims and perpetrators, and the emotional and psychological costs of a code of silence.
災 2025
This completely original film depicts how a "man" played by Kagawa appears before six innocent characters living in modern times while carrying their own conflicts, and a certain "disaster" mercilessly befalls them. Who is the "man"? What is the "disaster"? When and to whom will the "disaster" befall? Many mysteries shake the psychology of the viewer, and the presence of the "man" brings about an unprecedented fear.
River of Passions 2016
It tells the story of Felipe Guerra, a young foreman of a cattle ranch, who discovers in the eyes of the beautiful Lina Maria Henao, the one true love. Aware of the economic differences between his beloved and himself, he decides to accept the proposal to capture the drug lord Miguel de Jesus Ortega for a million-dollar reward. During the length of this mission, the young man will assume a new identity and forget about the city where he was born. But what about Lina while he's gone? Cristian, who is supposed to be Felipe’s best friend, will have no problem accompanying her until he returns.
The Legacy 2014
The death of a matriarch brings forgotten secrets out into the open and causes a prolonged battle for the family inheritance.
Man Like Mobeen 2017
Man Like Mobeen is a four-part series that welcomes you into the life of Mobeen Deen, a 28 year-old from Small Heath in Birmingham. All Mobeen wants to do is follow his faith, lead a good life, and make sure his younger sister fulfils her potential. But can he juggle these when his criminal past and reputation is always chasing him?
Conflict 2024
A small, Finnish seaside town is preparing to celebrate midsummer's eve. An unknown enemy arrives and takes the entire area hostage.
The Eternal Love 2017
Mo Liancheng, the 8th prince of Dongyue, is forced to marry Qu Taner, who loves his elder brother, Mo Yihuai. After a failed suicide attempt, Qu Taner wakes up with another soul inside her, causing her personality to shift. As Mo Liancheng grows suspicious, he falls for Xiao Tan, the modern soul, while she tries to return to her world.
Serenade of Peaceful Joy 2020
A story that follows Emperor Renzong of Song as he struggles between maintaining his ideologies of governing the country and his love for his daughter.
Snap and Spark 2023
It tells a teen drama depicting the concerns of students at Korea Arts High School (Han Arts High School) who are desperate to find pink love in a world where popularity means rank and not receiving hearts makes you a loser. . An unfamiliar but bolder and more colorful story will unfold centered around the students, including their class, desires, love, and growth.
Three Sisters 2010
Three Sisters is a daily drama about the lives of two generations of three sisters, portraying their relationships and the difficulties they face.
Uzukawamura Incident 2022
Akira Iwamori works as a doctor. He is looking for his wife, who went missing. He takes his daughter to visit his wife's hometown village of Uzukawa. While in Uzukawa, the village suddenly becomes isolated due to a landslide caused by heavy rain. The villagers becomes filled with anxiety and a murder takes place. The tense village people become violent. Akira is soon drawn into a power struggle in Uzukawa. He learns new information about his wife's whereabouts.
Love Designer 2020
The love story between a fashion designer and a man in the e-commerce industry. Fashion designer Zhou Fang met Song Lin because of a lawsuit. They were a mismatch from the very start but had to cooperate due interdependence in their lives and their work. Having two hard-headed people together was bound to result in conflicts but in the process of competing with each other, Zhou Fang and Song Lin gradually fall in love. As they seek to be better versions of themselves, Zhou Fang works hard to create a sophisticated brand while Song Lin who prioritizes efficiency above all pushes for a breakthrough in his career.
RoboDoc: The Creation of RoboCop 2023
An in-depth look into the ground breaking franchise and features new interviews with cast and crew.