
Sekretorė 2002


Išėjusi iš psichiatrinės ligoninės, jauna moteris Li supranta, kad turi pakeisti savo gyvenimą. Ji išmoksta mašininkės amato ir įsidarbina advokato Edvardo biure. Edvardo elgesys su Li keičia ne tik moters išorę, bet ir jos charakterį. Tarp jų užsimezga keisti santykiai.



Psichopatas 1960


Filmo herojė Marion Krein pasisavina milžiniškus pinigus ir skuba pas savo meilužį. Moteris išsigandusi ir pavargusi, todėl mielai apsistoja mažai lankomame motelyje toli nuo greitkelio. Jaunas savininkas pasiūlo jai drauge pavakarieniauti šalia esančiame jo name, kur gyvena drauge su motina...


Aukštuomenės klubas

Aukštuomenės klubas 2016


Prabanga tviskančiame kino pasaulyje Filas (aktorius Steve‘as Carell‘as) jaučiasi kaip žuvis vandenyje. Vienintelis šio žinomo, įtakingo ir gerbiamo Holivudo agento žodis gali iškelti ar sugriauti karjeras, idėjas paversti rezultatu, o svajones – realybe. Paprašytas sesers, Filas imasi globoti iš Niujorko į Los Andželą atvykusį savo sūnėną Bobį (akt. Jesse Eisenberg‘as), trokštantį įsitvirtinti šioje svajonių kalvėje. Prie vaikino globos prisideda ir Filo sekretorė Vonė (akt. Kristen Stewart), naivų Holivudo šlovinimą jau senokai palikusi praeityje. Mergina greitai atšaldo ir Bobio susižavėjimą, parodydama vaikinui, kad ne viskas auksas, kas auksu žiba. Protingas ir nuovokus jaunuolis mokosi greitai ir, nutaręs, kad geriau žvirblis saujoje, sugrįžta į Niujorką, kur imasi vadovauti savo mafijozui broliui priklausančiam klubui „Cafe Society“.


Atsitiktinė santuoka

Atsitiktinė santuoka 2008


Ema Loid (akt. Uma Thurman) – porų konsultantė. Ji veda nepaprastai populiarią radijo laidą, kurioje padeda žmonėms tobulinti santykius... arba nutraukti niekam tikusius ryšius. Taip pat netrukus turi pasirodyti jos knyga, beje, taip pat apie tarpusavio santykius. Na, o namuose jos laukia sužadėtinis Ričardas (akt. Colin Firth) – toks, apie kokį Ema visada svajojo: patikimas, rūpestingas, atsakingas. Jų santykiai tobuli. Tokie, kokie ir turėtų būti išmintingos ir apdairios porų konsultantės santykiai. Ema ir Ričardas netrukus ruošiasi susituokti. Liko tik keletas nelabai reikšmingų tuoktuvių rūpesčių ir tobuli santykiai bus vaininkuoti idealia – tikėkimės – santuoka. Tačiau visas kortas Emai sumaišo pritrenkianti naujiena. Ji sužino, jog negalės ištekėti, nes... jau yra susituokusi!


Kadenang Ginto

Kadenang Ginto 2018


The story of Romina, a secretary turned wife of business tycoon, Robert, who married her despite the fact that she was raped and is carrying the child of the assailant. Unknown to Romina, it was Daniela, Robert’s daughter, who had orchestrated her abduction, right before seducing Romina’s fiance, Carlos. With Romina's and Daniela's lives intertwined, their daughters, Cassandra and Margaret, are made to fight as to who among them is the rightful heiress to the Mondragon empire.


What's Wrong with Secretary Kim

What's Wrong with Secretary Kim 2018


Lee Young-Joon's family runs a large company and he works as the vice-president of the company. He is smart, rich and handsome, but he is arrogant. His secretary is Kim Mi-So. She has worked for him for years and she is perfect for him, but Kim Mi-So decides to quit her job.


The Secret Life of My Secretary

The Secret Life of My Secretary 2019


When a telecom executive develops face blindness, he mistakes his secretary for a wealthy heiress -- which she allows to get out of hand.


What's Wrong With Secretary Kim

What's Wrong With Secretary Kim 2024


A competent secretary and a narcissistic boss fall in love while uncovering a traumatic past that causes them to question whether their feelings are real or the result of a shared trauma.


Blade Man

Blade Man 2014


Hong Bin might've been oppressed by love and his father. However, he comes across his first love again.


Private Secretary

Private Secretary 1953


Private Secretary is an American sitcom that aired from February 1, 1953 to September 10, 1957 on CBS, alternating with The Jack Benny Program on Sundays at 7:30pm EST. The series stars Ann Sothern as Susan Camille "Susie" MacNamara, devoted secretary to handsome talent agent Peter Sands, played by Don Porter.



Kristin 2001


Kristin is an American comedy television series starring Kristin Chenoweth. The series premiered June 5, 2001, on NBC. The show was canceled after six episodes.


The Office

The Office 1995


A look at office life seen though the eyes of Rita Stone, a secretary who has worked at the packaging department of an ad agency called Package, Inc for 19 years. 


Take a Letter, Mr. Jones

Take a Letter, Mr. Jones 1981


Take a Letter, Mr. Jones was a short-lived British sitcom from Southern Television starring John Inman and Rula Lenska which aired in 1981.



Choose 2017


Ton and Tawan love each other deeply but their love is tested by Ton’s new secretary who seems to be the perfect match for him. Then Tawan starts acting distant and cold towards Ton, pushing him away.


The ultimate reason for kings

The ultimate reason for kings 1986


The plot centers on a large-scale conspiracy by a group of US military personnel, led by General James Scott, against the current President Jordan Lyman. Further events show that the President, who sent his closest aides and friends to investigate, easily and almost indifferently accepts the news of their deaths, because he is only interested in his own person.