Liūtas karalius

Liūtas karalius 1994


Galvodamas, kad nužudė savo tėvą, mažas liūtukas Simba iškeliauja tremtin ir atsisako teisės užaugęs tapti karaliumi. Čia jis sutinka graužiką Timoną ir Afrikos tapyrą Pumbą, kurie tampa geriausiais liūtuko draugais. Bėga laikas, Simba užaugo. Kartą atsitiktinai sutinka vaikystės draugę Nalą ir ją įsimyli. Jos įkalbėtas, Simba grįžta į savo gimtinę ir kaunasi su dėde Scaru dėl teisės į sostą.


Vaikis žudo pasaulį

Vaikis žudo pasaulį 2024


Kai jo šeima žūva, kurčias vyras, vardu Boy, pabėga į džiungles, kur paslaptingas mentorius jį išmoko atkeršyti žudikams.



Verksmas 2016


Juosta pasakoja apie mažą kaimelį Goksung (iš kurio ir kilo filmo pavadinimas, kadangi užrašius vietovės pavadinimą kiniškais rašmenimis, gaunamas žodis, kuris reiškia raudojimą), kurio gyventojai kenčia nuo paslaptingos baisios ligos. Pagrindinis filmo veikėjas, policijos seržantas Jong Goo (akt. Kwak Dowon), kartu su vietinės policijos pajėgomis yra sukrėstas šios „ligos“ pasėkmių – kaimas nuolat kenčia nuo itin žiaurių ir nepaaiškinamų žmogžudysčių, o jų kaltininkai demonstruoja simptomus, panašius į zombių. Aukų skaičius auga ir paties Jong Goo dukra suserga mįslingąja liga, todėl pastarasis nusprendžia suvienyti jėgas su paslaptinga moterimi ir vietiniu šamanu tam, kad išvaduotų kaimo žmones nuo keisto prakeiksmo.



P 2005



Dark Winds

Dark Winds 2022


This psychological thriller follows two Navajo police officers, Leaphorn and Chee, in the 1970s Southwest as their search for clues in a grisly double murder case forces them to challenge their own spiritual beliefs and come to terms with the trauma of their pasts.


Hi Bye, Mama!

Hi Bye, Mama! 2020


Cha Yu-ri died in an accident five years ago, leaving her husband Cho Gang-hwa to raise their daughter by himself. She becomes a ghost and watches over them until one fateful day she is brought back to life by the deities and told she become human again if she returns to her place in 49 days. Though her husband has remarried, so she must decide between her or his happiness as she slowly re-integrates back into her old lifestyle.


The Terror

The Terror 2018


A chilling anthology series featuring stories of people in terrifying situations inspired by true historical events.


Oh My Ghost

Oh My Ghost 2015


Na Bong Sun may be a skilled sous chef, but she lacks the self-esteem to shine professionally and socially. Beyond her cooking talents, however, is an uncanny ability to communicate with ghosts. One day, her mystic senses go out of control when the seductive ghost of Shin Soon Ae possesses her. Imbued with a fiery new "personality," Bong Sun starts turning heads, including that of Kang Sun Woo, the hottest chef in town and Bong Sun's secret crush!


Shaman King

Shaman King 2001


Asakura Yoh is a shaman, a person who communicates with ghosts. He enters the Shaman Fight, for whoever wins the tournament gets to commune with the Great Spirit, God... that and his fiance Anna wants to be the wife of the Shaman King. Helping him are his friends Manta, Horo Horo, Ryu, and his samurai ghost partner, Amidamaru.


The Cursed

The Cursed 2020


Im Jin Hee is a gung ho reporter, out to do the ring thing. She covers a violent case involving Forest, the biggest IT company in South Korea. The chairman of Forest is Jin Jong Hyun. He relies heavily on shamanism. During her investigation, Im Jin Hee learns of a spiritual consulting company that is affiliated with Forest. The head of that affiliate company is Jin Kyung. While trying to reveal the secret behind Forest, Im Jin Hee meets So Jin. She is possessed by a spirit and she has a special ability.



Psychedelica 2018


Exploring the history and use of psychedelic plants. Psychedelica examines; Sacred Healing ,Integrating Shamanic, Wisdom, Treating Illness with Plant Medicines, Set, Setting, & Psychotropic Experiments, Expanding Human Consciousness, Shadow Side of Psychedelics, Indigenous Medicine of the Mind, and The Holy Mushroom Theory. Psychedelica is an original series streamed on Gaia. 2018


The Haunted Palace

The Haunted Palace 2025


In a world of folklore and mysticism, a vengeful spirit and a devoted shaman cross paths, sparking a journey of love and redemption