
Riedėk 2009


Blis jaučiasi suvaržyta pasaulio, kuris daugeliui kitų Teksaso merginų atrodo tarsi pasaka... Blis supranta, kad ji taip gyventi negali, tačiau ji nė nenutuokia, kuo užsiimti ir kaip realizuoti save. Ji tiesiog nori ištrūkti iš nykaus miesto, o ką daryti, sugalvos vėliau. Geriausia Blis draugė Paša gyvena tokiomis pačiomis viltimis kaip ir Blis - ištrūkti. Tiesa, ji turi planą: Paša stos į koledžą. Blis mano, kad jai tiesiog reikia išvykti kartu su drauge. Nežinia, gal Blis taip ir būtų likusi svajoti apie geresnę ateitį, tačiau (ne)laimingo atsitiktinumo dėka ji su mama atvyksta į Ostiną. Čia Blis atranda likimą - riedučių sportą. Nuo tos akimirkos Blis svajonė įgauna konkretų pavidalą: ji nori būti riedutininkių komandos nare. Mergina žino, jog dėl grožio konkursų pamišusi mama jai tikrai neleis net dalyvauti atrankoje. Taip prasideda ilgas melo ir slapukavimo sezonas.



RollerJam 1998


RollerJam is an American television series featuring roller derby that aired on The Nashville Network from 1999 to 2000. It was the first attempt to bring roller derby to TV since RollerGames. RollerJam was derived from the original roller derby, but newer skaters used inline skates to modernize the sport. The program was taped at Universal Studios Stage 21 in Orlando, Florida, known as RollerJam Arena and now the Impact Wrestling Zone, for the first and second seasons and the former American Gladiators arena in the show's final season. The first few weeks of the show's second season, which ran from August to October 1999, were taped at the MGM Grand Las Vegas.


Roller Derby Till i Die

Roller Derby Till i Die 2013


Roller Derby Till I Die is a 13 part television documentary series following the lives of skaters from Europe’s number one Roller Derby league - the London Rollergirls. Roller Derby Till I Die lifts the lid on the UK derby scene by following the lives of 17 unique skaters to discover what it takes to be a roller girl.


The Roller Girls

The Roller Girls 1978


The Roller Girls is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from April 24, 1978 to May 10, 1978.



Rollergirls 2006


Rollergirls was a 2006 A&E Network reality show examining the personalities, antics and motivations of the women involved with the Austin, Texas Lonestar Rollergirls roller derby league. The show focused primarily on the lives of Cha Cha and Venis Envy of Las Putas Del Fuego; Punky Bruiser, Miss Conduct, and Sister Mary Jane of the Holy Rollers; Lunatic and Clownsnack of the Hellcats; and Lux of the Rhinestone Cowgirls. Many other skaters were also highlighted. The league, now known as Texas Roller Derby or TXRD, was founded in 2001 and is run as a "skater-owned and operated" company that continues to this day. The five home teams are the Cherry Bombs, Hellcats, Holy Rollers, Las Putas Del Fuego and Rhinestone Cowgirls. Episodes were initially broadcast on Monday nights beginning on January 2, 2006, with repeated showings throughout the week. Rollergirls was produced by Gary and Julie Auerbach, the creators of MTV's Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County. The show ended after one season.