Pierre Spengler The Making of 'Superman: The Movie' The Making of 'Superman II' Hollywood Banker You Will Believe: The Cinematic Saga of Superman Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story Danny the dog Superman Подземље Superman II 7 Seconds Superman III Shadow Man The Hard Corps Folies bourgeoises Blessed Süskind Tirza The Detonator Flight of Fury Bouncer Santa Claus: The Movie The Making of 'Superman: The Movie' The Making of 'Superman II' The Making of 'Superman III' The Prince and the Pauper The Four Musketeers The Three Musketeers Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud Snapshots Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Method The Rainbow Thief The Prince and the Pauper We Are Zombies Puzzle True True Lie Nafaka Attack Force Incubus Second in Command La Piste The Turn of the Screw Ljeto u zlatnoj dolini Stratosphere Girl Snuff-Movie The Return of the Musketeers Kill! Bluebeard Una gota de sangre para morir amando Supergirl