Matthew Jason Walsh Kingdom of the Vampire Zombie Bloodbath 2: Rage of the Undead City of the Vampires Midnight 2 Ozone The Sandman Zombie Cop Ancient Evil: Scream of the Mummy Kingdom of the Vampire Kingdom of the Vampire Kingdom of the Vampire Bloodletting Bloodletting The Frightening Witchouse III: Demon Fire Witchouse III: Demon Fire Blonde Heaven Zombie Bloodbath 2: Rage of the Undead Ring of Darkness The Brotherhood The Brotherhood III: Young Demons Dominion Moonchild Naked Instinct Naked Instinct The Brotherhood 2: Young Warlocks Shrieker Petticoat Planet Speed Demon 1313: Cougar Cult Fall of Hyperion Bloodletting Bloodletting Prison of the Dead The Las Vegas Abductions Deep Freeze Bad Movie Police: Case #3: Humanoids From Atlantis Shock Cinema: Volume Four Polymorph Bad Movie Police: Case #1: Galaxy Of The Dinosaurs Ghoul School Frankenstein & the Werewolf Reborn! Polymorph Bad Movie Police: Case #2: ChickBoxer Night of the Living Dead: 25th Anniversary Documentary Polymorph Ghoul School Seven Dorms of Death Bloodletting On the Block Bloodletting Clockmaker Moonchild Zombie Lust: Night Flesh The Werewolf Reborn! Vengeance of the Dead Galaxy of the Dinosaurs Voodoo Academy The Sandman Curse of the Puppet Master Shock Cinema: Volume Three The Sandman Shock Cinema: Volume Three Witchouse Bikini Goddesses The Witching The Witching The Raven Alien Presence Stem Cell Alien Arsenal Playing with Fire Final Stab Final Stab 3 Scream Queens The Killer Eye Micro Mini Kids The Brotherhood IV: the Complex The Wrong Roommate The Wrong Child Shock Cinema: Volume Four Shock Cinema: Volume Four Shock Cinema: Volume Two I've Killed Before I've Killed Before I've Killed Before The Wrong Student Polymorph The Dead Reborn Midnight 2 Ozone Ozone The Witching A Christmas Cruise The Brotherhood 2: Young Warlocks The Brotherhood III: Young Demons The Wrong Crush City of the Vampires Zombie Cop Zombie Cop Possessed Zombie Bloodbath Vegas Skyline Ghoul School