Skirt Day

Skirt Day 2008


A teacher, driven to exasperation from insults and insubordination, takes her class hostage.


Le Procès de Bobigny

Le Procès de Bobigny 2006


In 1972 16-year-old Marie-Claire became pregnant after a rape. With help from her mother Michelle and three other women, she underwent a clandestine abortion. Under a 1920 law, the five women were arrested and charged. Supported by a procession of well-known French (eg Simone de Beauvoir), the five were released and the law was adapted.


Les Fusillés

Les Fusillés 2015


Louis is a 27-year-old reservist and patriot, as is his childhood friend and longtime rival Bastien, who sees the war, like everything else, as an opportunity. One night, as their unit sleeps near the front, they're bombed. Louis and his comrades fall back in disarray and in the general panic lose their regiment. When they locate it again a few hours later, their general accuses them of desertion.


The Birch-Tree Meadow

The Birch-Tree Meadow 2003


Myriam, a survivor of the concentration camp at Auschwitz, is a filmmaker and journalist who has spent many years living abroad. She takes part in a memorial event at the town hall in Paris commemorating the liberation of the camp, where she wins a flight to Cracow. At first she refuses to accept the prize, then decides to go.


Un si joli mensonge

Un si joli mensonge 2014


Bruno falls in love with Christine, a pretty dermatologist. Embarking upon a passionate affair, Bruno immediately wants children. But Christine has lied to him: playing on her beauty, she told him she was 42, but is actually 50.


The Mechanics of Women

The Mechanics of Women 2000


Based on a notorious novel by Louis Calaferte, this erotic drama concerns a man exploring the boundaries of female sexuality through a variety of sexual encounters with beautiful women he barely knows. La Mecanique des Femmes features copious male and female nudity as the nameless leading character discusses sex and sensuality with his predominantly female supporting cast.


Mister Bob

Mister Bob 2011


1965, Bob Denard, even early in his career, Battle in Congo. It strives to make its game in the middle of a bloody civil war fueled by rivalry and ambition postcolonial of a newcomer on the African scene: General Mobutu.