
Pegasus 1995


A movie about the football team Pegasus created from the visually impaired children studying in the Chiba Prefectural School for the Blind.


Willow Town

Willow Town 1995


Bully the Weasel and Scurry the Ermine live in Wild Wood, the dark forest outside of Willow Town. Both Bully and Scurry will try every trick to get Willow Town for themselves. However, our heroes, Ratty the Water Rat and his shy friend Mollie the Mole with the help of their other animal friends, are able to overcome any attempt to take Willow Town.


The Wonderful Galaxy of Oz

The Wonderful Galaxy of Oz 1996


The year is 2060, and Dorothy Gale and her mutant dog Talk - Talk have just been swept away from their home planet of New Kansas to a strange galaxy: Oz! and make friends with an unlikely band of heroes. Together, they are recruited to obtain three magic crystals to help the good Dr. Oz prevent the evil witch Gloomhilda from taking over the galaxy.