The Life of Ludovic historical drama, short film NavThe Life of Ludovic Sal2015 GenreDrama Welat Studio AvdanChristopher Mulvin, Rosanna Thornwood, Shaun Dodwell, Michael Pickford, Tony Manders, Jamie Lillycrop BirîvebirSaffron Robertson (Production Manager), Lee Sanders (Production Assistant), Tom Robinson (Director), Gemma Kingshott (Driver), Olivia Ling (Assistant Director), Aby-Joanne Russell (Still Photographer) Keywordhistorical drama, short film BerdanMay 20, 2015 Runtime14 deqîqe ÇêweHD IMDb0.00 / 10 ji 0 bikarhêneran Popularity0 Sermîyan1,080 Hatin0 ZimanEnglish Dakêşînin