Der Prank - April, April! 2025
A failed April Fool's joke by twelve-year-old Chinese guest student Xi Zhōu turns the lives of Lucas, who is the same age, and his family upside down.
A failed April Fool's joke by twelve-year-old Chinese guest student Xi Zhōu turns the lives of Lucas, who is the same age, and his family upside down.
15-year-old Mia faces an overwhelming transformation which puts her entire existence into question. Her body is changing radically, and despite desperate attempts to halt the process, Mia is soon forced to accept that nature is far more powerful than she is.
In late 18th century Venice, in a convent school for girls, Teresa, a student with prophetic gifts, joins forces with some amazing music-makers. They create a new kind of pop, bright and bold, and challenge the ancient and rigid system.
The film follows in the wake of young Rosa who flees bomb-stricken Berlin in the autumn of 1943 and heads to a small, isolated village near the eastern border. This is where her in-laws live and where her husband, who’s deployed on the front, has advised she take shelter until the war ends and he returns. Rosa soon discovers that this seemingly sleepy village conceals a secret: in the forest bordering the hamlet is Hitler’s headquarters, the Wolf’s Lair.
Forty-year-old Julia, a successful conductor, and her partner Georg are longing for a child when Dr. Vilfort, a fertility specialist with a private clinic, offers them hope with an experimental procedure. Julia becomes pregnant after successful treatment at the clinic. However, the birth does not go as planned and the baby is immediately taken away for additional treatment, leaving Julia and her husband in the dark about what has happened. When Julia is finally reunited with the child, she feels strangely distant. The baby’s presence puts a strain on their marriage as it becomes clear that Julia has doubts about whether the baby they have brought home is really hers.
Nick and Anna are off to Switzerland for six months. Nick, a chef, wants to collect recipes of local cuisine and Anna hopes to write a new book. The journey can also be good for their relationship, because Anna suspects that Nick had an affair with other woman. Meanwhile, Mischa will take care of their Viennese apartment.
Hans and Anna – together they make the Hannas: A hefty couple who love to cook. They meet sisters Kim and Nicola, both anorexic and excitingly different. Opposites attract, however, and anything goes, so the Hannas each wind up having an affair without the other’s knowledge. But Kim and Nicola have a secret of their own in store.
In August 2020, the well-known Swiss polar researcher Konrad Steffen died on the Greenland ice. It is suspected that he fell into a crevasse covered in fresh snow while on a routine trip to a measuring station. To this day, there is no trace of him.
Hanna Leitner, wants to escape the bourgeois corset and her husband Anton, who sexually harasses her. She goes into therapy with Otto Gross and follows him to Monte Verità, where she discovers the fascination of photography.
Shortly before graduating, six drama students set off into the Swiss Alps. The aim of their excursion is to test the extent of and overcome their fears using a series of dares. They plan to stay overnight in an underground alpine bunker. As the group initially jokes about the similarity of their situation with THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, the game soon turns into an unpredictable trial of courage for them all. This no-budget-horror-experiment from director Stefan Jäger takes us into the uncomfortable underworld of the Swiss réduit, a huge defence complex, the construction of which began before the First World War.
At the end of the 70s, punk promised rebellion and self-empowerment, also for women in the scene. They fought for their place on stage among the dominant punk top dogs, battling against social norms and long-outdated female role models. This is their story.
When Ingeborg Bachmann and Max Frisch meet for the first time in Paris in the summer of 1958, they are already international celebrities of the literary world. In the four years that follow, they dabble in great love and an open relationship between his hometown of Zurich and her adopted Rome.
Benedetta, an obese fifteen-year-old yearning for attention, lives in a tawdry province in the south of Italy, emblematic of her inner landscape where everything could be and yet is not. She falls in love with Armando, aka Amanda, a young transvestite who is attracted to the young girl's innocence and begins an unhealthy relationship of mutual dependence with her. Amanda runs a carousel at the fair across the street from Benedetta's house, and the girl is magnetically drawn to this colorful and exciting world. But Amanda not only runs the carousel, she's also a call boy and sells drugs. Between intoxication and family rebellion and the discovery of sex - a great disappointment - she completes her rite of passage into adulthood.
The perpetual underdog, Wanja gets the unique chance to start a career as an architect and becomes an adult. Amongst all the new privileges she starts missing the friends from her youth.
A soccer magnate on a promotion tour in Addis Ababa gets mixed up in a fake kidnapping. His supposed liberator is a 12-year old street kid with a plan - to have the Godfather of soccer take him to ballplayer's heaven.
Jonathan lives in a world ruled by an inhumane courtship ritual forcing him to find a partner. But he doesn't want to dance. This will lead to his certain death, sooner or later. A charming neighbour appears to be his last chance, but her only interest is the revelation of his true shape and thus helping him to break free.