Excursion to the Moon

Excursion to the Moon 1908


Segundo de Chomón's remake of Georges Méliès' A Trip to the Moon.


The Adventures of Dollie

The Adventures of Dollie 1908


On a warm and sunny summer's day, a mother and father take their young daughter Dollie on a riverside outing.



Fantasmagorie 1908


An animated film by French auteur Émile Cohl, one of the earliest examples of hand-drawn film animation. Drawing inspiration from J. Stuart Blackton and the Incoherents of club Hydropathes, the film, with all its wild transformations, sees our protagonist materialize a movie theatre, meet an elephant and escape from jail; A morphing, stream-of-consciousness delight.


The Mischance of a Photographer

The Mischance of a Photographer 1908


A family goes to a photographer. The photographer pushes the boy around, and no one seems to care. The boy gets his revenge.


The Good Luck of a 'Souse'

The Good Luck of a 'Souse' 1908


This film from George Melies is sadly one that's only available in fragments. The film starts off with a title card stating that a drunk man has just thrown his family out a window. We see a couple of them landing on the ground and then we go back to the room where the drunk is now trying to kill himself.


Rescued from an Eagle's Nest

Rescued from an Eagle's Nest 1908


A woodsman leaves a hut followed by a woman with their baby. Nearby some men chop down a tree. The baby is left outside the hut, but an eagle flies away with it.


Modern Sculptors

Modern Sculptors 1908


The first scene presents before the astonished eyes of the spectators a solid piece of marble, which the minute it is placed on a table seems to take life, and one can follow a snake-like line branding on the polished face of the stone the name of the house of Pathé Frères. As soon as this stone has been engraved, as by magic, a handsome young lady appears with a huge lump of clay covered with a cloth. As soon as the cloth is removed from the soft mass it starts whirling and turning as if stricken mad, and one is asking one's self what all the contentions are going to lead to, when the vague shape of an animal not yet discernible seems to appear, and before one has time to make one's mind as to the category of brutes to which it belongs one sees the form of a remarkably well made orang-utan modelled out of the clay, who calmly smokes his pipe. Then the statue is removed by the same winning young lady and another covered block of the same substance is carried forward.


The Runaway Horse

The Runaway Horse 1908


A laundry man parks his horse-drawn cart to make a delivery. While he is inside, his horse sees a bag of oats and starts to eat them. By the time the man comes back outside, the horse has eaten a whole bag of oats, and has so much energy that he begins to race out of control.


The Tempest

The Tempest 1908


Prospero and his daughter Miranda must take refuge on an enchanted island. There Prospero, who himself has magical powers, releases the spirit Ariel from a spell, and also meets the savage Caliban. Then Prospero uses his powers to create a tempest that shipwrecks some of the persons who caused his exile.


Magic Bricks

Magic Bricks 1908


Experimental color film that shows a magician and his assistant making objects and people appear and disappear. Then they stack up some blocks and a moving picture of a little girl appears on them.


The Dream of an Opium Fiend

The Dream of an Opium Fiend 1908


The opium fiend is seen in a den, puffing on this terrible narcotic. He then falls fast asleep and dreams that he is at home with his wife. He asks for something to drink and he is given wine, which he does not care for, and he is finally given some bottled beer and a glass, but he complains that the glass is too small and he gets a very large sized glass receptacle, into which his wife and maid servant pour the contents of the bottle. As he is about to drink the glass passes from his hand mysteriously, sailing through the room and out of the window to the moon…


Stenka Razin

Stenka Razin 1908


Stenka Razin is the leader of a group of outlaws who live a life of revelry and carousing along the Volga River and in the nearby forests. When Razin becomes distracted by a captured foreign princess and starts to dote on her, his men are displeased, feeling that he is neglecting them and their usual activities. Soon they come up with a plot, in the hopes of turning Razin against the princess.


The Guerrilla

The Guerrilla 1908


Mack Sennett appears as a Confederate soldier and a Union soldier in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Pharmaceutical Hallucinations

Pharmaceutical Hallucinations 1908


There's a chemistry lab, in which one or two people ingest the wrong drug -- apparently -- and have a seriously bad trip. Then there's this wizard in his cave, and a fairy appears -- then there's this massive feast with about a dozen people. Then it ends.


Female Conscripts

Female Conscripts 1908


A man in civil clothes, and three men in army uniforms are inspecting seven women to be recruited.


Dreams of Toyland

Dreams of Toyland 1908


A young boy’s toys come to life through animation.


Lion Hunting

Lion Hunting 1908


Two big game hunters are on safari in the jungle with their African guide. They observe zebras, ostrich and a hippopotamus, and catch a small monkey for a pet. During the night they are awakened by a lion which kills a small goat and then the hunters' horse. The hunters shoot the lion as it stands by the water on a beach. They discover another lion and shoot it also. The lions are gutted and skinned. The happy hunters sit and smoke cigarettes afterward.