William Lustig Révolution VHS In Search of Darkness: Part III Les deniers du culte 매니악 캅: 엽살경찰 American Grindhouse The Joe Spinell Story Maniac: The Making of Documentary 42nd Street Memories: The Rise and Fall of America's Most Notorious Street Returning to the scene of the crime Maniac: The making of a living pulp novel 비질랜티 Texas Chain Saw Massacre: The Shocking Truth 매니악 다크맨 Direct Your Own Damn Movie! Dario Argento: An Eye for Horror Trepanator The Outsider - Il Cinema Di Antonio Margheriti Cameron's Closet Relentless Tax Shelter Terrors 13 Scarier Movie Moments 이블 데드 3: 암흑의 군단 Maniac Men Post Traumatic: An American Nightmare Scream and Scream Again: A History of the Slasher Film Masters of the Grind 비질랜티 비질랜티 The Expert 공포의 독립기념일 매니악 매니악 매니악 캅 2: 코델 매니악 캅: 엽살경찰 Conducting Dario Argento's 'Opera' The Joe Spinell Story Relentless Hit List 매니악: 슬픈 살인의 기록 Halloween: Unmasked The Stepford Life The Making of 'Evil Dead II' or The Gore the Merrier Zombie Lover Bella The Violation of Claudia The naked face The Violation of Claudia The Violation of Claudia The Violation of Claudia Daughters of Darkness: Locations of Darkness Two Gangsters and an Island Hot Honey Tripwire Bloody Jess 데스 위시 Hot Honey Flesh and Blood: The Hammer Heritage of Horror Hot Honey Don't Look Now: Looking Back A British Horror Film 블리더 To the Devil... The Death of Hammer Suspiria 25th Anniversary Absence of Malick Giornata Nera Sole Survivor: Interview with Star Brooke Adams A Hollywood Life: Remembering Frances Death in Venice: Interview with Aldo Lado The Spaghetti West Jesús in Furs 매니악 캅 3: 죽음의 뱃지 The Death Dealer Charles Band’s Full Moon Freakshow The Last Drive-in with Joe Bob Briggs Creature Features Marcians