Max Phipps 매드 맥스 2: 로드 워리어 캡틴 불리 Thirst 파리의 자동차 Dark Age Sky Pirates Police State The Blue Lightning What the Moon Saw Temperament Unsuited Stir The Return of Captain Invincible Polly My Love Hancock Down Under My Brother Tom Nightmares Filipina Dreamgirls How Wonderful Who Killed Baby Azaria? Dead Easy Benny Hill Down Under The Dismissal Emoh Ruo Sky Trackers The Siege of Barton's Bathroom The Miraculous Mellops Inspector Morse 파스케이프 Halifax f.p. The Dismissal Snake Gully With Dad 'N' Dave Fire The Man from Snowy River E Street Zoo Family Rafferty's Rules Women of the Sun All Saints Big Sky