Daniel Mainwaring 과거로부터 과거로부터 Space Master X-7 신체 강탈자의 침입 Big Town Big Town Roadblock Atlantis: The Lost Continent Scared Stiff Baby Face Nelson 피닉스 시티 스토리 They Made Me a Killer The Lawless 건 러너스 빅 스틸 Bugles in the Afternoon No Hands on the Clock Roughshod Crime by Night Convict Stage Those Redheads from Seattle Big Town After Dark Big Town Scandal La rivolta degli schiavi Dangerous Passage Powder River 제로니모족의 역습 어게인스트 Alaska Seas Mr. District Attorney in the Carter Case La grande caccia Walk Like a Dragon Tokyo Rose Southwest Passage Secrets of the Underground Secrets of the Underground The Tall Target An Annapolis Story A Bullet for Joey Swamp Fire The Eagle and the Hawk Hot Cargo Cole Younger, Gunfighter Black Horse Canyon 어게인스트 The Desperado This Woman Is Dangerous Catacombs 히치 하이커