특명 24시

특명 24시 1988


어느날 미국의 핵잠수함이 한국과 북한 사이 공해상에서 침몰하는 사건이 발생한다. 미국은 침몰한 잠수함을 북한이 인양하지 못하도록 주한미군 소속 정예특급수요원 4명을 사고해역에 급파, 잠수함을 폭파시킨다. 그러나 임무를 완성한 특수요원들은 북한군에 사로잡히게 되고, 미 국방성은 이들을 구출기 위해 구출작전을 수립하지만 미묘한 국제정세를 감안, 계획을 취소한다. 한편, 이들의 자녀 5명은 미 국방성이 포기한 구출작전을 직접 실행키로 결심하고 작전계획서를 훔쳐내어 북한에 잠입하는데.


Rescue 911

Rescue 911 1989


Rescue 911 is an informational reality-based television series that premiered on April 18, 1989 and ended on August 27, 1996. The series was hosted by William Shatner and featured reenactments of emergency situations that often involved calls to 9-1-1. Though never intended as a teaching tool, various viewers used the knowledge they obtained watching the show. Two specials, titled "100 Lives Saved" and "200 Lives Saved," were dedicated to these viewers who had written to CBS with their stories on how the knowledge they obtained watching the show allowed them to save the life of someone else. At least 350 lives have been saved as a result of what viewers learned from watching it. The show's popularity coincided with the widespread adoption of the 911 emergency system, replacing standalone police and fire numbers that would vary from municipality to municipality. The number is now universally understood in the United States and Canada to be the number dialed for emergency assistance nationwide. At its height, the show was adapted in 45 countries.