
민타임 1983


마거릿 대처 총리가 집권하던 시절, 런던 이스트 엔드의 한 노동자 계급 가족은 경기 침체 속에서 생계를 유지하기 위해 고군분투한다.


위 스틸 킬

위 스틸 킬 2014


리치와 찰리는 예전에 런던을 제패하던 마피아 형제다. 은퇴한 후 스페인에서 조용한 삶을 즐기던 리치는 찰리가 죽었다는 소식을 듣고 런던으로 돌아온다. E2 패거리가 로렌이라는 여자를 강간하는 걸 찰리가 막으려다가 오히려 살해당한 것이다. E2 패거리는 런던 경찰도 건들 수 없을 정도로 강력한 집단이다. 따라서 리치는 경찰에 의존하지 않고, 마피아 시절 친구들을 모아서 찰리의 죽음을 조사하기로 한다. 그는 로렌한테 연락해서 E2 패거리의 대장인 아론에 대해 정보를 얻고, 아론 주변인들을 처리한다. 결국 구폭력 집단과 신폭력 집단의 대결이 대결이 시작되는데...


Shine on Harvey Moon

Shine on Harvey Moon 1982


Shine on Harvey Moon! is a British comedy-drama series made by Central Television for ITV from 8 January 1982 to 23 August 1985 and briefly revived in 1995 by Meridian. This generally light-hearted series was created by comedy writers Laurence Marks and Maurice Gran. The series is set in the East End of London shortly after the Second World War. Upon being demobbed RAF serviceman Harvey Moon, played by Kenneth Cranham, returns home and finds his family involved in various troubles. His wife Rita, played by Maggie Steed, is not interested in resuming their relationship, and works in a seedy nightclub frequented by American servicemen. He becomes involved with the Labour Party and the union movement. The name of the series is a wordplay on the title of the popular 1908 song 'Shine On, Harvest Moon'. The first series was commissioned and recorded by ATV at their Elstree studios with the remaining series filmed at newly constructed facilities in Nottingham.



Prospects 1986


Prospects is a British television comedy drama series that was written by Alan Janes and originally shown on Channel 4 in 1986. Created by Euston Films who had a pedigree of producing successful, gritty drama such as The Sweeney and Minder, it followed the exploits of two East End 'geezer' characters - Jimmy 'Pincy' Pince played by Gary Olsen and Billy played by Brian Bovell and their trials and tribulations of making a living in London's Isle of Dogs. Comprising 12 episodes Prospects - with a comic slant, dealt with many of the major issues affecting British society at the height of the "Thatcherite" '80's including unemployment, crime, poverty, regeneration, social change and racism. Prospects gained a cult following and ratings wise it performed well above expectation for Channel 4. At that time Channel Four received a large subsidy from the rival commercial network ITV in exchange for the right to sell airtime; this gave ITV a significant input into the management of the station. The success of Prospects and the fact that it was produced by a subsidiary of the ITV network's largest station Thames Television meant it was moved to a 9pm prime-time repeat slot on ITV in the Spring/Summer of 1987. This fuelled rumours that the network wanted to develop Prospects into a long-running comedy drama series. However despite seeing potential ITV declined the opportunity to develop it beyond the original first series.