
픽셀 2015


1982년, 나사(NASA)는 외계와의 접촉을 희망하며 지구의 문화를 담은 타임 캡슐을 우주로 쏘아 올렸다. 하지만 여기에 담긴 아케이드 게임을 자신들에 대한 선전포고로 오해한 외계인들은 팩맨, 갤러그, 동키콩, 센티피드, 스페이스 인베이더의 모습으로 나타나 지구를 침공하기 시작하는데… 30년 전 동전 몇 개로 수천 번이나 세상을 구했던 클래식 아케이드 게임의 고수 3인방은 위기에 빠진 지구를 구하기 위해 다시 한 번 뭉치게 된다. 유일하게 게임의 룰을 지배할 수 있는 이들, 과연 현실에서도 세상을 구해낼 수 있을까?


프리 가이

프리 가이 2021


평범한 직장, 절친 그리고 한 잔의 커피. 평화로운 일상 속 때론 총격전과 날강도가 나타나는 버라이어티한 ‘프리시티’에 살고 있는 ‘가이’. 그에겐 뭐 하나 부족한 것이 없었다. 우연히 마주친 그녀에게 한눈에 반하기 전까지는… 갖은 노력 끝에 다시 만난 그녀는 ‘가이’가 비디오 게임 ‘프리시티’에 사는 배경 캐릭터이고, 이 세상은 곧 파괴될 거라 경고한다. 혼란에 빠진 ‘가이’ 그러나 그는 ‘프리시티’의 파괴를 막기 위해 더 이상 배경 캐릭터가 아닌, 히어로가 되기로 결심한다.


조작된 도시

조작된 도시 2017


게임 세계 속에서는 완벽한 리더지만 현실에서는 평범한 백수인 권유. PC방에서 우연히 휴대폰을 찾아 달라는 낯선 여자의 전화를 받게 되고 이후, 영문도 모른 채 그녀를 잔인하게 살해한 범인으로 몰리게 된다. 모든 증거는 짜맞춘 듯 권유를 범인이라 가리키고, 아무도 그의 결백을 믿어주지 않는 가운데 권유의 게임 멤버이자 초보 해커인 여울은 이 모든 것이 단 3분 16초 동안, 누군가에 의해 완벽하게 조작되었음을 알게 된다. 특수효과 전문 데몰리션을 비롯 게임 멤버가 모두 모여 자신들만의 새로운 방식으로 사건의 실체를 추적해나가기 시작하고, 조작된 세상에 맞서기 위한 짜릿한 반격에 나서는데...


이벨린의 비범한 인생

이벨린의 비범한 인생 2024


월드 오브 워크래프트를 즐기던 한 젊은 게이머. 그가 세상을 떠난 후, 온라인 친구들이 유가족에게 메시지를 전하면서 그의 비밀스러운 생애가 생생하게 되살아난다.



GTA플레이어 2016


올슨 크리드는 급성장한 게임회사 센티넬의 최고 보안 팀장이었지만 CEO인 앤드루 킨케이드와의 분쟁을 겪고 해고되었다. 그러던 어느날, 아내와 함께 집을 나서던 중 괴한의 습격을 받아 아내는 납치되고, 자신의 목에는 이상한 센서가 부착된 채 잠에서 깨어난다. 센티넬의 유능한 베타 테스터인 맥스 트로이는 오늘도 어김없이 센티넬에서 배달한 미출시 게임의 베타 테스트를 실행한다. 메뉴, 로딩, 옵션, 인벤토리가 없는 이 게임은 그래픽부터 굉장히 현실적이고 스토리가 아주 생생하여 이상하지만 생동감을 느끼게 하는 게임이었다. 그렇게 맥스는 이상하리만치 올슨 크리드와 닮은 캐릭터를 조종하며 무장강도가 침입한 은행에서 들키지 않고 잠입하여 1121번 금고에 든 물건을 가져오라는 임무를 수행하고 잠시 쉬던 중 실제 뉴스에 보도되는 은행 무장강도와 올슨 크리드의 뉴스를 보고 놀라는데... 알고 보니 맥스가 실제 올스 크리드를 조종하여 은행에 잠입했던 것! 과연 맥스와 올슨은 센티넬의 덫에서 빠져나와 무사히 목숨을 건지고 세상을 구할 수 있을 것인가.


슈퍼 키드 헤일리

슈퍼 키드 헤일리 2022


아기 혼자 탄 유모차가 움직이고 있어요. 악동 여우원숭이가 동물원을 탈출했어요. 기차의 브레이크가 고장나서 멈추지 않아요. 마을의 안전과 평화를 지키는 슈퍼 히어로, ‘슈퍼 라이언’의 정체는 바로 우리 가족이야. 수백 년 전부터 할머니, 아빠까지 대대로 ‘슈퍼 라이언’이 되어 마을을 지키고 있지. 이제는 내가 그 자리를 물려 받을 차례! 그런데 사촌 아드리안이 탐내고 있다고? 비록 난 운동신경도 꽝, 초능력도 꽝이지만… 내가 진짜 ‘슈퍼 라이언’이라는 걸 증명해내겠어!


오프라인 원정대

오프라인 원정대 2016


평소, 게이머 얀(17세)는 자신의 모습으로 살지 않는다. 그는 ‘배틀 오브 우트가르드라’는 판타지 게임의 최고 게이머인 용감한 전사 핀리스 (레벨 69)의 모습으로 살아가고 있다. 그는 곧 다가올 온라인 대회 “라그나로크”를 열심히 준비하던 중 갑자기 게임에서 접속종료를 당한다. 얀은 당황하지만 곧 다른 플레이어 흑마법사 로키(레벨 70)에게 해킹 당했다는 사실을 알아낸다. 이제, 그의 인생에서 가장 대단한 퀘스트가 시작되었다!



1업 2022


패리스 발렉, 해리 네프, 테일러 자카르 페레즈, 루비 로즈가 출연하는 엉뚱 발랄한 이스포츠 코미디 영화. 여자들로 이뤄진 게임 팀이 매력적인 '보이 클럽' 팀과 맞대결한다.



VS 2024



Shangri-La Frontier

Shangri-La Frontier 2023


Rakuro Hizutome only cares about one thing: beating crappy VR games. He devotes his entire life to these buggy games and could clear them all in his sleep. One day, he decides to challenge himself and play a popular god-tier game called Shangri-La Frontier. But he quickly learns just how difficult it is. Will his expert skills be enough to uncover its hidden secrets?


The Peripheral

The Peripheral 2022


Stuck in a small Appalachian town, a young woman’s only escape from the daily grind is playing advanced video games. She is such a good player that a company sends her a new video game system to test…but it has a surprise in store. It unlocks all of her dreams of finding a purpose, romance, and glamour in what seems like a game…but it also puts her and her family in real danger.


How Not to Summon a Demon Lord

How Not to Summon a Demon Lord 2018


When it comes to the fantasy MMORPG Cross Reverie, none can match the power of the Demon King Diablo. Possessing the game’s rarest artifacts and an unrivaled player level, he overpowers all foolish enough to confront him. But despite his fearsome reputation, Diablo’s true identity is Takuma Sakamoto, a shut-in gamer devoid of any social skills. Defeating hopeless challengers day by day, Takuma cares about nothing else but his virtual life—that is, until a summoning spell suddenly transports him to another world where he has Diablo’s appearance! In this new world resembling his favorite game, Takuma is greeted by the two girls who summoned him. They perform an Enslavement Ritual in an attempt to subjugate him, but the spell backfires and causes them to become his slaves instead. With the situation now becoming more awkward than ever, Takuma decides to accompany the girls in finding a way to unbind their contract while learning to adapt to his new existence as the menacing Demon King.


Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki

Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki 2021


Tomozaki is one of the best gamers in Japan, and in his opinion, the game of real life is one of the worst. No clear-cut rules for success, horribly balanced, and nothing makes sense. But then he meets a gamer who’s just as good as him, and she offers to teach him a few exploits…


Glitch Techs

Glitch Techs 2020


Game-world monsters are wreaking real-world havoc. Here comes tech support!


Pure Pwnage

Pure Pwnage 2004


This fictional series purports to chronicle the life and adventures of Jeremy, a Canadian and self-proclaimed "pro gamer".


Video Game High School

Video Game High School 2012


It's the near future: You're dead. Your kids are probably dead. Your grandkids (if they're alive) are playing video games. Why? Because professional gaming is the biggest sport on earth. Around the world, millions of players duke it out in fighters, RTS’s, First Person Shooters and more. To the victors go the spoils: glory, clan contracts and million dollar endorsements. The best young gamers are recruited by elite boarding schools to sharpen their skills. The best of the best go to VGHS: VIDEO GAME HIGH SCHOOL.


Deadly Games

Deadly Games 1995


Deadly Games is an American comedy action sci fi show that appeared on UPN as part of its 1995 season. The basic plot of the show is about video game characters that come to life, re-enacting their deadly plans for wanton destruction and world domination in the real world. The series was produced by Viacom Productions.


Dofus: The Treasures of Kerubim

Dofus: The Treasures of Kerubim 2013


Dofus: The Treasures of Kerubim, is an animated series set in the world of the Dofus MMORPG. Unlike its sister series, Wakfu, there is no great overarching adventure to be had, nor any powerful villain to thwart. In fact, the central premise of the series is that all of Kerubim's adventures are already over. Instead, most episodes are about the eponymous character regaling his adopted grandson with tales about his adventures when he was younger, usually based around a trophy of some sort that he gained from it.


Gamer's Generation

Gamer's Generation 2016


Set in the year 2025, it tells the story of a group of youths who enter an e-sports school to study and become elites of their respective gaming teams.


Cross Fire

Cross Fire 2020


In 2008, Xiao Feng is a downcast e-sports team leader who is barely keeping his team together. E-sports is in its infancy and there is little money to be earned. Xiao Feng's team is looked down upon and ridiculed, yet they insist on fighting for their dreams. In 2019, Lu Xiao Bei is a genius in the same game, a masterful player. In reality, he is a disabled young man in a wheelchair. He vowed to continue his brother's legacy to become a professional e-sports player who died in an accident before he can turn pro. Despite living 11 years apart, a cosmic glitch allowed the two to communicate first by voice chat then meeting up in-game. This formed the basis of their friendship which transcend time and ultimately saved Xiao Feng's life in 2008. This allowed the two to meet face to face in the present. They then join forces and form their own team to achieve their ultimate goal of winning the championship.



Gameboys 2020


Teenage streamer Cairo is caught off guard when he receives a video call from a new online rival called Gavreel. He is even more surprised when the handsome stranger asks him out. Can two gamers make romance work during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, or will it be game over for their love story?


Bite Me

Bite Me 2010


Three Gamers. One Outbreak. No Continues. Follow three gamers as they find themselves in the midst of a real life zombie outbreak. Relying only on the knowledge and skills they have accrued over years of gaming, these guys will have to drop the controller and pick up anything that they can use as a weapon. If they can survive, these unlikely heroes may just be humanity's best hope of surviving the undead uprising. (And, with any luck, they may also be able to impress the hot girl from across the street while they're at it!) But first, they'll have to battle zombie Craigslist freaks, zombie milfs (Zilfs) and an entire onslaught of a freshly lifeless undead monsters.


WCG Ultimate Gamer

WCG Ultimate Gamer 2009


An elimination-style reality series featuring a diverse group of top gamers who are tested in real-life challenges inspired by best-selling game titles, compete in video games themselves and ultimately must avoid elimination in head-to-head battles in an arena filled with hundreds of spectators. The player who is versatile and strategic enough to best their opponents in the both the real-life and gaming worlds emerges as the Ultimate Gamer.


Retro Gamers

Retro Gamers 2020


In each episode, Marco Fresco is a guest on a journey into the universe of video games since the time of their creation. Some of the most iconographic titles in the history of video games are brought back from faraway memories and remembered with stories and facts that involved them in the height of the game's popularity and the social context of the time.



GameTechChannel 2015


GameTechChannel is a YouTube Channel for multiple games. They strive to make videos that everybody can enjoy. Every game they are interested in or play, gets uploaded.


Survival Mode

Survival Mode 2023


Horror pros Shane & Ryan play through different spooky video games to try and best virtual ghouls.


The Online Gamer

The Online Gamer 2009


A series of skits based around a 20-something man who loves online gaming.