Ayyanar 2010
Ayyanar revolves around a youngster and his love for his mother. The story begins in a village and soon moves to the city. The film, which is said to be an action-packed entertainer, will also have a comedy track by Santhanam.
Ayyanar revolves around a youngster and his love for his mother. The story begins in a village and soon moves to the city. The film, which is said to be an action-packed entertainer, will also have a comedy track by Santhanam.
A single father tries to raise his daughter, who has cerebral palsy, even as she is beginning to wake up to her sexuality.
A man loves a woman even though she is three years older than him. Although she reciprocates initially, the age difference and his past with a classmate lead her to break up with him.
Sakhi, a car company manger, falls in love with Priya, a model. They decide to get married, but their different family backgrounds seem to ruin their relationship.