Norman McLaren Beginnings McLaren and Space Painting with Light Blurr Test The Art of Motion Birdlings Evelyn Lambart Tanguy Landscape Test Creative Process: Norman McLaren New York Lightboard Record Opening Speech War and Peace Pen Point Percussion McLaren on McLaren The Eye Hears, the Ear Sees Pinscreen Daedalus Cinéastes de notre temps : Norman McLaren Mosaic On the Farm Norman McLaren and Claude Jutra Safer Sex Short A Job in a Million Dots and Loops Spheres Spheres Neighbours Dots Caprice de Noël Blinkity Blank Blinkity Blank Blinkity Blank C'est l'aviron Begone Dull Care La poulette grise A Chairy Tale Boogie-Doodle Loops Pas de Deux Le merle C'est l'aviron Mony a Pickle Mail Early for Christmas Snakes Pen Point Percussion Mosaic Ballet Adagio Camera Makes Whoopee New York Lightboard Record New York Lightboard Record Synchromy Spook Sport Rythmetic A Phantasy Opening Speech On the Farm Là-haut sur ces montagnes Defence of Madrid Fiddle De-Dee Canon Hen Hop Serenal Love on the Wing A Little Phantasy on a 19th-century Painting Spheres Hoppity Pop Lines: Vertical Lines: Horizontal Two Bagatelles The Obedient Flame V for Victory Mail Early 5 for 4 Dollar Dance Keep Your Mouth Shut Chants populaires nº 5 Alouette Short and Suite Animated Motion: Part 1 Scherzo Stars and Stripes Animated Motion: Part 2 Animated Motion: Part 3 Animated Motion: Part 4 Animated Motion: Part 5 Narcissus NBC Valentine Greeting Hell Unltd Now Is the Time Now Is the Time Now Is the Time Now Is the Time Around Is Around Around Is Around Twirligig 7 Till 5: A Pattern of the Day's Doings Polychrome Fantasy Camera Makes Whoopee News for the Navy Book Bargain A Summer Day in Ottawa in 1949 Opening Speech Blinkity Blank Six and Seven-Eighths Pinscreen Spook Sport Begone Dull Care Begone Dull Care Two Bagatelles Ballet Adagio Neighbours Neighbours Neighbours Neighbours Fiddle De-Dee A Phantasy A Phantasy Boogie-Doodle Boogie-Doodle Mail Early Mail Early The Corridor McLaren at Play Out-of-Focus Cloudscape Blurr Test The Seasons Little Negro Chaplin Test Birdlings Surrealistic Hand Drawing Pen Drawings The Hypnosis Film Ballet Adagio Seven Surprizes Mosaic Mosaic Mosaic Test A for Synchromy Test B For Synchromy Doors The Head Test Barrel Zoom A Rainy Day Chants populaires nº 6 Korean Alphabet The Flicker Film 5 for 4 5 for 4 Dots Dots Hoppity Pop Hoppity Pop Mail Early for Christmas Mail Early for Christmas V for Victory V for Victory Loops Loops Scherzo Hen Hop Hen Hop Lines: Horizontal Lines: Horizontal Lines: Vertical Lines: Vertical Camera Makes Whoopee Camera Makes Whoopee Creative Process: Norman McLaren McLaren Homemovie Pen Point Percussion