Gloria Swanson Sunset Boulevard Sadie Thompson Queen Kelly Airport 1975 The Fable of the Syndicate Lover Dangers of a Bride Mio figlio Nerone Los Angeles Plays Itself Don't Change Your Husband Beyond the Rocks Male and Female The Affairs of Anatol Why Change Your Wife? The Trespasser The Love of Sunya Father Takes a Wife Indiscreet The Fable of the Club Girls and the Four Times The Legend of Rudolph Valentino Music in the Air Tonight or Never Hollywood When Comedy Was King The Camera Speaks Stage Struck Zaza The Sultan's Wife Shifting Sands Manhandled Killer Bees Perfect Understanding Three for Bedroom C Fine Manners A Trip to Paramountown The House That Shadows Built Teddy at the Throttle Madame Sans-Gêne Dear Miss Gloria Her Husband’s Trademark Hollywood on Parade No. B-5 The Golden Twenties The Great Moment The Coast of Folly Hedda Hopper's Hollywood Station Content Something to Think About Men Who Rate a 10 For Better, for Worse Society for Sale Cinéastes de notre temps : Erich von Stroheim What a Widow! My American Wife The Danger Girl His New Job Round About Hollywood The Pullman Bride Bluebeard's 8th Wife Prodigal Daughters The Humming Bird The Film Parade Whose Baby? Happy Times and Jolly Moments Why Be Good?: Sexuality & Censorship in Early Cinema Every Woman's Husband A Social Cub A Society Scandal The Nick of Time Baby The Misjudged Mr. Hartley Wages of Virtue Her Love Story The Untamed Lady The Fable of Elvira and Farina and the Meal Ticket Hearts and Sparks A Dash of Courage The Secret Code You Can't Believe Everything Under the Lash Her Decision Wife or Country Haystacks and Steeples Baseball Madness Her Gilded Cage Don't Tell Everything At the End of a Perfect Day The Ambition of the Baron The Romance of an American Duchess The Impossible Mrs. Bellew Sunshine Sweedie Goes to College The Broken Pledge The Age of Ballyhoo Boulevard! A Hollywood Story Down Memory Lane Broadway Gossip No.2 What a Widow! Perfect Understanding Burke's Law Kraft Suspense Theatre The Beverly Hillbillies The Merv Griffin Show Straightaway The Hollywood Palace This Is Your Life Ben Casey The Steve Allen Show Dr. Kildare The Oscars Tonight Starring Jack Paar Arena The Mike Douglas Show Burke's Law The Ed Sullivan Show Hollywood V.I.P. Schaukel The Big Party The Carol Burnett Show Les Rendez-vous du dimanche What's My Line? The Dick Cavett Show The Alfred Hitchcock Hour