Joe DeNat The Mouse Exterminator The Graduation Exercises Peaceful Neighbors Park Your Baby The Flop House Happy Birthday The Pooch Parade The Way of All Pests Krazy Spooks Happy Birthday The Merry Cafe The Bon Bon Parade Mother Goose in Swingtime Scrappy's Boy Scouts Skeleton Frolic The Novelty Shop Spring Festival The Puppet Murder Case The Pet Shop The Concert Kid Camping Out The Great Experiment Gifts from the Air The Mad Hatter The Big Birdcast Mr. Elephant Goes to Town Light House Keeping Untrained Seal Scrappy's Dog Show The Merry Mutineers The Little Match Girl Make Believe Revue Dizzy Ducks Holiday Land The Air Hostess Crop Chasers Krazy's Bear Tale Scrappy's Added Attraction Snowtime The Shoemaker and the Elves School Boy Dreams Man of Tin Doctor Bluebird Love Krazy The Merry Mouse Cafe Practice Makes Perfect It Happened to Crusoe Mouse Meets Lion Hollywood Goes Krazy The Lone Mountie The New Homestead Happy Holidays Out of the Ether Movie Struck Beer Parade Happy Tots