The Wolf 2025
Dr. Zeigler-Wolf, a renowned crime novelist, joins a 70s-style murder show to promote his newest novel, but quickly notices strange coincidences from the show's host, Jeremy Palmer.
Dr. Zeigler-Wolf, a renowned crime novelist, joins a 70s-style murder show to promote his newest novel, but quickly notices strange coincidences from the show's host, Jeremy Palmer.
When an evil, greedy, no-good, very bad man pries the woman of his dreams from him, Sammy must go on a slapstick adventure in order to prevent the two from becoming engaged.
When a man on the brink of divorce is sent to a world outside of time, he must fight to retrieve a magical watch to get back home.
When an old friend enters her hair salon, a local hairdresser tries to talk to him about his life since their departure while cutting his hair, unaware of his dark secret.
When a young Alfonse Capone joins in with the Chicago mafia, he seeks to reform the ways in which they carry out their endeavors.
A new college graduate visits his girlfriend's house for Thanksgiving, only to quickly discover that her folks aren't your typical Southern family.
An ambitious teenager attempts to audition for the local musical against his drug lord dad’s wishes.