The Great Train Robbery

The Great Train Robbery 1903


After the train station clerk is assaulted and left bound and gagged, then the departing train and its passengers robbed, a posse goes in hot pursuit of the fleeing bandits.


Life of an American Fireman

Life of an American Fireman 1903


Porter's sequential continuity editing links several shots to form a narrative of firemen responding to a house fire. They leave the station with their horse drawn pumper, arrive on the scene, and effect the safe rescue of a woman from the burning house. But wait, she tells them of her child yet asleep in the burning bedroom...


The Monster

The Monster 1903


An Egyptian prince has lost his beloved wife and he has sought a dervish who dwells at the base of the sphinx.


The Kingdom of the Fairies

The Kingdom of the Fairies 1903


At the royal court, a prince is presenting the princess whom he is pledged to marry when a witch suddenly appears. Though driven off, the witch soon returns, summons some of her servants, and carries off the princess. A rescue party is quickly organized, but the unfortunate captive has been taken to a strange, forbidding realm, from where it will be impossible to rescue her without some special help.


The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ

The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ 1903


The story of Jesus Christ, from the proclamation of His Nativity to His Ascension into heaven. Impressive staging and beautiful hand-coloring distinguish the film from its Passion-play counterparts; Its scale and dynamic crowds prelude the Italian epics to come.


Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland 1903


This is the first movie version of the famous story. Alice dozes in a garden, awakened by a dithering white rabbit in waistcoat with pocket watch. She follows him down a hole and finds herself in a hall of many doors.


The Sick Kitten

The Sick Kitten 1903


A simple scene of two rather flamboyantly-dressed Edwardian children attempting to feed a spoonful of medicine to a sick kitten. The film is important for being one of the earliest films to cut to a close-up, then back again to the same medium shot as before.


The Infernal Cauldron

The Infernal Cauldron 1903


A green-skinned demon places a woman and two courtiers into a flaming cauldron.


Electrocuting an Elephant

Electrocuting an Elephant 1903


This is a film taken of the execution of Topsy, an elephant employed to help build Luna Park on Coney Island.


Jupiter's Thunderballs

Jupiter's Thunderballs 1903


With godly entrapments, Zeus appears on the horizon, engages Hermes as an audience, and tries to throw some thunderbolts. They fizzle. Hephaestus tries to make some repairs but succeeds only in heating the bolts and burning Zeus's hands. Zeus conjures nine muses, but do their incantations help? He dismisses them as well as a visiting Pan, and his fits of pique become counter-productive. Can he get his powers back?


The Magic Lantern

The Magic Lantern 1903


Two impish clowns construct a magic lantern. They prop it up at an angle, and use it to project pictures onto a wall. When the picture show ends, they open up the lantern to reveal a group of dancing girls inside - and this is only the first of the indications that this lantern really is magical.


The Melomaniac

The Melomaniac 1903


The leader of a marching band demonstrates an unusual way of writing music.


Mary Jane's Mishap

Mary Jane's Mishap 1903


Mary Jane tries to light the oven. When she's unsuccessful, she plays around, getting black boot polish on her face. She mugs before a mirror. Then, it's back to work. When the stove still won't light, she pours in paraffin, winks at the camera, and lights a match. Kaboom! Is there any rest for the foolish, even in the grave?


Faust in the Underworld

Faust in the Underworld 1903


The German legend of a scholar's unholy pact with the Devil would have been very familiar to most moviegoers (at least European ones), so Georges Méliès' early cinematic treatment likely got away with simply offering a fancifully illustrated late episode without the earlier narrative context (however, spoken narration provides some of the latter in this restored print). Tempted by Mephistopheles with all kinds of dancing and ethereal babes, Faust is at first excited and then terrified by the sight of various demons and monsters. The painted-set designers really went hog wild on this one, depicting the (sometimes sexy) torments of subterranean Hell with in bold terms (even when ballerinas prance in the foreground). (Dennis Harvey, Fandor)


Faust and Mephistopheles

Faust and Mephistopheles 1903


A re-telling of the classic tale of Faust in all of two minutes by French filmmaker Alice Guy.


An Extraordinary Cab Accident

An Extraordinary Cab Accident 1903


A man and a woman talk beside a street near a corner where a cop stands. Just as a horse-drawn cart rounds the corner, the man backs off the sidewalk saying good-by to his companion. The horse and cart flatten him and continue on, out of the camera's stationary range. The cop runs after the cab, the woman dashes to the body. The cop brings back the driver; is the victim dead?


Egyptian Fakir with Dancing Monkey

Egyptian Fakir with Dancing Monkey 1903


The fakir with his trick monkey is seated on the pavement in a street in Cairo. He plays a tom-tom, while the monkey dances the couchee-couchee. The movements of the monkey are very comical. (Taken on the winter cruise of the S. S. "Auguste Victoria" of the Hamburg-American Line, leaving New York on 03 Feb 1903.)


Living Sculptures: Film Study for Screen Artist

Living Sculptures: Film Study for Screen Artist 1903


A nude couple pose in an art studio on a square rug, while the camera does a circular traveling around them; the woman has her right knee on the floor and her right arm raised in front of her face, holding the man's thighs with her right, while the man is bent forward, as if looking in the distance.