Emery Hawkins The Thief and the Cobbler Wide Open Spaces Rabbit of Seville Mr. Duck Steps Out Donald's Dilemma Donald's Dream Voice 8 Ball Bunny Put-Put Troubles The Barber of Seville The Beach Nut The Dizzy Acrobat Woody Dines Out Hillbilly Hare Ration Bored Ski for Two Lovelorn Leghorn Canary Row Early to Bet Dough Ray Me-ow All a Bir-r-r-d The Egg Cracker Suite A Ham in a Role The Loose Nut The Reckless Driver Fair Weather Fiends Dog Gone South Lend a Paw Donald's Dog Laundry Timber A Gentleman's Gentleman How to Swim Canine Caddy French Rarebit What Makes Us Tick Dear Uncle Untrained Seal The Prize Pest Jitterbug Follies The Little Match Girl Petunia Natural Park It's Everybody's Business Working Dollars Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure Fish Fry The Tender Game A Bone for a Bone Bone Sweet Bone Manolin Totero A Smattering of Spots Leghorn Swoggled Riff Raffy Daffy Holiday for Drumsticks