Winds of September

Winds of September 2008


Lin Shu-Yu's semi auto-biographical debut takes us back to 1996, during the time of the tragic Taiwan baseball scandal, an event that devastated many teenage boys. The story follows Yen and Tang and their gang through the last year of their high school life. From chasing girls to midnight skinny dipping to rooting for their favorite baseball team, they do everything together. When an accident throws Yen into a coma, their world starts falling apart.


High Noon

High Noon 2008


The Hong Kong chapter of Eric Tsang's "Growing-up Trilogy" bears testimony to the saying: "The kindness of the gods is manifested in allowing young people to embark on life unprepared." Heiward Mak, the 23-year-old director whom people in the inner circle repute to be the next shining star of Hong Kong cinema, crafts a string of vignettes about seven young people about to sit for a major public exam. Clever, humorous, angry and dangerous, this is the Cruel Stories of Youth for the Me Generation of this century of globalization and mediocrity